data "aws_subnet" "subnet" { id = var.aws_subnet_id } data "template_file" "services_user_data" { template = file("templates/services_user_data.tpl") vars = { circle_secret_passphrase = var.circle_secret_passphrase sqs_queue_url = module.shutdown_sqs.sqs_id s3_bucket = aws_region = var.aws_region subnet_id = var.aws_subnet_id vm_sg_id = http_proxy = var.http_proxy https_proxy = var.https_proxy no_proxy = var.no_proxy } } data "template_file" "circleci_policy" { template = file("templates/circleci_policy.tpl") vars = { aws_partition = var.enable_govcloud == true ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws" bucket_arn = aws_s3_bucket.circleci_bucket.arn sqs_queue_arn = module.shutdown_sqs.sqs_arn role_name = role_path = aws_iam_role.circleci_role.path aws_region = var.aws_region } } data "template_file" "output" { template = file("templates/output.tpl") vars = { services_public_ip = ssh_key = var.aws_ssh_key_name } } # Access Secret Key and ID should be set using envvars # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY provider "aws" { access_key = var.aws_access_key secret_key = var.aws_secret_key region = var.aws_region } module "shutdown_sqs" { source = "./modules/aws_sqs" name = "shutdown" prefix = var.prefix } # Single general-purpose bucket resource "aws_s3_bucket" "circleci_bucket" { # VPC ID is used here to make bucket name globally unique(ish) while # uuid/ignore_changes have some lingering issues bucket = "${replace(var.prefix, "_", "-")}-bucket-${replace(var.aws_vpc_id, "vpc-", "")}" cors_rule { allowed_methods = ["GET"] allowed_origins = ["*"] max_age_seconds = 3600 } force_destroy = var.force_destroy_s3_bucket } ## IAM for instances resource "aws_iam_role" "circleci_role" { name = "${var.prefix}_role" path = "/" assume_role_policy = file("files/circleci_role.json") } resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "circleci_policy" { name = "${var.prefix}_policy" role = policy = data.template_file.circleci_policy.rendered } resource "aws_iam_instance_profile" "circleci_profile" { name = "${var.prefix}_profile" role = } ## Configure the services machine resource "aws_security_group" "circleci_builders_sg" { name = "${var.prefix}_builders_sg" description = "SG for CircleCI Builder instances" vpc_id = var.aws_vpc_id ingress { self = true from_port = 0 to_port = 0 protocol = "-1" } egress { from_port = 0 to_port = 0 protocol = "-1" cidr_blocks = [""] } } resource "aws_security_group" "circleci_services_sg" { name = "${var.prefix}_services_sg" description = "SG for CircleCI services/database instances" vpc_id = var.aws_vpc_id ingress { security_groups = [] protocol = "-1" from_port = 0 to_port = 0 } egress { from_port = 0 to_port = 0 protocol = "-1" cidr_blocks = [""] } # If using (not GitHub Enterprise) whitelist GitHub cidr block # # #ingress { # cidr_blocks = [""] # protocol = "tcp" # from_port = 443 # to_port = 443 #} #ingress { # cidr_blocks = [""] # protocol = "tcp" # from_port = 80 # to_port = 80 #} } resource "aws_security_group" "circleci_builders_admin_sg" { name = "${var.prefix}_builders_admin_sg" description = "SG for services to masters communication - avoids circular dependency" vpc_id = var.aws_vpc_id ingress { security_groups = [] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 443 to_port = 443 } } # # This should be configured by admins to restrict access to machines # TODO: Make this more extensible # resource "aws_security_group" "circleci_users_sg" { name = "${var.prefix}_users_sg" description = "SG representing users of CircleCI Enterprise" vpc_id = var.aws_vpc_id ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 22 to_port = 22 } # For Web traffic to services ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 80 to_port = 80 } ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 443 to_port = 443 } ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 8800 to_port = 8800 } # For Nomad server in 2.0 clustered installation ingress { cidr_blocks = [data.aws_subnet.subnet.cidr_block] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 4647 to_port = 4647 } # For output-processor in 2.0 clustered installation ingress { cidr_blocks = [data.aws_subnet.subnet.cidr_block] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 8585 to_port = 8585 } # For embedded storage in 2.0 clustered installation ingress { cidr_blocks = [data.aws_subnet.subnet.cidr_block] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 7171 to_port = 7171 } # For build-agent to talk to vm-service ingress { cidr_blocks = [data.aws_subnet.subnet.cidr_block] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 3001 to_port = 3001 } # For SSH traffic to builder boxes # TODO: Update once services box has ngrok ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 64535 to_port = 65535 } } resource "aws_security_group" "circleci_vm_sg" { name = "${var.prefix}_vm_sg" description = "SG for VMs allocated by CircleCI for Remote Docker and machine executor" vpc_id = var.aws_vpc_id ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 22 to_port = 22 } # For Web traffic to services ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 2376 to_port = 2376 } # For SSHing into 2.0 build ingress { cidr_blocks = [""] protocol = "tcp" from_port = 54782 to_port = 54782 } egress { from_port = 0 to_port = 0 protocol = "-1" cidr_blocks = [""] } } resource "aws_instance" "services" { instance_type = var.services_instance_type ami = var.services_ami != "" ? var.services_ami : var.ubuntu_ami[var.aws_region] key_name = var.aws_ssh_key_name subnet_id = var.aws_subnet_id associate_public_ip_address = true disable_api_termination = var.services_disable_api_termination iam_instance_profile = vpc_security_group_ids = [,, ] tags = { Name = "${var.prefix}_services" } root_block_device { volume_type = "gp2" volume_size = "150" delete_on_termination = var.services_delete_on_termination } user_data = var.services_user_data_enabled ? data.template_file.services_user_data.rendered : "" lifecycle { prevent_destroy = false } } resource "aws_route53_record" "services_route" { count = var.enable_route zone_id = var.route_zone_id name = var.route_name type = "A" ttl = "300" records = [] } ## Builders ASG module "legacy_builder_user_data" { source = "./modules/legacy-builder-cloudinit-ubuntu-docker-v1" services_private_ip = circle_secret_passphrase = var.circle_secret_passphrase https_proxy = var.https_proxy http_proxy = var.http_proxy no_proxy = var.no_proxy } module "legacy_builder" { source = "./modules/legacy-builder" prefix = var.prefix name = "builders" aws_subnet_id = var.aws_subnet_id aws_ssh_key_name = var.aws_ssh_key_name aws_instance_profile_name = builder_security_group_ids = [,,, ] asg_max_size = var.max_builders_count asg_min_size = 0 asg_desired_size = var.desired_builders_count user_data = module.legacy_builder_user_data.rendered delete_volume_on_termination = var.services_delete_on_termination image_id = var.ubuntu_ami[var.aws_region] instance_type = var.builder_instance_type spot_price = var.legacy_builder_spot_price shutdown_queue_target_sqs_arn = module.shutdown_sqs.sqs_arn shutdown_queue_role_arn = module.shutdown_sqs.queue_role_arn } module "nomad" { source = "./modules/nomad" enabled = var.enable_nomad prefix = var.prefix instance_type = var.nomad_client_instance_type aws_vpc_id = var.aws_vpc_id aws_subnet_id = var.aws_subnet_id aws_ssh_key_name = var.aws_ssh_key_name http_proxy = var.http_proxy https_proxy = var.https_proxy no_proxy = var.no_proxy ami_id = var.services_ami != "" ? var.services_ami : var.ubuntu_ami[var.aws_region] aws_subnet_cidr_block = data.aws_subnet.subnet.cidr_block services_private_ip = } output "success_message" { value = data.template_file.output.rendered } output "install_url" { value = "http://${}/" } output "ssh-services" { value = "ssh ubuntu@${}" }