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Releases: Cephetir/SkySkipped

SkySkipped 2.8.2

05 Apr 17:20
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[+] Auto set spawn every row
[=] Fixed crashes and bugs xdd
[-] Removed terms display cuz useless now

SkySkipped 2.8.1

01 Apr 18:28
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[=] Fixed many bugs with last release
[=] Fixed desync and antistuck failsafe
[+] Auto cookie clicker

SkySkipped 2.8

29 Mar 14:13
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Configs may reset after update, pls make sure to reenable some features

[+] Item Swapper with keybind system
[+] Fast Break
[+] Dungeon ESPs for players, starred mobs and bats
[+] Delight locked gemstone slots in ah
[+] Desync Falisafe
[+] Jacob failsafe
[+] Failsafes work with Cheeto now
[+] Stop flying on private island
[+] Custom names
[+] Fixed MANY bugs

SkySkipped 2.7

28 Feb 16:17
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##Configs may reset after update, pls make sure to reenable some features

[+] Mimic and Rabbit hat pings
[+] Auto Maddox Phone
[+] Custom Scoreboard
[=] Fixed bugs

Full Changelog: 2.6...2.7

SkySkipped 2.6

09 Feb 12:00
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[+] Auto Ghost Block
[+] Blocker is good now
[+] Prespective Toggle
[+] Custom Scoreboard Text
[+] Remove Red Numbers from Scoreboard

[=] Fixed Pizza failsafe crash

Full Changelog: 2.5...2.6

SkySkipped 2.5

05 Feb 18:06
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[+] Rabbit Hat Ping
[+] Jerry's Workshop Present Highlighter
[+] Pet's Menu Full Revmap
[+] Terminals Display (for f7)
[+] Update Checker

[=] Still need score calc improvements

Full Changelog: 2.4...2.5

SkySkipped 2.4 SBE Features

04 Jan 14:46
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[+] 300 Score ping
[+] Pets Overlay
[+] Hide Pet Candies
[+] FailSafe for Pizza client
{+} Secret Setting

Full Changelog: 2.3...2.4

SkySkiped 2.3 HUGE UPDATE!

22 Nov 14:10
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Full Changelog: 1.8.1...2.3

So many things I cant remember lol

SkySkiped 1.9

06 Sep 18:19
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Added /leavedungeon (/ld) and /fragrun (/frag)

SkySkiped 1.8.1

05 Sep 13:07
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SkySkiped 1.8.1 Pre-release
