- Clone the repo down to your local machine.
- Before servers are spun up you will need to run the initial tailwind script.
- In the client folder run npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./dist/output.css --watch in your terminal. You will be prompted to install Tailwind - Choose YES. This will run the inital css build. It will also leave it running and provide live compiles for any changes to styling.
- Open a new terminal and in the root run npm run docker-dev. This will spin up the containerized backend server and a localhost render on 8080.
- Login credentials for testing are email: tester@codehammers.com, password: ilovetesting
You will need to set up the .env file. This should include "NODE_ENV=development" as well as any database connection strings, api keys, seeder phrases as required.