$discord = new Discord($email_address, $password);
$channelId = '<channel_id>';
$content = 'Hello my friends <@user_id> and <@user_id>, check out the music I posted in <#channel_id>?';
$discord->api('channel')->messages()->create($channelId, $content);
Returns an array with the message details.
Text to speech for messages are defaulted to false. Add a third param set to true for TTS.
User mentions are auto linked with the following format<@userid>
Channel names are auto linked with the following format<#12345672424234>
$discord = new Discord($email_address, $password);
$channelId = '<channel_id>';
$messageId = '<message_id>';
$content = 'Hello my friend <@userid>, check out the music I posted in <#channel_id>?';
$discord->api('channel')->messages()->edit($channelId, $messageId, $content);
Can only edit your own messages.
$discord = new Discord($email_address, $password);
$channelId = '<channel_id>';
$messageId = '<message_id>';
$discord->api('channel')->messages()->delete($channelId, $messageId);
$discord = new Discord($email_address, $password);
$channelId = '<channel_id>';
$limit = 1;
$before = '<message_id>';
$after = '<message_id>';
$discord->api('channel')->messages()->show($channelId, $limit, $before, $after);
Returns an array of message(s).
Default limit is 50. Before and after parameters is optional.
The limit is 100 messages per request.