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Deep dive into Substrate consensus - Part 1. |
2023-10-31 |
cenwadike |
2h |
advanced |
Blockchains essentially record data in multiple computers and serve this data in a manner that mimics a single computer. As a result, it needs an approach to ensure that recorded data at any given point in time will continue to exist without any modification.
A consensus mechanism describes who can permanently record data, and provides guarantee that the data will continue to exist in its original form.
In this guide, we will review important blockchain consensus concepts and navigate how a couple of consensus components are implemented in Substrate. We will highlight some code and explain how different components fit together.
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Detailed articles about consensus mechanisms used in Substrate have been provided here and here. In this section, we will highlight some important concepts relevant to general concept of consensus and briefly mention out-of-box consensus mechanisms made available in Substrate.
Consensus mechanisms describe how the state transition changes reach some form of guarantee. This guarantee provides the base of trust in the correctness of data on a blockchain. Because this guarantee of correctness involves some form of corporative participation between different nodes in the blockchain, consensus mechanisms are tightly connected to how active, or alive a network is. A blockchain is said to be lively if it is currently executing transactions and adding changes from processed transactions to the blockchain.
We may be able to see that consensus has a couple of mandates it must satisfy to ensure data security and a lively blockchain. Because the majority of data stored on a blockchain is related to the transfer of value, data security is equivalent to value security. A consensus bug can be fatal and in the best of cases can halt transaction processing and can be difficult to recover from without a full network reboot.
In a nutshell, blockchain defines the following:
- What a valid chain is.
- Who can add a block to a valid chain.
- How to solve chain fork and recovery after partial or total network outage.
Substrate consensus implementation strategy decouples (2) form (1) and (3).
Who can add a new block
is a question of who has the authority to "pen down"
a block into the valid chain. Substrate offers two production-ready consensus
authority modules BABE and AURA which can be used differently to grant
authority to a node that can add a new block.
What is considered a valid chain is handled in Substrate by GRANDPA.
GRANDPA is a finality gadget used by Substrate to define
what a valid chain is
and what chain a node should build it chain from in
case of a network outage.
More details on AURA, BABE, and GRANDPA are discussed in subsequent sections here and here.
Dive into how transactions are executed in our guide here
Transactions are grouped together and collectively stored as blocks. Every node can create blocks and execute transactions, however, only full nodes participate in consensus. At the end of a specified duration of time, a full node under specific conditions may be authorized to add the next block. The added block is recognized as the latest block of the valid chain. The node that adds a block is said to be the author of the block.
Usually, when a full node joins the blockchain network, its identity may be added to a list of identities that can be selected to author a block. The specifics of who gets added to this list and how members of the list are selected are defined by the authoring protocols.
Substrate modular structure allows developers to use customized authoring protocols implemented in part as FRAME pallets. The out-the-box block authoring mechanisms provided by Substrate include:
- Authority-based round-robin scheduling
- Blind assignment of blockchain extension (BABE) slot-based scheduling.
- Proof of work computation-based scheduling.
The specific duration of time before the next block authoring may be referred to as Block Time and Slot, and by default is 6sec in Substrate.
It is important that although the default block time is 6 sec, block execution and authoring usually take less than 6sec. If you intended this value, you can check for MILLISECS_PER_BLOCK in
Ensure you thoroughly your runtime if you modify this value on the minimum hardware for your node.
Check out how to benchmark runtime pallets here
Aura (Authority-round) works by having a list of authorities A who are expected to roughly agree on the current time. Time is divided up into discrete slots of t seconds each. For each slot, the author of that slot is a node in the authority list. The author is allowed to issue one block but not more during that slot, and it will be built upon the longest valid chain that has been seen.
Aura is implemented across two crates; sc_consensus_aura
. sc_consensus_aura
crate contains the outer client
specifications of Aura while pallet_aura
is a runtime extension of Aura.
primarily handles how blocks are handled. This includes starting an Aura worker,
importing Blocks from the Block queue, block verification, and view calls to
runtime for the authority list. During the slot of a node, it is this part of
the Substrate client that carries out the actual block authoring and propagation.
handles how
authorities are selected for a slot. This includes authority rotation and
authority validation. This pallet uses the on_initialize hook to ensure a
current authority list like so:
// -------------snip----------
pub struct Pallet<T>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
fn on_initialize(_: T::BlockNumber) -> Weight {
if let Some(new_slot) = Self::current_slot_from_digests() {
let current_slot = CurrentSlot::<T>::get();
assert!(current_slot < new_slot, "Slot must increase");
if let Some(n_authorities) = <Authorities<T>>::decode_len() {
let authority_index = *new_slot % n_authorities as u64;
if T::DisabledValidators::is_disabled(authority_index as u32) {
"Validator with index {:?} is disabled and should not be attempting to author blocks.",
// TODO [#3398] Generate offence report for all authorities that skipped their
// slots.
T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(2, 1)
} else {
// -------------snip----------
Aura is the default block authoring mechanism of Substrate node template.
You can check out how exactly blocks are propagated within a blockchain network here We also demonstrated how you can use your custom hooks here
BABE (Blind Assignment for Blockchain Extension) is a slot-based block production mechanism that uses a verifiable random function (VRF) to perform slot allocation. On every slot, all the authorities generate a new random number with the VRF, and if it is lower than a given threshold (which is proportional to their weight/stake) they have a right to produce a block. The proof of the VRF function execution will be used by other peers to validate the legitimacy of the slot claim.
Similar to Aura, BABE is implemented across two crates; the
crate contains the outer client specifications of BABE
while pallet_babe
is a runtime extension of BABE.
handles block-specific operations including block propagation, block
verification, and adding new blocks to the valid chains of blocks. It also
handles slot-specific operations including random value requests from
, slot claiming, and epoch changes storage. It is also the
workers that orchestrate BABE block authoring operations
including BABE consensus key handling.
on-chain randomness from VRF and handles epoch transitions by the outer client.
It initializes and maintains the current list of authorities.
The main actions of pallet_babe
are triggered at the beginning and end of a
block execution like so:
// -------------snip-------------
impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
/// Initialization
fn on_initialize(now: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
/// Block finalization
fn on_finalize(_n: BlockNumberFor<T>) {
// at the end of the block, we can safely include the new VRF output
// from this block into the under-construction randomness. If we've determined
// that this block was the first in a new epoch, the changeover logic has
// already occurred at this point, so the under-construction randomness
// will only contain outputs from the right epoch.
if let Some(Some(randomness)) = Initialized::<T>::take() {
// remove temporary "environment" entry from storage
// -------------snip-------------
fn do_initialize(now: T::BlockNumber) {
// since do_initialize can be called twice (if session module is present)
// => let's ensure that we only modify the storage once per block
let initialized = Self::initialized().is_some();
if initialized {
let maybe_pre_digest: Option<PreDigest> =
.filter_map(|s| s.as_pre_runtime())
.filter_map(|(id, mut data)| {
if id == BABE_ENGINE_ID {
PreDigest::decode(&mut data).ok()
} else {
let is_primary = matches!(maybe_pre_digest, Some(PreDigest::Primary(..)));
let maybe_randomness: MaybeRandomness = maybe_pre_digest.and_then(|digest| {
// on the first non-zero block (i.e. block #1)
// this is where the first epoch (epoch #0) actually starts.
// we need to adjust internal storage accordingly.
if *GenesisSlot::<T>::get() == 0 {
debug_assert_ne!(*GenesisSlot::<T>::get(), 0);
// deposit a log because this is the first block in epoch #0
// we use the same values as genesis because we haven't collected any
// randomness yet.
let next = NextEpochDescriptor {
authorities: Self::authorities(),
randomness: Self::randomness(),
// the slot number of the current block being initialized
let current_slot = digest.slot();
// how many slots were skipped between current and last block
let lateness = current_slot.saturating_sub(CurrentSlot::<T>::get() + 1);
let lateness = T::BlockNumber::from(*lateness as u32);
let authority_index = digest.authority_index();
if T::DisabledValidators::is_disabled(authority_index) {
"Validator with index {:?} is disabled and should not be attempting to author blocks.",
// Extract out the VRF output if we have it
digest.vrf_output().and_then(|vrf_output| {
// Reconstruct the bytes of VRFInOut using the authority id.
.get(authority_index as usize)
.and_then(|author| schnorrkel::PublicKey::from_bytes(author.0.as_slice()).ok())
.and_then(|pubkey| {
let transcript = sp_consensus_babe::make_transcript(
vrf_output.0.attach_input_hash(&pubkey, transcript).ok()
.map(|inout| inout.make_bytes(&sp_consensus_babe::BABE_VRF_INOUT_CONTEXT))
// For primary VRF output we place it in the `Initialized` storage
// item and it'll be put onto the under-construction randomness later,
// once we've decided which epoch this block is in.
Initialized::<T>::put(if is_primary { maybe_randomness } else { None });
// Place either the primary or secondary VRF output into the
// `AuthorVrfRandomness` storage item.
// enact epoch change, if necessary.
// -------------snip-------------
We were able to get a firm grasp of the concept of blockchain consensus especially how the block authoring works within the framework of Substrate. We appreciated how Substrate implemented out-of-the-box block authoring mechanisms and gained insight into relevant Substrate consensus modules.
We developed an understanding of the following:
- Why blockchains need consensus.
- Functional components of a consensus mechanism.
- Aura implementation.
- BABE implementation.
To learn more about substrate consensus, check out these resources:
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