Find sandbox reports
: Optional filter and sort criteria in the form of an FQL query
: The maximum records to return [default: 5000]
: The offset to start retrieving records from [default: 0]
: Repeat request until all results are returned
PS> Get-CsAnalysisId
Get a short summary version of a sandbox report
: ID of one or more summaries
PS> Get-CsAnalysisInfo -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Find submission IDs for uploaded files
: Optional filter and sort criteria in the form of an FQL query
: The maximum records to return [default: 5000]
: The offset to start retrieving records from [default: 0]
: Repeat request until all results are returned
PS> Get-CsSubmissionId
Check the status of a sandbox analysis
: Id of a submitted malware sample
PS> Get-CsSubmissionInfo -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Get your current Falcon X quota status
PS> Get-CsSubmissionQuota
Upload a file for sandbox analysis
: The full path to the file to upload
: A descriptive comment to identify the file for other users
: Defines visibility of this file in Falcon MalQuery [default: True]
PS> New-CsSample -Path <string>
Download IOC packs, PCAP files, and other analysis artifacts
: ID of an artifact, such as an IOC pack, PCAP file or actor image
: Destination path
: The name given to your downloaded file
PS> Receive-CsArtifact -Id <string> -Path <string>
Submit an uploaded file or a URL for sandbox analysis. Time required for analysis varies but is usually less than 15 minutes
: An array of Sandbox submission properties
PS> Submit-CsSample -Sandbox @(@{})