Search for hosts in your environment
: The filter expression that should be used to limit the results
: The maximum records to return
: The offset to page from, for the next result set
: Repeat request until all results are returned
PS> Get-CsHostId
Get details on one or more hosts by providing agent IDs
: The host agent IDs used to get details on
PS> Get-CsHostInfo -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Delete hosts. After a host is deleted, no new detections for that host will be reported in the UI or APIs
: An array of one or more agent IDs to hide
PS> Hide-CsHost -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Restore hosts. Detection reporting will resume after the host is restored
: An array of one or more agent IDs to restore
PS> Show-CsHost -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Contain hosts. Stops any network communication to locations other than the CrowdStrike cloud and IPs specified in your containment policy
: An array of one or more agent IDs to contain
PS> Start-CsContain -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Lift containment on hosts. Returns network communications to normal
: An array of one or more agent IDs to release from containment
PS> Stop-CsContain -Id @(<string>, <string>)