import { Color } from "../../Source/Cesium.js"; import { EasingFunction } from "../../Source/Cesium.js"; import { TweenCollection } from "../../Source/Cesium.js"; describe( "Scene/TweenCollection", function () { it("add() adds a tween", function () { const startObject = { value: 0.0, }; const stopObject = { value: 1.0, }; function update(value) {} function complete() {} function cancel() {} const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const tween = tweens.add({ startObject: startObject, stopObject: stopObject, duration: 1.0, delay: 0.5, easingFunction: EasingFunction.QUADRATIC_IN, update: update, complete: complete, cancel: cancel, }); expect(tween.startObject).toEqual(startObject); expect(tween.stopObject).toEqual(stopObject); expect(tween.duration).toEqual(1.0); expect(tween.delay).toEqual(0.5); expect(tween.easingFunction).toEqual(EasingFunction.QUADRATIC_IN); expect(tween.update).toBe(update); expect(tween.complete).toBe(complete); expect(tween.cancel).toBe(cancel); }); it("add() adds a tween with defaults", function () { const startObject = { value: 0.0, }; const stopObject = { value: 1.0, }; const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const tween = tweens.add({ startObject: startObject, stopObject: stopObject, duration: 1.0, }); expect(tween.startObject).toEqual(startObject); expect(tween.stopObject).toEqual(stopObject); expect(tween.duration).toEqual(1.0); expect(tween.delay).toEqual(0.0); expect(tween.easingFunction).toEqual(EasingFunction.LINEAR_NONE); expect(tween.update).not.toBeDefined(); expect(tween.complete).not.toBeDefined(); expect(tween.cancel).not.toBeDefined(); }); it("add() adds with a duration of zero", function () { const complete = jasmine.createSpy("complete"); const tweens = new TweenCollection(); tweens.add({ startObject: {}, stopObject: {}, duration: 0.0, complete: complete, }); expect(tweens.length).toEqual(0); expect(complete).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("add() throws without startObject", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); expect(function () { tweens.add({ stopObject: {}, duration: 1.0, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("add() throws without stopObject", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); expect(function () { tweens.add({ startObject: {}, duration: 1.0, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("add() throws without duration", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); expect(function () { tweens.add({ startObject: {}, stopObject: {}, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("add() throws with negative duration", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); expect(function () { tweens.add({ startObject: {}, stopObject: {}, duration: -1.0, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("cancelTween() cancels a tween", function () { const cancel = jasmine.createSpy("cancel"); const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const tween = tweens.add({ startObject: {}, stopObject: {}, duration: 1.0, cancel: cancel, }); expect(tweens.length).toEqual(1); tween.cancelTween(); expect(cancel).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tweens.length).toEqual(0); }); it("remove() removes a tween", function () { const cancel = jasmine.createSpy("cancel"); const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const tween = tweens.add({ startObject: {}, stopObject: {}, duration: 1.0, cancel: cancel, }); expect(tweens.length).toEqual(1); expect(tweens.contains(tween)).toEqual(true); let b = tweens.remove(tween); expect(b).toEqual(true); expect(tweens.length).toEqual(0); expect(tweens.contains(tween)).toEqual(false); expect(cancel).toHaveBeenCalled(); b = tweens.remove(tween); expect(b).toEqual(false); }); it("removeAll() removes a tween", function () { const cancel = jasmine.createSpy("cancel"); const tweens = new TweenCollection(); tweens.add({ startObject: {}, stopObject: {}, duration: 1.0, cancel: cancel, }); tweens.add({ startObject: {}, stopObject: {}, duration: 1.0, cancel: cancel, }); expect(tweens.length).toEqual(2); tweens.removeAll(); expect(tweens.length).toEqual(0); expect(cancel.calls.count()).toEqual(2); }); it("contains() throws without an index", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); expect(function () { return tweens.get(); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("get() returns a tween", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const tween = tweens.add({ startObject: {}, stopObject: {}, duration: 1.0, }); const anotherTween = tweens.add({ startObject: {}, stopObject: {}, duration: 1.0, }); expect(tweens.get(0)).toBe(tween); expect(tweens.get(1)).toBe(anotherTween); }); it("update() animates a tween", function () { const update = jasmine.createSpy("update"); const complete = jasmine.createSpy("complete"); const startObject = { value: 0.0, }; const stopObject = { value: 1.0, }; const tweens = new TweenCollection(); tweens.add({ startObject: startObject, stopObject: stopObject, duration: 1.0, update: update, complete: complete, }); expect(tweens.length).toEqual(1); tweens.update(0.0); expect(update).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ value: 0.0 }); expect(startObject.value).toEqual(0.0); tweens.update(0.5); expect(update).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ value: 0.5 }); expect(startObject.value).toEqual(0.5); tweens.update(1.0); expect(update).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ value: 1.0 }); expect(startObject.value).toEqual(1.0); expect(complete).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tweens.length).toEqual(0); }); it("update() animations a tween created with addProperty()", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const object = { property: 0.0, }; tweens.addProperty({ object: object, property: "property", startValue: 0.0, stopValue: 1.0, duration: 1.0, }); tweens.update(0.0); tweens.update(0.5); expect(; }); it("addProperty() throws without an object", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); expect(function () { return tweens.addProperty({ property: "property", startValue: 0.0, stopValue: 1.0, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("addProperty() throws without a property", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const object = { property: 0.0, }; expect(function () { return tweens.addProperty({ object: object, startValue: 0.0, stopValue: 1.0, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("addProperty() throws when object does not contain property", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const object = { property: 0.0, }; expect(function () { return tweens.addProperty({ object: object, property: "another-property", startValue: 0.0, stopValue: 1.0, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("addProperty() throws without a startValue", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const object = { property: 0.0, }; expect(function () { return tweens.addProperty({ object: object, property: "property", stopValue: 1.0, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("addProperty() throws without a stopValue", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const object = { property: 0.0, }; expect(function () { return tweens.addProperty({ object: object, property: "property", startValue: 0.0, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("update() animations a tween created with addAlpha()", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const material = { uniforms: { lightColor: new Color(), darkColor: new Color(), }, }; tweens.addAlpha({ material: material, duration: 1.0, }); tweens.update(0.0); tweens.update(0.5); expect(material.uniforms.lightColor.alpha).toEqual(0.5); expect(material.uniforms.darkColor.alpha).toEqual(0.5); }); it("addAlpha() throws without a material", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); expect(function () { return tweens.addAlpha({}); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("addAlpha() throws without a material with color uniforms", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const material = { uniforms: {}, }; expect(function () { return tweens.addAlpha({ material: material, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("update() animations a tween created with addOffsetIncrement()", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const material = { uniforms: { offset: 0.0, }, }; tweens.addOffsetIncrement({ material: material, duration: 1.0, }); tweens.update(0.0); tweens.update(0.5); expect(material.uniforms.offset).toEqual(0.5); }); it("addOffsetIncrement() throws without a material", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); expect(function () { return tweens.addOffsetIncrement({}); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); it("addOffsetIncrement() throws without a material with an offset uniform", function () { const tweens = new TweenCollection(); const material = { uniforms: {}, }; expect(function () { return tweens.addOffsetIncrement({ material: material, }); }).toThrowDeveloperError(); }); }, "WebGL" );