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Ryan Kortbeek edited this page Oct 27, 2020 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the Bookmark wiki!

This is the wiki for the CMPUT301F20T01 team project. This project will be a Java Android app that allows users to track, lend and borrow books.

Team Members

CCID Github Account Primary Job Job Story Points (approx.)
hennig1 @kylehennig UML to Java (database/Firebase) 23
mbadam @mitchadam Book Details, ISBN Scanning 14
nayan @nayancprakash Managing requests 39
rakortbe @ryankortbeek Listing borrowed, requested, and available books 17
kstanisz @konradstanski Profiles, Main Menu, Login 26
claerhou @imswebra Shared dialog fragements 18

Project Part 2 - Preparation

1. Product Backlog

For the product backlog, GitHub issues were made for each user story so we could organize them in GitHub projects. The current main project board is viewable here. Each story has its rationale, size estimate and risk level. The stories are numbered according to the user requirements so it is easy to match the story to the requirements. The team will use this to keep track of each member's tasks.

2. User Interface Mockups and Storyboard Sequences

For the UI Figma was used to design the mockups and storyboard sequence. This will greatly assist the team when developing the app in understanding what UI is required. The UI can be found here.

3. Object Oriented Analysis

The OOA can be found here. In accordance with instructions from Dr. Ken Wong, entity classes were focused on. This UML will assist the team in understanding the necessary models and their interactions when developing the app.

Note: The above information will be kept up to date as the project evolves.

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