Releases: CCExtractor/ccx_testsuite
What's Changed
- [FIX] Params by @prateekmedia in #13
- Upgrade to .NET 4.8 and Fix TLS issue by @Tarun-Arora in #12
New Contributors
- @prateekmedia made their first contribution in #13
- @Tarun-Arora made their first contribution in #12
Full Changelog: 0.10.0...1.0.1
A new version that forces the ServerComparer to use TLS.
Release using GitHub actions
Same release as previous beta build, but built using GH Actions.
Beta release with support for new xml tests - 2
Updated to include two small patches
Beta release with support for new xml tests
A lot of new additions and changes (including the start of server support, support for the new xml style tests and more). Not guaranteed to be stable.
Due to a switch from Xamarin Studio to VS(2015), there is no longer a bash script for Mono under Linux provided for now.
Option to use time out
Now you can modify the time out the tester uses for testing a single item with CCExctractor
Small bug fix
Some small bug fixes...
Small bug fix
Did a small bug fix, so that the test files no longer require write access.
The issue with the build script still remains, unfortunately.
First git release
This is the first git release.
For some reason the shell script to launch the tester is corrupt. You'll need to fix this (contains CRLF, which is beyond my control as it's autogenerated by Xamarin. use dos2unix on the file to fix).