diff --git a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/2-code-reading.md b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/2-code-reading.md
index 295964e8d..a7f9a3887 100644
--- a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/2-code-reading.md
+++ b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/2-code-reading.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Take a look at the following code:
Explain why line 4 and line 6 output different numbers.
+line 4 log x=2 as it's been defined as a local variable inside the curly brakets, line 6 log x=1 for the global variable that has been defiend in line 1
## Question 2
Take a look at the following code:
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ console.log(y)
What will be the output of this code. Explain your answer in 50 words or less.
+for the first log in line 27 the output should be 10 for the global variable x, line 31 output will be undefiend the function call is empty no thing has been passed to the function to process, line 32 log undefined since y has been defiend locally inside f1
## Question 3
@@ -46,18 +47,18 @@ function f1(val) {
return val;
+f1(x); this line will pass x value(10) to the function the out put for it will be 10 and it's going to be returned and not logged to the console.
+console.log(x); this line will log 9 the value of the global variable x;
-const y = { x: 9 };
+const y = { x: 9 }; we have the object y
function f2(val) {
val.x = val.x + 1;
return val;
+f2(y); the output for this line should be 10 and the value is returned and not logged to the console;
+console.log(y); it will log the object y ===> {x:9}
What will be the output of this code. Explain your answer in 50 words or less.
diff --git a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/index.html b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64191f593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ Wheather app
+ F°
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/script.js b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/script.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..151049114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+window.addEventListener('load', ()=> {
+ let long;
+ let lat;
+ let temperatureDescription = document.querySelector('.temperatur-description')
+ let temperatureDegree = document.querySelector('.temperature-degree')
+ let locationTimezone = document.querySelector('.location-timezone')
+ let temperatureSection = document.querySelector('.temperature')
+ let temperaturSpan = document.querySelector('.temperature span')
+ if(navigator.geolocation){
+ navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(positon => {
+ long = positon.coords.longitude
+ lat =positon.coords.latitude
+ const proxy = " https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/"
+ const api = `${proxy}https://api.darksky.net/forecast/fd9d9c6418c23d94745b836767721ad1/${lat},${long}`
+ fetch(api)
+ .then(data => data.json())
+ .then(data=> {
+ console.log(data)
+ const {temperature, summary, icon} = data.currently
+ //Set DOM Elements form the api
+ temperatureDegree.textContent = temperature
+ temperatureDescription.textContent = summary
+ locationTimezone.textContent = data.timezone
+ //formula for celsius
+ let celsius = (temperature - 32) * (5/9)
+ //Set Icons
+ setIcons(icon, document.querySelector('.icon'))
+ //Set degree to celsius/ Fahrenheit
+ temperatureSection.addEventListener('click', ()=>{
+ if(temperaturSpan.textContent === 'F°'){
+ temperaturSpan.textContent = 'C°'
+ temperatureDegree.textContent = Math.floor(celsius)
+ } else {
+ temperaturSpan.textContent = 'F°'
+ temperatureDegree.textContent = temperature
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ function setIcons (icon, iconID){
+ const skycons = new Skycons({color: 'white'})
+ const currentIcon = icon.replace(/-/g, '_').toUpperCase();
+ skycons.play();
+ return skycons.set(iconID, Skycons[currentIcon])
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/script2.js b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/script2.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0bd82814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/script2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+(function(global) {
+ "use strict";
+ /* Set up a RequestAnimationFrame shim so we can animate efficiently FOR
+ var requestInterval, cancelInterval;
+ (function() {
+ var raf = global.requestAnimationFrame ||
+ global.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ global.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ global.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ global.msRequestAnimationFrame ,
+ caf = global.cancelAnimationFrame ||
+ global.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||
+ global.mozCancelAnimationFrame ||
+ global.oCancelAnimationFrame ||
+ global.msCancelAnimationFrame ;
+ if(raf && caf) {
+ requestInterval = function(fn) {
+ var handle = {value: null};
+ function loop() {
+ handle.value = raf(loop);
+ fn();
+ }
+ loop();
+ return handle;
+ };
+ cancelInterval = function(handle) {
+ caf(handle.value);
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ requestInterval = setInterval;
+ cancelInterval = clearInterval;
+ }
+ }());
+ /* Catmull-rom spline stuffs. */
+ /*
+ function upsample(n, spline) {
+ var polyline = [],
+ len = spline.length,
+ bx = spline[0],
+ by = spline[1],
+ cx = spline[2],
+ cy = spline[3],
+ dx = spline[4],
+ dy = spline[5],
+ i, j, ax, ay, px, qx, rx, sx, py, qy, ry, sy, t;
+ for(i = 6; i !== spline.length; i += 2) {
+ ax = bx;
+ bx = cx;
+ cx = dx;
+ dx = spline[i ];
+ px = -0.5 * ax + 1.5 * bx - 1.5 * cx + 0.5 * dx;
+ qx = ax - 2.5 * bx + 2.0 * cx - 0.5 * dx;
+ rx = -0.5 * ax + 0.5 * cx ;
+ sx = bx ;
+ ay = by;
+ by = cy;
+ cy = dy;
+ dy = spline[i + 1];
+ py = -0.5 * ay + 1.5 * by - 1.5 * cy + 0.5 * dy;
+ qy = ay - 2.5 * by + 2.0 * cy - 0.5 * dy;
+ ry = -0.5 * ay + 0.5 * cy ;
+ sy = by ;
+ for(j = 0; j !== n; ++j) {
+ t = j / n;
+ polyline.push(
+ ((px * t + qx) * t + rx) * t + sx,
+ ((py * t + qy) * t + ry) * t + sy
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ polyline.push(
+ px + qx + rx + sx,
+ py + qy + ry + sy
+ );
+ return polyline;
+ }
+ function downsample(n, polyline) {
+ var len = 0,
+ i, dx, dy;
+ for(i = 2; i !== polyline.length; i += 2) {
+ dx = polyline[i ] - polyline[i - 2];
+ dy = polyline[i + 1] - polyline[i - 1];
+ len += Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ }
+ len /= n;
+ var small = [],
+ target = len,
+ min = 0,
+ max, t;
+ small.push(polyline[0], polyline[1]);
+ for(i = 2; i !== polyline.length; i += 2) {
+ dx = polyline[i ] - polyline[i - 2];
+ dy = polyline[i + 1] - polyline[i - 1];
+ max = min + Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ if(max > target) {
+ t = (target - min) / (max - min);
+ small.push(
+ polyline[i - 2] + dx * t,
+ polyline[i - 1] + dy * t
+ );
+ target += len;
+ }
+ min = max;
+ }
+ small.push(polyline[polyline.length - 2], polyline[polyline.length - 1]);
+ return small;
+ }
+ */
+ /* Define skycon things. */
+ /* FIXME: I'm *really really* sorry that this code is so gross. Really, I am.
+ * I'll try to clean it up eventually! Promise! */
+ var KEYFRAME = 500,
+ STROKE = 0.08,
+ TAU = 2.0 * Math.PI,
+ TWO_OVER_SQRT_2 = 2.0 / Math.sqrt(2);
+ function circle(ctx, x, y, r) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, TAU, false);
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ function line(ctx, ax, ay, bx, by) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(ax, ay);
+ ctx.lineTo(bx, by);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ function puff(ctx, t, cx, cy, rx, ry, rmin, rmax) {
+ var c = Math.cos(t * TAU),
+ s = Math.sin(t * TAU);
+ rmax -= rmin;
+ circle(
+ ctx,
+ cx - s * rx,
+ cy + c * ry + rmax * 0.5,
+ rmin + (1 - c * 0.5) * rmax
+ );
+ }
+ function puffs(ctx, t, cx, cy, rx, ry, rmin, rmax) {
+ var i;
+ for(i = 5; i--; )
+ puff(ctx, t + i / 5, cx, cy, rx, ry, rmin, rmax);
+ }
+ function cloud(ctx, t, cx, cy, cw, s, color) {
+ t /= 30000;
+ var a = cw * 0.21,
+ b = cw * 0.12,
+ c = cw * 0.24,
+ d = cw * 0.28;
+ ctx.fillStyle = color;
+ puffs(ctx, t, cx, cy, a, b, c, d);
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
+ puffs(ctx, t, cx, cy, a, b, c - s, d - s);
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
+ }
+ function sun(ctx, t, cx, cy, cw, s, color) {
+ t /= 120000;
+ var a = cw * 0.25 - s * 0.5,
+ b = cw * 0.32 + s * 0.5,
+ c = cw * 0.50 - s * 0.5,
+ i, p, cos, sin;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ ctx.lineWidth = s;
+ ctx.lineCap = "round";
+ ctx.lineJoin = "round";
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(cx, cy, a, 0, TAU, false);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ for(i = 8; i--; ) {
+ p = (t + i / 8) * TAU;
+ cos = Math.cos(p);
+ sin = Math.sin(p);
+ line(ctx, cx + cos * b, cy + sin * b, cx + cos * c, cy + sin * c);
+ }
+ }
+ function moon(ctx, t, cx, cy, cw, s, color) {
+ t /= 15000;
+ var a = cw * 0.29 - s * 0.5,
+ b = cw * 0.05,
+ c = Math.cos(t * TAU),
+ p = c * TAU / -16;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ ctx.lineWidth = s;
+ ctx.lineCap = "round";
+ ctx.lineJoin = "round";
+ cx += c * b;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(cx, cy, a, p + TAU / 8, p + TAU * 7 / 8, false);
+ ctx.arc(cx + Math.cos(p) * a * TWO_OVER_SQRT_2, cy + Math.sin(p) * a * TWO_OVER_SQRT_2, a, p + TAU * 5 / 8, p + TAU * 3 / 8, true);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ function rain(ctx, t, cx, cy, cw, s, color) {
+ t /= 1350;
+ var a = cw * 0.16,
+ b = TAU * 11 / 12,
+ c = TAU * 7 / 12,
+ i, p, x, y;
+ ctx.fillStyle = color;
+ for(i = 4; i--; ) {
+ p = (t + i / 4) % 1;
+ x = cx + ((i - 1.5) / 1.5) * (i === 1 || i === 2 ? -1 : 1) * a;
+ y = cy + p * p * cw;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(x, y - s * 1.5);
+ ctx.arc(x, y, s * 0.75, b, c, false);
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ }
+ function sleet(ctx, t, cx, cy, cw, s, color) {
+ t /= 750;
+ var a = cw * 0.1875,
+ i, p, x, y;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ ctx.lineWidth = s * 0.5;
+ ctx.lineCap = "round";
+ ctx.lineJoin = "round";
+ for(i = 4; i--; ) {
+ p = (t + i / 4) % 1;
+ x = Math.floor(cx + ((i - 1.5) / 1.5) * (i === 1 || i === 2 ? -1 : 1) * a) + 0.5;
+ y = cy + p * cw;
+ line(ctx, x, y - s * 1.5, x, y + s * 1.5);
+ }
+ }
+ function snow(ctx, t, cx, cy, cw, s, color) {
+ t /= 3000;
+ var a = cw * 0.16,
+ b = s * 0.75,
+ u = t * TAU * 0.7,
+ ux = Math.cos(u) * b,
+ uy = Math.sin(u) * b,
+ v = u + TAU / 3,
+ vx = Math.cos(v) * b,
+ vy = Math.sin(v) * b,
+ w = u + TAU * 2 / 3,
+ wx = Math.cos(w) * b,
+ wy = Math.sin(w) * b,
+ i, p, x, y;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ ctx.lineWidth = s * 0.5;
+ ctx.lineCap = "round";
+ ctx.lineJoin = "round";
+ for(i = 4; i--; ) {
+ p = (t + i / 4) % 1;
+ x = cx + Math.sin((p + i / 4) * TAU) * a;
+ y = cy + p * cw;
+ line(ctx, x - ux, y - uy, x + ux, y + uy);
+ line(ctx, x - vx, y - vy, x + vx, y + vy);
+ line(ctx, x - wx, y - wy, x + wx, y + wy);
+ }
+ }
+ function fogbank(ctx, t, cx, cy, cw, s, color) {
+ t /= 30000;
+ var a = cw * 0.21,
+ b = cw * 0.06,
+ c = cw * 0.21,
+ d = cw * 0.28;
+ ctx.fillStyle = color;
+ puffs(ctx, t, cx, cy, a, b, c, d);
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
+ puffs(ctx, t, cx, cy, a, b, c - s, d - s);
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
+ }
+ /*
+ var WIND_PATHS = [
+ downsample(63, upsample(8, [
+ -1.00, -0.28,
+ -0.75, -0.18,
+ -0.50, 0.12,
+ -0.20, 0.12,
+ -0.04, -0.04,
+ -0.07, -0.18,
+ -0.19, -0.18,
+ -0.23, -0.05,
+ -0.12, 0.11,
+ 0.02, 0.16,
+ 0.20, 0.15,
+ 0.50, 0.07,
+ 0.75, 0.18,
+ 1.00, 0.28
+ ])),
+ downsample(31, upsample(16, [
+ -1.00, -0.10,
+ -0.75, 0.00,
+ -0.50, 0.10,
+ -0.25, 0.14,
+ 0.00, 0.10,
+ 0.25, 0.00,
+ 0.50, -0.10,
+ 0.75, -0.14,
+ 1.00, -0.10
+ ]))
+ ];
+ */
+ var WIND_PATHS = [
+ [
+ -0.7500, -0.1800, -0.7219, -0.1527, -0.6971, -0.1225,
+ -0.6739, -0.0910, -0.6516, -0.0588, -0.6298, -0.0262,
+ -0.6083, 0.0065, -0.5868, 0.0396, -0.5643, 0.0731,
+ -0.5372, 0.1041, -0.5033, 0.1259, -0.4662, 0.1406,
+ -0.4275, 0.1493, -0.3881, 0.1530, -0.3487, 0.1526,
+ -0.3095, 0.1488, -0.2708, 0.1421, -0.2319, 0.1342,
+ -0.1943, 0.1217, -0.1600, 0.1025, -0.1290, 0.0785,
+ -0.1012, 0.0509, -0.0764, 0.0206, -0.0547, -0.0120,
+ -0.0378, -0.0472, -0.0324, -0.0857, -0.0389, -0.1241,
+ -0.0546, -0.1599, -0.0814, -0.1876, -0.1193, -0.1964,
+ -0.1582, -0.1935, -0.1931, -0.1769, -0.2157, -0.1453,
+ -0.2290, -0.1085, -0.2327, -0.0697, -0.2240, -0.0317,
+ -0.2064, 0.0033, -0.1853, 0.0362, -0.1613, 0.0672,
+ -0.1350, 0.0961, -0.1051, 0.1213, -0.0706, 0.1397,
+ -0.0332, 0.1512, 0.0053, 0.1580, 0.0442, 0.1624,
+ 0.0833, 0.1636, 0.1224, 0.1615, 0.1613, 0.1565,
+ 0.1999, 0.1500, 0.2378, 0.1402, 0.2749, 0.1279,
+ 0.3118, 0.1147, 0.3487, 0.1015, 0.3858, 0.0892,
+ 0.4236, 0.0787, 0.4621, 0.0715, 0.5012, 0.0702,
+ 0.5398, 0.0766, 0.5768, 0.0890, 0.6123, 0.1055,
+ 0.6466, 0.1244, 0.6805, 0.1440, 0.7147, 0.1630,
+ 0.7500, 0.1800
+ ],
+ [
+ -0.7500, 0.0000, -0.7033, 0.0195, -0.6569, 0.0399,
+ -0.6104, 0.0600, -0.5634, 0.0789, -0.5155, 0.0954,
+ -0.4667, 0.1089, -0.4174, 0.1206, -0.3676, 0.1299,
+ -0.3174, 0.1365, -0.2669, 0.1398, -0.2162, 0.1391,
+ -0.1658, 0.1347, -0.1157, 0.1271, -0.0661, 0.1169,
+ -0.0170, 0.1046, 0.0316, 0.0903, 0.0791, 0.0728,
+ 0.1259, 0.0534, 0.1723, 0.0331, 0.2188, 0.0129,
+ 0.2656, -0.0064, 0.3122, -0.0263, 0.3586, -0.0466,
+ 0.4052, -0.0665, 0.4525, -0.0847, 0.5007, -0.1002,
+ 0.5497, -0.1130, 0.5991, -0.1240, 0.6491, -0.1325,
+ 0.6994, -0.1380, 0.7500, -0.1400
+ ]
+ ],
+ {start: 0.36, end: 0.11},
+ {start: 0.56, end: 0.16}
+ ];
+ function leaf(ctx, t, x, y, cw, s, color) {
+ var a = cw / 8,
+ b = a / 3,
+ c = 2 * b,
+ d = (t % 1) * TAU,
+ e = Math.cos(d),
+ f = Math.sin(d);
+ ctx.fillStyle = color;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ ctx.lineWidth = s;
+ ctx.lineCap = "round";
+ ctx.lineJoin = "round";
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(x , y , a, d , d + Math.PI, false);
+ ctx.arc(x - b * e, y - b * f, c, d + Math.PI, d , false);
+ ctx.arc(x + c * e, y + c * f, b, d + Math.PI, d , true );
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
+ ctx.fill();
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ function swoosh(ctx, t, cx, cy, cw, s, index, total, color) {
+ t /= 2500;
+ var path = WIND_PATHS[index],
+ a = (t + index - WIND_OFFSETS[index].start) % total,
+ c = (t + index - WIND_OFFSETS[index].end ) % total,
+ e = (t + index ) % total,
+ b, d, f, i;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ ctx.lineWidth = s;
+ ctx.lineCap = "round";
+ ctx.lineJoin = "round";
+ if(a < 1) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ a *= path.length / 2 - 1;
+ b = Math.floor(a);
+ a -= b;
+ b *= 2;
+ b += 2;
+ ctx.moveTo(
+ cx + (path[b - 2] * (1 - a) + path[b ] * a) * cw,
+ cy + (path[b - 1] * (1 - a) + path[b + 1] * a) * cw
+ );
+ if(c < 1) {
+ c *= path.length / 2 - 1;
+ d = Math.floor(c);
+ c -= d;
+ d *= 2;
+ d += 2;
+ for(i = b; i !== d; i += 2)
+ ctx.lineTo(cx + path[i] * cw, cy + path[i + 1] * cw);
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ cx + (path[d - 2] * (1 - c) + path[d ] * c) * cw,
+ cy + (path[d - 1] * (1 - c) + path[d + 1] * c) * cw
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ for(i = b; i !== path.length; i += 2)
+ ctx.lineTo(cx + path[i] * cw, cy + path[i + 1] * cw);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ else if(c < 1) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ c *= path.length / 2 - 1;
+ d = Math.floor(c);
+ c -= d;
+ d *= 2;
+ d += 2;
+ ctx.moveTo(cx + path[0] * cw, cy + path[1] * cw);
+ for(i = 2; i !== d; i += 2)
+ ctx.lineTo(cx + path[i] * cw, cy + path[i + 1] * cw);
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ cx + (path[d - 2] * (1 - c) + path[d ] * c) * cw,
+ cy + (path[d - 1] * (1 - c) + path[d + 1] * c) * cw
+ );
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ if(e < 1) {
+ e *= path.length / 2 - 1;
+ f = Math.floor(e);
+ e -= f;
+ f *= 2;
+ f += 2;
+ leaf(
+ ctx,
+ t,
+ cx + (path[f - 2] * (1 - e) + path[f ] * e) * cw,
+ cy + (path[f - 1] * (1 - e) + path[f + 1] * e) * cw,
+ cw,
+ s,
+ color
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ var Skycons = function(opts) {
+ this.list = [];
+ this.interval = null;
+ this.color = opts && opts.color ? opts.color : "black";
+ this.resizeClear = !!(opts && opts.resizeClear);
+ };
+ Skycons.CLEAR_DAY = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h);
+ sun(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.5, s, s * STROKE, color);
+ };
+ Skycons.CLEAR_NIGHT = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h);
+ moon(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.5, s, s * STROKE, color);
+ };
+ Skycons.PARTLY_CLOUDY_DAY = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h);
+ sun(ctx, t, w * 0.625, h * 0.375, s * 0.75, s * STROKE, color);
+ cloud(ctx, t, w * 0.375, h * 0.625, s * 0.75, s * STROKE, color);
+ };
+ Skycons.PARTLY_CLOUDY_NIGHT = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h);
+ moon(ctx, t, w * 0.667, h * 0.375, s * 0.75, s * STROKE, color);
+ cloud(ctx, t, w * 0.375, h * 0.625, s * 0.75, s * STROKE, color);
+ };
+ Skycons.CLOUDY = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h);
+ cloud(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.5, s, s * STROKE, color);
+ };
+ Skycons.RAIN = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h);
+ rain(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.37, s * 0.9, s * STROKE, color);
+ cloud(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.37, s * 0.9, s * STROKE, color);
+ };
+ Skycons.SLEET = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h);
+ sleet(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.37, s * 0.9, s * STROKE, color);
+ cloud(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.37, s * 0.9, s * STROKE, color);
+ };
+ Skycons.SNOW = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h);
+ snow(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.37, s * 0.9, s * STROKE, color);
+ cloud(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.37, s * 0.9, s * STROKE, color);
+ };
+ Skycons.WIND = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h);
+ swoosh(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.5, s, s * STROKE, 0, 2, color);
+ swoosh(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.5, s, s * STROKE, 1, 2, color);
+ };
+ Skycons.FOG = function(ctx, t, color) {
+ var w = ctx.canvas.width,
+ h = ctx.canvas.height,
+ s = Math.min(w, h),
+ k = s * STROKE;
+ fogbank(ctx, t, w * 0.5, h * 0.32, s * 0.75, k, color);
+ t /= 5000;
+ var a = Math.cos((t ) * TAU) * s * 0.02,
+ b = Math.cos((t + 0.25) * TAU) * s * 0.02,
+ c = Math.cos((t + 0.50) * TAU) * s * 0.02,
+ d = Math.cos((t + 0.75) * TAU) * s * 0.02,
+ n = h * 0.936,
+ e = Math.floor(n - k * 0.5) + 0.5,
+ f = Math.floor(n - k * 2.5) + 0.5;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ ctx.lineWidth = k;
+ ctx.lineCap = "round";
+ ctx.lineJoin = "round";
+ line(ctx, a + w * 0.2 + k * 0.5, e, b + w * 0.8 - k * 0.5, e);
+ line(ctx, c + w * 0.2 + k * 0.5, f, d + w * 0.8 - k * 0.5, f);
+ };
+ Skycons.prototype = {
+ _determineDrawingFunction: function(draw) {
+ if(typeof draw === "string")
+ draw = Skycons[draw.toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, "_")] || null;
+ return draw;
+ },
+ add: function(el, draw) {
+ var obj;
+ if(typeof el === "string")
+ el = document.getElementById(el);
+ // Does nothing if canvas name doesn't exists
+ if(el === null || el === undefined)
+ return;
+ draw = this._determineDrawingFunction(draw);
+ // Does nothing if the draw function isn't actually a function
+ if(typeof draw !== "function")
+ return;
+ obj = {
+ element: el,
+ context: el.getContext("2d"),
+ drawing: draw
+ };
+ this.list.push(obj);
+ this.draw(obj, KEYFRAME);
+ },
+ set: function(el, draw) {
+ var i;
+ if(typeof el === "string")
+ el = document.getElementById(el);
+ for(i = this.list.length; i--; )
+ if(this.list[i].element === el) {
+ this.list[i].drawing = this._determineDrawingFunction(draw);
+ this.draw(this.list[i], KEYFRAME);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.add(el, draw);
+ },
+ remove: function(el) {
+ var i;
+ if(typeof el === "string")
+ el = document.getElementById(el);
+ for(i = this.list.length; i--; )
+ if(this.list[i].element === el) {
+ this.list.splice(i, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ },
+ draw: function(obj, time) {
+ var canvas = obj.context.canvas;
+ if(this.resizeClear)
+ canvas.width = canvas.width;
+ else
+ obj.context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ obj.drawing(obj.context, time, this.color);
+ },
+ play: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ this.pause();
+ this.interval = requestInterval(function() {
+ var now = Date.now(),
+ i;
+ for(i = self.list.length; i--; )
+ self.draw(self.list[i], now);
+ }, 1000 / 60);
+ },
+ pause: function() {
+ if(this.interval) {
+ cancelInterval(this.interval);
+ this.interval = null;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ global.Skycons = Skycons;
+ }(this));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/style.css b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..052a568d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/1-practice/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ }
+ body {
+ height: 100vh;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ align-items: center;
+ background: linear-gradient(rgb(0, 211, 211), rgb(0, 39, 51));
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ color: white;
+ }
+ .location,
+ .temperature {
+ height: 30vh;
+ width: 50%;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-around;
+ align-items: center;
+ }
+ .temperature {
+ flex-direction: column;
+ }
+ .degree-section {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ .degree-section span {
+ margin: 10px;
+ font-size: 30px;
+ }
+ .degree-section h2 {
+ font-size: 40px;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/1-shopping-cart.js b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/1-shopping-cart.js
index d58a05143..c12944d4b 100644
--- a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/1-shopping-cart.js
+++ b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/1-shopping-cart.js
@@ -11,9 +11,15 @@ The output of running your code should be:
class ShoppingCart {
// Add your code here
+ constructor(){
+ this.myCart = [] }
+ addItem(item){
+ return this.myCart.push(item);
+ }
cartContains() {
// Use console.log() to output everything contained in your cart
+ console.log(this.myCart)
diff --git a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/2-convertion.js b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/2-convertion.js
index d70ca4fcd..c27d0d172 100644
--- a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/2-convertion.js
+++ b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/2-convertion.js
@@ -22,6 +22,14 @@
// Write your code here
+class Person {
+ constructor(name){
+ this.name = name
+ }
+ greeting(){
+ console.log( `Hello my name is ${this.name} `)
+ }
// Do not edit this section
const simon = new Person("simon");
diff --git a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/3-atm.js b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/3-atm.js
index 768bce40e..24c62d37f 100644
--- a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/3-atm.js
+++ b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/3-atm.js
@@ -11,10 +11,33 @@
-class ATM {
- // Add your code here
+class ATM {
+ constructor(amount) {
+ this.amount = amount;
+ this.balance = 100;
+ }
+ make_deposit(amount) {
+ this.balance += amount;
+ console.log(`Your New Balance Is ${this.balance}`);
+ }
+ check_balance() {
+ console.log(`Your Balance Is ${this.balance}`);
+ }
+ make_withdrawl(amount) {
+ if (amount > this.balance || amount < 0) {
+ console.log(`Sorry You Dont Have Enough Money In Your Account`);
+ } else {
+ this.balance -= amount;
+ console.log(`Your New Balance Is ${this.balance}`);
+ }
+ }
+ }
let atm = new ATM(); // Create the ATM
diff --git a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/4-music-player.js b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/4-music-player.js
index b820e5bf3..fd17c46d6 100644
--- a/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/4-music-player.js
+++ b/week-9/Homework/mandatory/2-exercises/4-music-player.js
@@ -19,10 +19,41 @@ This means the order the songs are played in will be random, but each song will
class MusicPlayer {
// Add your code here
+ constructor(){
+ this.counterIndex
+ this.music = []
+ }
+add(song, artist){
+let addSong = {
+ song: song,
+ artist: artist
+ this.counterIndex = 0
+ if(this.music.length > 0 ){
+ console.log(`Currently playing: ${this.music[this.counterIndex].song} by ${this.music[this.counterIndex].artist}`)
+ } else {
+ console.log('Sorry there is no songs to play')
+ }
+if(this.counterIndex === this.music.length){this.counterIndex = 0}
+ console.log(`Currently playing: ${this.music[this.counterIndex].song} by ${this.music[this.counterIndex].artist}`);
+ this.counterIndex--
+ if(this.counterIndex < 0){this.counterIndex = this.music.length - 1}
+ console.log(`Currently playing: ${this.music[this.counterIndex].song} by ${this.music[this.counterIndex].artist}`);
let myMusicPlayer = new MusicPlayer(); // Create an empty playlist