Calysto Little Computer - LC3 Assembly Language for Jupyter
An Jupyter kernel for LC3
This requires IPython 3.
To install::
pip install calysto_lc3
python -m calysto_lc3.install
To use it, run one of:
- ipython notebook
- In the notebook interface, select 'Calysto LC3' from the 'New' menu
- ipython qtconsole --kernel calysto_lc3
- ipython console --kernel calysto_lc3
Typing ?
to the kernel gives:
This is the Calysto LC3 Jupyter kernel.
LC3 Interactive Magic Directives:
%bp [clear | SUSPENDHEX] - show, clear, or set breakpoints
%cont - continue running
%dis [STARTHEX [STOPHEX]] - dump memory as program
%dump [STARTHEX [STOPHEX]] - list memory in hex
%exe - execute the program
%mem HEXLOCATION HEXVALUE - set memory
%pc HEXVALUE - set PC
%reg REG HEXVALUE - set register REG to HEXVALUE
%regs - show registers
%reset - reset LC3 to start state
%step - execute the next instruction, increment PC
HEX values begin with an 'x' and are composed of 4 0-F digits or letters.
Additional help is available with %help ITEM
such as %help pc