Developing RateMyModule is based around {labelled-url-git} as a {url-wiki-version-control-system}[version control system].
Although this means that any changes are accepted into this repository from any valid {url-git-wiki-push}[Git push], it is recommended to complete your local development using the {labelled-url-pycharm-ide} (not PyCharm Community Edition). This is because {labelled-url-pycharm-professional} includes {url-pycharm-django-support}[many helpful features] for developing with {labelled-url-django}.
Full instructions on setting up, from scratch, your {labelled-url-pycharm-ide}, to start developing this project, are found in the "Setting up PyCharm" section.
Commit messages should be written in the imperative present tense.
Example 1. Correct commit message in imperative present tenseFix bug where website would not show online
Commit subjects should start with a capital letter and not end in a full-stop.
Commit subjects should be kept under 80 characters for a comfortable viewing experience on GitLab and other git tools. If you need more space for your message, please use the body of the commit.
See {url-article-commit-message-guidelines}[Robert Painsi’s Commit Message Guidelines] for how to write good commit messages
Example 2. Correct commit message that keeps the subject shortPrevent users from being able to delete our database This was a major bug that was caused by us not correctly checking for who was making the given SQL Queries. I fixed this by adding an authentication check.
Please note that any contributions you make will be made under the terms of the GNU General-Public Licence V3.