Describe ability to develop and run integration tests for ChannelFinder API with Docker.
In other words, how to use src/test/java
to test src/main/java
with integration tests using Docker.
ChannelFinder with Elasticsearch together with the environment in which the applications run, is complex and usually heavily relied on by other applications and environments. Outside interface is to ChannelFinder but ChannelFinder and Elasticsearch go together. Therefore, there is need to test ChannelFinder and Elasticsearch together.
It is possible to test ChannelFinder API by running ChannelFinder and Elasticsearch applications together as Docker containers and executing a series of requests and commands to test their behavior. This tutorial will show how it works and give examples.
- Docker - engine 18.06.0+ or later, compose 2.21.0 or later, compose file version 3.7 to be supported
- JUnit 5
- Testcontainers
- folder
and packageorg.phoebus.channelfinder.docker
- docker-compose-integrationtest.yml
- Dockerfile.integrationtest
void channelfinderUp()
- verify that ChannelFinder is up and running
- Http request (GET) is run towards ChannelFinder base url and response code is verified to be 200
void handleProperty()
- verify behavior for single property that include commands - list, create property, list, retrieve, delete (unauthorized), delete, list
- a series of Http requests (GET) and curl commands (POST, PUT, DELETE) are run towards the application to test behavior
void handleChannels3QueryByPattern()
- set up test fixture - properties, tags, channels, channels with properties & tags
- query by pattern - search for a list of channels based on their name, tags, and/or properties
- tear down test fixture - reverse to set up
- a series of Http requests (GET) and curl commands (POST, PUT, DELETE) are run towards the application to test behavior
Integration tests are implemented in test class annotated with @Testcontainers
. Test class starts a docker container for the application (ChannelFinder service) and another docker container for elastic (Elasticsearch) through docker-compose-integrationtest.yml
and Dockerfile.integrationtest
after which JUnit tests are run.
class ChannelFinderIT {
public static final ComposeContainer ENVIRONMENT = ITUtil.defaultComposeContainers();
void channelfinderUp() {
try {
int responseCode = ITUtil.sendRequestStatusCode(ITUtil.HTTP_IP_PORT_CHANNELFINDER);
assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, responseCode);
} catch (Exception e) {
Http requests (GET) and curl commands (POST, PUT, DELETE) are run towards the application to test behavior (read, list, query, create, update, remove) and replies are received and checked if content is as expected.
There are tests for properties, tags and channels separately and in combination.
- Docker containers (ChannelFinder, Elasticsearch) are shared for tests within test class. Order in which tests are run is not known. Therefore, each test is to leave ChannelFinder, Elasticsearch in a clean state to not disturb other tests.
class ChannelFinderPropertiesIT {
static Property property_p1_owner_o1;
public static final ComposeContainer ENVIRONMENT = ITUtil.defaultComposeContainers();
public static void setupObjects() {
property_p1_owner_o1 = new Property("p1", "o1", null);
public static void tearDownObjects() {
property_p1_owner_o1 = null;
* Test {@link org.phoebus.channelfinder.CFResourceDescriptors#PROPERTY_RESOURCE_URI}.
void handleProperty() {
// what
// user with required role PropertyMod
// create property
// list, create property, list, retrieve, delete (unauthorized), delete, list
try {
ITUtilProperties.assertCreateReplaceProperty(AuthorizationChoice.ADMIN, "/t1", property_p1_owner_o1);
ITUtilProperties.assertListProperties(1, property_p1_owner_o1);
ITUtilProperties.assertRetrieveProperty("/p1", property_p1_owner_o1);
ITUtilProperties.assertRetrieveProperty("/p1?withChannels=true", property_p1_owner_o1);
ITUtilProperties.assertRetrieveProperty("/p1?withChannels=false", property_p1_owner_o1);
ITUtilProperties.assertRemoveProperty(AuthorizationChoice.NONE, "/p1", HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
ITUtilProperties.assertRemoveProperty(AuthorizationChoice.USER, "/p1", HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
ITUtilProperties.assertRemoveProperty(AuthorizationChoice.ADMIN, "/p1", HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
} catch (Exception e) {
The test environment is started with through test class annotated with @Testcontainers
and constant ENVIRONMENT
annotated with @Container
. Containers are started (Ryuk, ChannelFinder, Elasticsearch). Then one time setup is run (method annotated with @BeforeAll
), after which individual tests are run (methods annotated with @Test
) after which one time tear down is run (method annotated with @AfterAll
). Finally tasks are done and test class is closed.
Note the extensive use of test utility classes (in more detail below) in which are shared code for common tasks.
- authorization
- serialization and deserialization of properties, tags and channels
- Http requests (GET) and curl commands (POST, PUT, DELETE) corresponding to endpoints in ChannelFinder API
- assert response
- A GET request is made to ChannelFinder to list all properties and ensure there are no properties available.
- A PUT request is made to ChannelFinder to create the property listed by the path parameter. Request is made with ADMIN authority.
- A GET request is made to ChannelFinder to list all properties and ensure there is one (given) property available.
- A GET request is made to ChannelFinder to retrieve property with given name.
- A GET request is made to ChannelFinder to retrieve property with given name with associated channel information.
- A GET request is made to ChannelFinder to retrieve property with given name without associated channel information.
- A DELETE request is made to ChannelFinder to delete property. Request is made without authority.
- A DELETE request is made to ChannelFinder to delete property. Request is made with USER authority.
- A DELETE request is made to ChannelFinder to delete property. Request is made with ADMIN authority.
- A GET request is made to ChannelFinder to list all properties and ensure there are no properties available.
- 1, 3, 10 - Request corresponds to PropertyManager method
public Iterable<Property> list() {
- 2 - Request corresponds to PropertyManager method
public Property create(@PathVariable("propertyName") String propertyName, @RequestBody Property property) {
- 4, 5, 6 - Request corresponds to PropertyManager method
public Property read(@PathVariable("propertyName") String propertyName,
@RequestParam(value = "withChannels", defaultValue = "true") boolean withChannels) {
- 7, 8, 9 - Request corresponds to PropertyManager method
public void remove(@PathVariable("propertyName") String propertyName) {
See src/test/java
and org.phoebus.channelfinder.docker
- files with suffix
See src/test/java
and org.phoebus.channelfinder.docker
- files with prefix ITTestFixture
- files with prefix ITUtil
With the help of test utitilies, the tests themselves may be simplified and made more clear.
public class ITUtilChannels {
public static Channel[] assertListChannels(int expectedEqual) {
return assertListChannels("", HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, expectedEqual, expectedEqual, CHANNELS_NULL);
public static Channel[] assertListChannels(int expectedEqual, Channel... expected) {
return assertListChannels("", HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, expectedEqual, expectedEqual, expected);
public static Channel[] assertListChannels(String queryString, Channel... expected) {
return assertListChannels(queryString, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, -1, -1, expected);
public static Channel[] assertListChannels(String queryString, int expectedEqual) {
return assertListChannels(queryString, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, expectedEqual, expectedEqual, CHANNELS_NULL);
public static Channel[] assertListChannels(String queryString, int responseCode, int expectedEqual) {
return assertListChannels(queryString, responseCode, expectedEqual, expectedEqual, CHANNELS_NULL);
* Utility method to return the list of channels which match all given expressions, i.e. the expressions are combined in a logical AND.
* @param queryString query string
* @param responseCode response code
* @param expectedGreaterThanOrEqual (if non-negative number) greater than or equal to this number of items
* @param expectedLessThanOrEqual (if non-negative number) less than or equal to this number of items
* @param expected expected response channels
* @return number of channels
public static Channel[] assertListChannels(String queryString, int responseCode, int expectedGreaterThanOrEqual, int expectedLessThanOrEqual, Channel... expected) {
Channel[] actual = null;
try {
String[] response = ITUtil.sendRequest(ITUtil.HTTP_IP_PORT_CHANNELFINDER_RESOURCES_CHANNELS + queryString);
ITUtil.assertResponseLength2Code(response, responseCode);
if (HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK == responseCode) {
actual = mapper.readValue(response[1], Channel[].class);
// expected number of items in list
// (if non-negative number)
// expectedGreaterThanOrEqual <= nbr of items <= expectedLessThanOrEqual
if (expectedGreaterThanOrEqual >= 0) {
assertTrue(actual.length >= expectedGreaterThanOrEqual);
if (expectedLessThanOrEqual >= 0) {
assertTrue(actual.length <= expectedLessThanOrEqual);
if (expected != null) {
assertEqualsChannels(actual, expected);
} catch (Exception e) {
return actual;
Above methods can be used like shown below.
public class ChannelFinderChannelsIT {
void handleChannels3QueryByPattern() {
ITUtilChannels.assertListChannels("?~name=asdf", 0);
ITUtilChannels.assertListChannels("?~name=ABC:DEF-GHI:JKL:001", ITTestFixture.channel_ghi001_properties_tags);
- (Re) Build after change in
is needed in order for change to be tested asDockerfile.integrationtest
relies on built code. - Configuration in folder
and packageorg.phoebus.channelfinder.docker
, e.g. urls and port numbers, is coupled to filesDockerfile.integrationtest
). - Both positive and negative tests are important to ensure validation works as expected.