- Sidebar
- List of playlists
- Playlists have a title
- Playlist have a creator username
- Playlist has an image
- Search by playlist title
- Home button
- Search button
- Create a playlist
- List of playlists
- Bottom Bar
- Display Currently playing song
- Song album cover
- Song name
- Song artist
- Ability to add song to a playlist
- Song actions
- Display length of song and position in song
- Play / Pause button
- Forward & Backward buttons
- Shuffle button
- Loop button
- Volume Slider
- Display Currently playing song
- Main Content (home view)
- Display most recently played albums / playlists
- Display album / playlist name
- Display album / playlist image
- Ability to filter by album or playlist
- Display a message to select playlist on sidebar
- Display most recently played albums / playlists
- Main Content (Album / Playlist View)
- Info Section
- Display Cover photo
- Display Title
- Display created user
- Display amount of songs
- Actions
- Play Button
- Shuffle Button
- Contents
- Display contents in a table by title, album, and time added to playlist.
- Display in a numbered order
- Show album cover, song title, and artist name
- Info Section