This module merges traffic from multiple input interfaces to one output stream (on one interface).
Input: variable, one UniRec record in format
Output: 1, same UniRec format as input.
-u FMT
or--unirec FMT
UniRec specifier of input/output data (same to all links, default is <COLLECTOR_FLOW>). -
Do not send termination message. -
Do not terminate on incoming termination message.
-h [trap,1]
Print help message for this module / for libtrap specific parameters. -
Specification of interface types and their parameters. -
Be verbose. -
Be more verbose. -
Be even more verbose.
./merger -i "t:localhost:8801,t:localhost:8802,t:localhost:8803,t:localhost:8804,u:DNS_out" -u "ipaddr DST_IP,ipaddr SRC_IP,uint64 BYTES,uint32 DNS_RR_TTL,uint16 DNS_ANSWERS,uint16 DNS_CLASS,uint16 DNS_ID,uint16 DNS_PSIZE,uint16 DNS_QTYPE,uint16 DNS_RLENGTH,uint16 DST_PORT,uint16 SRC_PORT,uint8 DNS_DO,uint8 DNS_RCODE,uint8 PROTOCOL,string DNS_NAME,bytes DNS_RDATA"
This command will start merger with 4 inputs (on localhost, TCP ports 8801 - 4), output stream on Unix socket "DNS_out", with UniRec template given by listed fields.