public class OAuthTest {
@ Test
public void ensureSingleton () {
OAuth instance1 = prepareOAuth ();
OAuth instance2 = prepareOAuth ();
assertTrue (instance1 == instance2 );
public OAuth prepareOAuth () {
return OAuth .getInstance ();
@ Test
public void equals () {
Person alice = new PersonBuilder ().withName ("Alice" ).build ();
Person bob = new PersonBuilder ().withName ("Bob" ).build ();
AddCommand addAliceCommand = new AddCommand (alice );
AddCommand addBobCommand = new AddCommand (bob );
// same object -> returns true
assertTrue (addAliceCommand .equals (addAliceCommand ));
// same values -> returns true
AddCommand addAliceCommandCopy = new AddCommand (alice );
assertTrue (addAliceCommand .equals (addAliceCommandCopy ));
// different types -> returns false
assertFalse (addAliceCommand .equals (1 ));
// null -> returns false
assertFalse (addAliceCommand .equals (null ));
// different person -> returns false
assertFalse (addAliceCommand .equals (addBobCommand ));
* Contains integration tests (interaction with the Model) and unit tests for {@code LoginCommand}.
public class LoginCommandTest {
private Model model = new ModelManager (getTypicalAddressBook (), new UserPrefs ());
@ Test
public void execute_addLogin_success () throws Exception {
LoginCommand loginCommand = prepareCommand ();
String expectedMessage = String .format (LoginCommand .MESSAGE_SUCCESS );
Model expectedModel = new ModelManager (new AddressBook (model .getAddressBook ()), new UserPrefs ());
assertCommandSuccess (loginCommand , model , expectedMessage , expectedModel );
@ Test
public void equals () {
LoginCommand loginFirstCommand = new LoginCommand ();
LoginCommand loginSecondCommand = new LoginCommand ();
// same object -> returns true
assertTrue (loginFirstCommand .equals (loginFirstCommand ));
// different types -> returns false
assertFalse (loginFirstCommand .equals (1 ));
// null -> returns false
assertFalse (loginFirstCommand .equals (null ));
// returns true
assertTrue (loginFirstCommand .equals (loginSecondCommand ));
* Returns a {@code LoginCommand} with the parameter {@code index}.
private LoginCommand prepareCommand () {
LoginCommand logincommand = new LoginCommand ();
logincommand .setData (model , new CommandHistory (), new UndoRedoStack ());
logincommand .setOAuth (OAuth .getInstance ());
logincommand .setExecutor (Executors .newSingleThreadExecutor ());
return logincommand ;
* Updates {@code model}'s filtered list to show no one.
private void showNoPerson (Model model ) {
model .updateFilteredPersonList (p -> false );
assert model .getFilteredPersonList ().isEmpty ();
* Contains integration tests (interaction with the Model) and unit tests for {@code LogoutCommand}.
public class LogoutCommandTest {
private Model model = new ModelManager (getTypicalAddressBook (), new UserPrefs ());
@ Test
public void execute_addLogout_success () throws Exception {
LogoutCommand logoutCommand = prepareCommand ();
java .io .File filetoDelete =
new java .io .File ("data/StoredCredential" );
filetoDelete .mkdirs ();
filetoDelete .createNewFile ();
String expectedMessage = String .format (LogoutCommand .MESSAGE_SUCCESS );
Model expectedModel = new ModelManager (new AddressBook (model .getAddressBook ()), new UserPrefs ());
assertCommandSuccess (logoutCommand , model , expectedMessage , expectedModel );
@ Test
public void execute_addLogout_failure () throws Exception {
LogoutCommand logoutCommand = prepareCommand ();
java .io .File filetoDelete =
new java .io .File ("data/StoredCredential" );
filetoDelete .delete ();
String expectedMessage = String .format (LogoutCommand .MESSAGE_FAILURE );
assertCommandFailure (logoutCommand , model , expectedMessage );
@ Test
public void equals () {
LogoutCommand logoutFirstCommand = new LogoutCommand ();
LogoutCommand logoutSecondCommand = new LogoutCommand ();
// same object -> returns true
assertTrue (logoutFirstCommand .equals (logoutFirstCommand ));
// different types -> returns false
assertFalse (logoutFirstCommand .equals (1 ));
// null -> returns false
assertFalse (logoutFirstCommand .equals (null ));
// returns true
assertTrue (logoutFirstCommand .equals (logoutSecondCommand ));
* Returns a {@code LogoutCommand} with the parameter {@code index}.
private LogoutCommand prepareCommand () {
LogoutCommand logoutcommand = new LogoutCommand ();
logoutcommand .setData (model , new CommandHistory (), new UndoRedoStack ());
return logoutcommand ;
* Updates {@code model}'s filtered list to show no one.
private void showNoPerson (Model model ) {
model .updateFilteredPersonList (p -> false );
assert model .getFilteredPersonList ().isEmpty ();
* Contains integration tests (interaction with the Model) and unit tests for {@code NoteCommand}.
public class NoteCommandTest {
private Model model = new ModelManager (getTypicalAddressBook (), new UserPrefs ());
@ Test
public void execute_addNote_success () throws Exception {
ReadOnlyPerson personToNote = model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (INDEX_FIRST_PERSON .getZeroBased ());
Person editedPerson = new PersonBuilder (personToNote ).withNote (VALID_NOTE_AMY ).build ();
NoteCommand noteCommand = prepareCommand (INDEX_FIRST_PERSON , editedPerson .getNote ());
String expectedMessage = String .format (NoteCommand .MESSAGE_NOTE_SUCCESS , editedPerson );
Model expectedModel = new ModelManager (new AddressBook (model .getAddressBook ()), new UserPrefs ());
expectedModel .updatePerson (model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 ), editedPerson );
assertCommandSuccess (noteCommand , model , expectedMessage , expectedModel );
@ Test
public void execute_validIndexFilteredList_success () throws Exception {
showFirstPersonOnly (model );
ReadOnlyPerson personToNote = model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (INDEX_FIRST_PERSON .getZeroBased ());
Person editedPerson = new PersonBuilder (personToNote ).withNote (VALID_NOTE_AMY ).build ();
NoteCommand noteCommand = prepareCommand (INDEX_FIRST_PERSON , editedPerson .getNote ());
String expectedMessage = String .format (NoteCommand .MESSAGE_NOTE_SUCCESS , editedPerson );
Model expectedModel = new ModelManager (model .getAddressBook (), new UserPrefs ());
expectedModel .updatePerson (personToNote , editedPerson );
showFirstPersonOnly (expectedModel );
assertCommandSuccess (noteCommand , model , expectedMessage , expectedModel );
@ Test
public void execute_invalidIndexFilteredList_throwsCommandException () {
showFirstPersonOnly (model );
Index outOfBoundIndex = INDEX_SECOND_PERSON ;
// ensures that outOfBoundIndex is still in bounds of address book list
assertTrue (outOfBoundIndex .getZeroBased () < model .getAddressBook ().getPersonList ().size ());
NoteCommand noteCommand = prepareCommand (outOfBoundIndex , new Note (VALID_NOTE_BOB ));
assertCommandFailure (noteCommand , model , Messages .MESSAGE_INVALID_PERSON_DISPLAYED_INDEX );
@ Test
public void equals () {
NoteCommand noteFirstCommand = new NoteCommand (INDEX_FIRST_PERSON , new Note (VALID_NOTE_AMY ));
NoteCommand noteSecondCommand = new NoteCommand (INDEX_SECOND_PERSON , new Note (VALID_NOTE_AMY ));
// same object -> returns true
assertTrue (noteFirstCommand .equals (noteFirstCommand ));
// same values -> returns true
NoteCommand noteFirstCommandCopy = new NoteCommand (INDEX_FIRST_PERSON , new Note (VALID_NOTE_AMY ));
assertTrue (noteFirstCommand .equals (noteFirstCommandCopy ));
// different types -> returns false
assertFalse (noteFirstCommand .equals (1 ));
// null -> returns false
assertFalse (noteFirstCommand .equals (null ));
// different person -> returns false
assertFalse (noteFirstCommand .equals (noteSecondCommand ));
* Returns a {@code NoteCommand} with the parameter {@code index}.
private NoteCommand prepareCommand (Index index , Note note ) {
NoteCommand notecommand = new NoteCommand (index , note );
notecommand .setData (model , new CommandHistory (), new UndoRedoStack ());
return notecommand ;
* Updates {@code model}'s filtered list to show no one.
private void showNoPerson (Model model ) {
model .updateFilteredPersonList (p -> false );
assert model .getFilteredPersonList ().isEmpty ();
* Contains integration tests (interaction with the Model) and unit tests for {@code SyncCommand}.
public class SyncCommandTest {
private Model model = new ModelManager (getTypicalAddressBook (), new UserPrefs ());
@ Test
public void execute_addSync_failure () throws Exception {
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
String expectedMessage = String .format (SyncCommand .MESSAGE_FAILURE );
assertCommandFailure (syncCommand , model , expectedMessage );
@ Test
public void check_equalPerson () {
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
Person aliceGoogle = prepareAliceGoogle ();
assertTrue (syncCommand .equalPerson (model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 ), aliceGoogle ));
assertFalse (syncCommand .equalPerson (model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (1 ), aliceGoogle ));
@ Test
public void test_convertAPerson () {
showFirstPersonOnly (model );
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
ReadOnlyPerson aliceAbc = model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 );
Person person = syncCommand .convertAPerson (aliceAbc );
assertTrue (syncCommand .equalPerson (aliceAbc , person ));
@ Test
public void test_convertGPerson () throws Exception {
showFirstPersonOnly (model );
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
ReadOnlyPerson aliceAbc = model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 );
Person aliceGoogle = prepareAliceGoogle ();
seedu .address .model .person .Person converted = syncCommand .convertGooglePerson (aliceGoogle , aliceAbc );
assertEquals (aliceAbc , converted );
@ Test
public void test_getLastUpdated () {
showFirstPersonOnly (model );
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
Person aliceGoogle = prepareAliceGoogle ();
assertTrue (syncCommand .getLastUpdated (aliceGoogle ).equals ("2017-11-12T16:29:49.398001Z" ));
@ Test
public void test_linkedContact () throws Exception {
showFirstPersonOnly (model );
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
ReadOnlyPerson aliceAbc = model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 );
Person aliceGoogle = prepareAliceGoogle ();
syncCommand .linkContacts (aliceAbc , aliceGoogle );
aliceAbc = model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 );
assertTrue (aliceAbc .getId ().getValue ().equals ("alice" )
&& aliceAbc .getLastUpdated ().getValue ().equals ("2017-11-12T16:29:49.398001Z" ));
@ Test
public void test_addAContact () throws Exception {
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
Person aliceGoogle = prepareAliceGoogle ();
// Delete Alice from address book
model .deletePerson (model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 ));
syncCommand .addAContact (aliceGoogle );
seedu .address .model .person .Person aliceAbc = syncCommand .convertGooglePerson (aliceGoogle );
model .sort ("name" );
assertEquals (model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 ), aliceAbc );
@ Test
public void test_setId_success () {
showFirstPersonOnly (model );
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
seedu .address .model .person .ReadOnlyPerson alice = model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 );
Person aliceGoogle = prepareAliceGoogle ();
// We ensure that the default entry has no ID
assertFalse (alice .getId ().getValue ().equals (aliceGoogle .getResourceName ()));
seedu .address .model .person .Person result = syncCommand .setId (alice , aliceGoogle .getResourceName ());
// Check to see if Id was inserted
assertTrue (result .getId ().getValue ().equals (aliceGoogle .getResourceName ()));
@ Test
public void test_retrieveGName () {
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
Person aliceJane = prepareAliceJaneGoogle ();
String result = syncCommand .retrieveFullGName (aliceJane );
assertNotEquals ("Alice Pauline" , result );
assertEquals ("Alice Jane Pauline" , result );
@ Test
public void test_checkNullFields () {
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
Person alice = prepareAliceGoogle ();
Person test = prepareAliceGoogleWithoutData ();
assertFalse (alice .equals (test ));
syncCommand .checkNullFields (alice , test );
assertEquals (alice , test );
@ Test
public void save_load_success () {
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
HashSet <String > syncedId = new HashSet <String >();
syncedId .add ("test" );
syncCommand .setSyncedId (syncedId );
syncCommand .saveStatus (syncedId );
HashSet <String > expected = (HashSet <String >) syncCommand .loadStatus ();
assertTrue (expected .size () == 1 && expected .contains ("test" ));
@ Test
public void test_hashing () throws Exception {
showFirstPersonOnly (model );
SyncCommand syncCommand = prepareCommand ();
Person alice = prepareAliceGoogle ();
seedu .address .model .person .Person aliceAbc = syncCommand .convertGooglePerson (alice );
seedu .address .model .person .ReadOnlyPerson actualAlice =
syncCommand .getHashKey (model .getFilteredPersonList ().get (0 ));
assertTrue (syncCommand .equalPerson (actualAlice , alice ));
assertTrue (actualAlice .equals (aliceAbc ));
assertEquals (aliceAbc .hashCode (), actualAlice .hashCode ());
@ Test
public void equals () {
SyncCommand syncFirstCommand = new SyncCommand ();
SyncCommand syncSecondCommand = new SyncCommand ();
// same object -> returns true
assertTrue (syncFirstCommand .equals (syncFirstCommand ));
// different types -> returns false
assertFalse (syncFirstCommand .equals (1 ));
// null -> returns false
assertFalse (syncFirstCommand .equals (null ));
// returns true
assertTrue (syncFirstCommand .equals (syncSecondCommand ));
* Returns a {@code SyncCommand}
private SyncCommand prepareCommand () {
SyncCommand synccommand = new SyncCommand ();
synccommand .setData (model , new CommandHistory (), new UndoRedoStack ());
synccommand .setSyncedId (new HashSet <String >());
return synccommand ;
/** Prepares a Google Person which is the equivalent of the ABC Person ALICE for testing
* @return
private Person prepareAliceGoogle () {
Person result = new Person ();
PersonMetadata metadata = new PersonMetadata ();
List <Name > name = new ArrayList <>();
List <Address > address = new ArrayList <Address >();
List <EmailAddress > email = new ArrayList <>();
List <PhoneNumber > phone = new ArrayList <>();
List <Source > source = new ArrayList <>();
name .add (new Name ().setGivenName ("Alice Pauline" ));
address .add (new Address ().setFormattedValue ("123, Jurong West Ave 6, #08-111" ));
email .add (new EmailAddress ().setValue ("[email protected] " ));
phone .add (new PhoneNumber ().setValue ("85355255" ));
source .add (new Source ().setUpdateTime ("2017-11-12T16:29:49.398001Z" ));
metadata .setSources (source );
result .setEmailAddresses (email )
.setNames (name )
.setPhoneNumbers (phone )
.setAddresses (address )
.setResourceName ("alice" )
.setMetadata (metadata );
return result ;
/** Prepares a Google Person with no data
* @return
private Person prepareAliceGoogleWithoutData () {
Person result = new Person ();
PersonMetadata metadata = new PersonMetadata ();
List <Name > name = new ArrayList <>();
List <Source > source = new ArrayList <>();
name .add (new Name ().setGivenName ("Alice Pauline" ));
source .add (new Source ().setUpdateTime ("2017-11-12T16:29:49.398001Z" ));
metadata .setSources (source );
result .setNames (name )
.setResourceName ("alice" )
.setMetadata (metadata );
return result ;
/** Creates a new contact with a middle name to test retrieveFullGName
* @return
private Person prepareAliceJaneGoogle () {
Person result = new Person ();
PersonMetadata metadata = new PersonMetadata ();
List <Name > name = new ArrayList <>();
List <Address > address = new ArrayList <Address >();
List <EmailAddress > email = new ArrayList <>();
List <PhoneNumber > phone = new ArrayList <>();
List <Source > source = new ArrayList <>();
name .add (new Name ().setGivenName ("Alice" ).setMiddleName ("Jane" ).setFamilyName ("Pauline" ));
address .add (new Address ().setFormattedValue ("123, Jurong West Ave 6, #08-111" ));
email .add (new EmailAddress ().setValue ("[email protected] " ));
phone .add (new PhoneNumber ().setValue ("85355255" ));
source .add (new Source ().setUpdateTime ("2017-11-12T16:29:49.398001Z" ));
metadata .setSources (source );
result .setEmailAddresses (email )
.setNames (name )
.setPhoneNumbers (phone )
.setAddresses (address )
.setResourceName ("alice" )
.setMetadata (metadata );
return result ;
@ Test
public void parse_optionalFieldsMissing_success () {
// zero tags
Person expectedPerson = new PersonBuilder ().withName (VALID_NAME_AMY ).withPhone (VALID_PHONE_AMY )
.withEmail (VALID_EMAIL_AMY ).withAddress (VALID_ADDRESS_AMY ).withTags ().build ();
assertParseSuccess (parser , AddCommand .COMMAND_WORD + NAME_DESC_AMY + PHONE_DESC_AMY
+ EMAIL_DESC_AMY + ADDRESS_DESC_AMY , new AddCommand (expectedPerson ));
// no phone number
expectedPerson = new PersonBuilder ().withName (VALID_NAME_AMY ).withPhone (NO_PHONE_SET )
.withEmail (VALID_EMAIL_AMY ).withAddress (VALID_ADDRESS_AMY ).withTags ().build ();
assertParseSuccess (parser , AddCommand .COMMAND_WORD + NAME_DESC_AMY
+ EMAIL_DESC_AMY + ADDRESS_DESC_AMY , new AddCommand (expectedPerson ));
// no email address
expectedPerson = new PersonBuilder ().withName (VALID_NAME_AMY ).withPhone (VALID_PHONE_AMY )
.withEmail (NO_EMAIL_SET ).withAddress (VALID_ADDRESS_AMY ).withTags ().build ();
assertParseSuccess (parser , AddCommand .COMMAND_WORD + NAME_DESC_AMY + PHONE_DESC_AMY
+ ADDRESS_DESC_AMY , new AddCommand (expectedPerson ));
// no phone number
expectedPerson = new PersonBuilder ().withName (VALID_NAME_AMY ).withPhone (VALID_PHONE_AMY )
.withEmail (VALID_EMAIL_AMY ).withAddress (NO_ADDRESS_SET ).withTags ().build ();
assertParseSuccess (parser , AddCommand .COMMAND_WORD + NAME_DESC_AMY + PHONE_DESC_AMY
+ EMAIL_DESC_AMY , new AddCommand (expectedPerson ));
// only has name
expectedPerson = new PersonBuilder ().withName (VALID_NAME_AMY ).withPhone (NO_PHONE_SET )
.withEmail (NO_EMAIL_SET ).withAddress (NO_ADDRESS_SET ).withTags ().build ();
assertParseSuccess (parser , AddCommand .COMMAND_WORD + NAME_DESC_AMY , new AddCommand (expectedPerson ));
@ Test
public void parse_compulsoryFieldMissing_failure () {
String expectedMessage = String .format (MESSAGE_INVALID_COMMAND_FORMAT , AddCommand .MESSAGE_USAGE );
// missing name prefix
assertParseFailure (parser , AddCommand .COMMAND_WORD + VALID_NAME_BOB + PHONE_DESC_BOB
+ EMAIL_DESC_BOB + ADDRESS_DESC_BOB , expectedMessage );
// all prefixes missing
assertParseFailure (parser , AddCommand .COMMAND_WORD + VALID_NAME_BOB + VALID_PHONE_BOB
+ VALID_EMAIL_BOB + VALID_ADDRESS_BOB , expectedMessage );
* As we are only doing white-box testing, our test cases do not cover path variations
* outside of the NoteCommand code.
* The path variation for those two cases occur inside the ParserUtil, and
* therefore should be covered by the ParserUtilTest.
public class NoteCommandParserTest {
private static final String MESSAGE_INVALID_FORMAT =
private NoteCommandParser parser = new NoteCommandParser ();
@ Test
public void parse_validArgs_returnsNoteCommand () {
String userInputNotes = INDEX_FIRST_PERSON .getOneBased () + " " + "remark" ;
String userInputNoNotes = INDEX_FIRST_PERSON .getOneBased () + " " ;
String userInputNotesAmy = INDEX_FIRST_PERSON .getOneBased () + " " + VALID_NOTE_AMY ;
assertParseSuccess (parser , userInputNotes , new NoteCommand (INDEX_FIRST_PERSON , new Note ("remark" )));
assertParseSuccess (parser , userInputNoNotes , new NoteCommand (INDEX_FIRST_PERSON , new Note ("" )));
assertParseSuccess (parser , userInputNotesAmy , new NoteCommand (INDEX_FIRST_PERSON , new Note (VALID_NOTE_AMY )));
@ Test
public void parse_invalidArgs_throwsParseException () {
assertParseFailure (parser , "a" , MESSAGE_INVALID_FORMAT );
// no index and no tag specified
assertParseFailure (parser , "" , MESSAGE_INVALID_FORMAT );
@ Test
public void parse_invalidPreamble_failure () {
// negative index
assertParseFailure (parser , "-5" + VALID_NOTE_AMY , MESSAGE_INVALID_FORMAT );
// zero index
assertParseFailure (parser , "0" + VALID_NOTE_AMY , MESSAGE_INVALID_FORMAT );
public class IdTest {
@ Test
public void isValidId () {
// invalid note
assertFalse (Id .isValidId (null ));
//// valid note
assertTrue (Id .isValidId ("" )); // Any string
assertTrue (Id .isValidId ("123abc!@#" )); // Any string
public class LastUpdatedTest {
@ Test
public void isValidLastUpdated () {
// invalid lastUpdated
assertFalse (LastUpdated .isValidLastUpdated ("" )); // Any string
assertFalse (LastUpdated .isValidLastUpdated ("123abc!@#" )); // Any string
assertFalse (LastUpdated .isValidLastUpdated ("2017-10-31T16:20:34Z" ));
assertFalse (LastUpdated .isValidLastUpdated ("2017-10-31T16:20:34.9891211Z" ));
//valid lastUpdated
assertTrue (LastUpdated .isValidLastUpdated ("2017-10-31T16:20:34.989Z" ));
assertTrue (LastUpdated .isValidLastUpdated ("2017-10-31T16:20:34.989121Z" ));
public class NoteTest {
@ Test
public void isValidNote () {
// invalid note
assertFalse (Note .isValidNote (null ));
//// valid note
assertTrue (Note .isValidNote ("" )); // Any string
assertTrue (Note .isValidNote ("123abc!@#" )); // Any string