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How to Make a Release

Quintillus edited this page Jul 11, 2022 · 5 revisions

This guide is intended for core project team members, who are making future releases such as "Carthage", "Dutch", and "Egypt".


  1. Gain consensus that it's the right time for a release. Likely via CFC discussion.
  2. Update the title screen if need be. If there's a new image, make sure to upload and link the Krita template to that page.
  3. Go to the Export C7 Action Page. Fill it in similar to the following:


The branch should either be Development, or an agreed-upon branch for the release; uncheck the check box below that to make it a "release" release (which is significantly smaller, and doesn't include a command prompt window when launched); use a format similar to what is screenshotted for the name, and uncheck the last two check boxes. Then click Run Workflow.

  1. Wait until the workflow completes; this takes about two minutes. Download the artifacts for all platforms locally.
  2. Run the artifact for your platform to make sure it works as expected. For Babylon, I found an packaging problem at this step, so don't skip it!
  3. Go to the releases page and click "Draft Release".
  4. Click "Choose a tag", and enter a tag name in the format v0.2-carthage. Make sure it matches up to the appropriate branch for the release.
  5. Add title/description. You can open the edit screen from the prior release to copy its contents.
  6. Upload the artifacts for all platforms. Leave the check boxes below that area unchecked.
  7. Create a thread at CFC announcing the release, with [Release] at the start of the title. There should have already been some discussion about the contents ahead of the release. Ask Lanzelot and Laurana Kanan to make it a sticky in the forum so it stays visible.
  8. Update to note the latest release, probably using the same format as on the Releases page in step 7.
  9. Share the update news on the Discord server.
  10. Go to the projects page and close the project corresponding to the just-completed release.

That's it! Not quite as easy as 1-2-3, but it shouldn't be too tricky.

Going forward, we may also expand our number of places where we share the news. If you are interested in being the release manager/publicist, let us know!

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