This document provides a guided exploration through several of rebar's sub-commands.
For this section, you'll need to build both rebar
and at least the regex
engines that you want to gather measurements for. Note that you don't need to
build all of the regex engines, but if you want to follow along with this
tutorial, you'll need to build rust/regex
, go/regexp
and python/re
The BUILD document explains the build process in more detail,
but quickly, you can build rebar
like so:
$ git clone
$ cd rebar
$ cargo install --path .
and then build the regex engines we're interested in like this:
$ rebar build -e '^(rust/regex|go/regexp|python/re)$'
The -e
flag is short for --engine
, which can be used multiple times and
accepts a regex pattern. For example, this command is equivalent to the one
$ rebar build -e '^rust/regex$' -e '^go/regexp$' -e '^python/re$'
The -e/--engine
flag is accepted by most of rebar's sub-commands.
Assuming you have Cargo, Go and Python installed, you should see some output like the following:
rust/regex: running: cd "engines/rust/regex" && "cargo" "build" "--release"
rust/regex: build complete for version 1.7.2
go/regexp: running: cd "engines/go" && "go" "build"
go/regexp: build complete for version 1.20.1
python/re: running: cd "engines/python" && "virtualenv" "ve"
python/re: build complete for version 3.10.9
Before collecting measurements, it might be a good idea to run rebar's test suite for these engines. This ensures the regex engines are working in a minimally expected way:
$ rebar measure -e '^(rust/regex|go/regexp|python/re)$' -f '^test/' --test
[... snip ...]
In reality, running tests is almost like collecting measurements. The only
difference is that we provide the -t/--test
flag, which tells rebar to
collect a single measurement for each regex engine and verify that its result
is what is expected.
Let's collect our first measurements. We'll run all of the benchmarks in the
group. This might take a little while to run, because each
benchmark repeats each task repeatedly until a certain number of iterations or
a time limit has beeen hit.
$ rebar measure -e '^(rust/regex|go/regexp|python/re)$' -f '^curated/04-ruff' | tee ruff.csv
curated/04-ruff-noqa/real,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),go/regexp,1.20.1,,32514634,4,5.72s,933.94ms,180.57us,933.98ms,1.10ms,932.48ms,935.57ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/real,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),python/re,3.10.9,,32514634,3,5.52s,1.08s,0.00ns,1.08s,785.70us,1.08s,1.08s
curated/04-ruff-noqa/real,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),rust/regex,1.7.2,,32514634,71,4.61s,42.44ms,0.00ns,42.45ms,137.39us,42.19ms,42.77ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/tweaked,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),go/regexp,1.20.1,,32514634,70,4.66s,43.20ms,17.61us,43.47ms,2.11ms,41.00ms,58.82ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/tweaked,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),python/re,3.10.9,,32514634,11,4.96s,283.11ms,0.00ns,283.14ms,759.22us,281.96ms,284.25ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/tweaked,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),rust/regex,1.7.2,,32514634,128,4.56s,23.52ms,225.00ns,23.53ms,59.95us,23.37ms,23.69ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/compile-real,compile,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),go/regexp,1.20.1,,,354872,4.67s,7.33us,0.00ns,7.61us,9.61us,2.41us,465.85us
curated/04-ruff-noqa/compile-real,compile,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),python/re,3.10.9,,,39818,4.57s,73.68us,0.00ns,73.77us,1.13us,71.05us,205.05us
curated/04-ruff-noqa/compile-real,compile,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),rust/regex,1.7.2,,,85849,4.57s,30.94us,0.00ns,30.98us,613.00ns,28.77us,39.90us
The -f/--filter
flag accepts a regex pattern just like the -e/--engine
flag, but instead of being applied to the engine name, it's applied to the
benchmark name. If we use both -e/--engine
and -f/--filter
like we do
above, then the benchmark has to match both of them in order to run.
Notice here that I used tee
to both write the measurement results to stdout
and capture them to a file. I did that because measurement results can be
used as an input to other rebar sub-commands for inspection. Since measurement
results can take a long time to record, it's nice to both be able to see the
progress and to capture them for inspection later.
The next section will discuss how to inspect the results. Namely, the raw CSV data isn't particularly amenable for each analysis. You can look at it directly if you chop it down a little bit and format it nicely with a tool like xsv:
$ xsv select name,model,engine,iters,median,min ruff.csv | xsv table
name model engine iters median min
curated/04-ruff-noqa/real grep-captures go/regexp 4 933.94ms 932.48ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/real grep-captures python/re 3 1.08s 1.08s
curated/04-ruff-noqa/real grep-captures rust/regex 71 42.44ms 42.19ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/tweaked grep-captures go/regexp 70 43.20ms 41.00ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/tweaked grep-captures python/re 11 283.11ms 281.96ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/tweaked grep-captures rust/regex 128 23.52ms 23.37ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/compile-real compile go/regexp 354872 7.33us 2.41us
curated/04-ruff-noqa/compile-real compile python/re 39818 73.68us 71.05us
curated/04-ruff-noqa/compile-real compile rust/regex 85849 30.94us 28.77us
Otherwise, there is one other filtering option worth mentioning. The
flag lets you filter on the benchmark model used. This is often
useful, for example, to exclude measurements for compile time in the case where
you're only interested in search time benchmarks:
$ rebar measure -e '^(rust/regex|go/regexp|python/re)$' -f '^curated/04-ruff' -M compile | tee ruff-nocompile.csv
curated/04-ruff-noqa/real,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),go/regexp,1.20.1,,32514634,4,5.67s,933.62ms,1.81ms,933.93ms,3.48ms,929.68ms,938.80ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/real,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),python/re,3.10.9,,32514634,3,5.52s,1.08s,0.00ns,1.08s,1.13ms,1.08s,1.08s
curated/04-ruff-noqa/real,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),rust/regex,1.7.2,,32514634,71,4.61s,42.43ms,0.00ns,42.46ms,163.10us,42.22ms,43.06ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/tweaked,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),go/regexp,1.20.1,,32514634,70,4.61s,42.89ms,13.13us,42.95ms,1.76ms,40.46ms,56.15ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/tweaked,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),python/re,3.10.9,,32514634,11,5.01s,287.84ms,0.00ns,287.26ms,1.67ms,284.65ms,290.43ms
curated/04-ruff-noqa/tweaked,grep-captures,0.0.1 (rev cef9e52192),rust/regex,1.7.2,,32514634,130,4.56s,23.18ms,1.05us,23.19ms,59.18us,23.07ms,23.36ms
In this case, we actually used the inverse flag, -M/--model-not
, to exclude
benchmarks with the string compile
in their model name.
In this section, we explore measurements that have already been recorded. You can of course use the very same techniques to explore your own measurements, but by using pre-recorded measurements from this repository we make it possible to do exploratory analysis without needing to build and run the benchmarks. (For example, on my machine, collecting measurements for every benchmark takes about 3 hours. Of course, you can always gather a subset of measurements too, as explained in the previous section.)
All we need to do exploratory analysis on measurements is rebar
and a
checkout of this repository. The BUILD document explains that
in more detail.
Assuming your current working directory is at the root of the repository, we can start working with a saved set of recorded measurements:
$ ls -l record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv | wc -l
Typically, the way to look at a set of measurements is to compare the results
for each benchmark across each regex engine. The command to do that is rebar cmp
. You just need to give it all of the measurements:
$ rebar cmp record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv
If you run that command, you'll likely quickly see the problem: the table is just too big. There are too many benchmarks and too many regex engines. There are a few ways to deal with this.
Since the rows for the table are the benchmarks (i.e., each column reflects the
results for a single regex engine), you can make the table more readable by
limiting the regex engines one examines with the -e/--engine
flag. For
example, to compare the rust/regex
, re2
and go/regexp
engines across all
$ rebar cmp record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv -e '^(re2|rust/regex|go/regexp)$'
The above command shows all benchmarks where at least one of the engines has a recorded result. You might instead only want to look at results where all three engines have a result:
$ rebar cmp record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv -e '^(re2|rust/regex|go/regexp)$' --intersection
The --intersection
flag is a filter that says, "only show results where every
regex engine has a measurement."
But sometimes looking at all results, even for a smaller set of engines, can be
overwhelming. What about only looking at benchmarks for which there is a big
difference between engines? The -t/--threshold-min
and -T/--threshold-max
flags let's you filter results down to "benchmarks that contain at least one
results whose speedup ratio compared to the best is within the threshold range
given." The threshold flags are usually useful when doing a comparison between
two engines, but it works for any number. For example, we might only want to
see benchmarks in which there is at least one result that is 50 times slower
than the best:
$ rebar cmp record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv -e '^(re2|rust/regex)$' -t 50
Or perhaps we might only want to see benchmarks in which there is at least one result that is within 1.2 times the speed of the best:
$ rebar cmp record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv -e '^(re2|rust/regex)$' -T 1.20
But what if we want to flip all of this around and look at all of the regex
engines, but only for a small set of benchmarks? In this case, the --row
flag can be used to flip the rows and colummns. That is, the rows become regex
engines and the columns become benchmarks. We use the -f/--filter
flag to
limit our benchmarks (otherwise we'd still have the problem of too many columns
because there are so many benchmarks):
$ rebar cmp record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv --row engine -f mariomka -f regex-redux
engine imported/mariomka/email imported/mariomka/uri imported/mariomka/ip imported/regex-redux/regex-redux
------ ----------------------- --------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------
dotnet - - - 223.01ms (17.91x)
dotnet/compiled 30.4 GB/s (1.74x) 8.2 GB/s (1.00x) 1777.3 MB/s (8.61x) 62.28ms (5.00x)
dotnet/nobacktrack 26.9 GB/s (1.96x) 3.5 GB/s (2.37x) 705.1 MB/s (21.71x) 65.55ms (5.27x)
go/regexp 46.6 MB/s (1160.30x) 46.9 MB/s (179.06x) 30.4 MB/s (503.58x) 407.51ms (32.73x)
hyperscan 37.6 GB/s (1.40x) 4.1 GB/s (2.01x) 14.9 GB/s (1.00x) 77.04ms (6.19x)
icu 30.8 MB/s (1757.19x) 34.3 MB/s (245.30x) 574.2 MB/s (26.66x) -
java/hotspot 62.1 MB/s (870.02x) 73.0 MB/s (115.08x) 53.0 MB/s (288.82x) 137.21ms (11.02x)
javascript/v8 163.8 MB/s (329.80x) 213.5 MB/s (39.35x) 10.4 GB/s (1.44x) 25.35ms (2.04x)
pcre2 87.8 MB/s (615.69x) 94.4 MB/s (88.98x) 819.4 MB/s (18.68x) 158.03ms (12.69x)
pcre2/jit 497.9 MB/s (108.52x) 496.8 MB/s (16.91x) 2.5 GB/s (5.98x) 21.00ms (1.69x)
perl 159.9 MB/s (337.83x) 154.9 MB/s (54.24x) 581.3 MB/s (26.33x) 151.96ms (12.21x)
python/re 46.3 MB/s (1167.51x) 77.3 MB/s (108.69x) 40.5 MB/s (377.63x) 135.95ms (10.92x)
python/regex 20.6 MB/s (2622.48x) 36.2 MB/s (231.98x) 736.2 MB/s (20.79x) 202.29ms (16.25x)
re2 986.8 MB/s (54.76x) 891.1 MB/s (9.43x) 982.3 MB/s (15.58x) 30.96ms (2.49x)
regress 88.5 MB/s (610.89x) 99.0 MB/s (84.90x) 105.3 MB/s (145.43x) 63.68ms (5.11x)
rust/regex 825.6 MB/s (65.45x) 765.6 MB/s (10.97x) 721.5 MB/s (21.22x) 13.09ms (1.05x)
rust/regex/meta 52.8 GB/s (1.00x) 7.9 GB/s (1.04x) 3.0 GB/s (5.05x) 12.45ms (1.00x)
rust/regexold 824.6 MB/s (65.53x) 765.6 MB/s (10.97x) 3.0 GB/s (4.95x) 14.88ms (1.20x)
Here we use -f/--filter
twice to say "show any benchmarks containing either
or regex-redux
in the name."
We can also change the aggregate statistic used for comparison with the
flag. By default, the median
is used. But we could use the
minimum instead. The minimum applies to the minimum absolute timing, and since
we show throughput by default, this in turn means that we show the maximum
recorded throughput.
$ rebar cmp record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv --row engine -f mariomka -f regex-redux -s min
Speaking of throughput, we can change the default such that only absolute
times are shown using the -u/--units
$ rebar cmp record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv --row engine -f mariomka -f regex-redux -s min -u time
If you want to try to get a sense of how regex engines do over a large corpus
of benchmarks, you can summarize the results using the rebar rank
command. It
works by computing the speedup ratios of each regex engine for each benchmark,
relative to the fastest engine for each benchmark. The fastest engine has a
speedup ratio of 1.0
, and every other engine has a speedup ratio of N
where the engine is said to be "N
times slower than the fastest."
The rebar rank
command then averages the speedup ratios for every engine
using the geometric mean. In other words, this distills the relative
performance of a single regex engine across many benchmarks down into a single
Naively, you can ask for a ranking of regex engines across all recorded
results, and rebar
will happily give it to you:
$ rebar rank record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv
The problem with this is that some regex engines are used in a lot more
benchmarks than others. Notably, rust/regex
is used in a lot because the
author of this barometer also uses this tool for optimizing rust/regex
, and
so it naturally has many benchmarks defined for it. Similarly, some engines
have very few benchmarks defined for it. More to the point, some engines, like
, are just measuring an aspect of compilation time for the
engine and aren't relevant for search benchmarks.
In other words, asking for a ranking across all benchmarks in this barometer is
a category error. You could make it a little better by limiting the ranking
to considering search-only benchmarks by excluding all benchmarks that use the
$ rebar rank record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv -M compile
But this doesn't address all of the issues.
Another way to go about this is to limit yourself to a subset of benchmarks for
which every regex engine has healthy representation compared to the others. The
benchmarks are specifically designed for this (although are not
perfect at it, so the comparison is still flawed in some sense):
$ rebar rank record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv -M compile -f '^curated/'
You can make the comparison a little bit more rigorous by limiting it to the set of benchmarks for which every regex engine has a result:
$ rebar rank record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv -M compile -f '^curated/' --intersection
It is also possible to do a correctish ranking across all measurements if you
limit yourself to the benchmarks in common between each engine. In practice,
this is most useful in the context of a pairwise comparison, because it ensures
you get the most amount of data. (As you add more engines, the set of
benchmarks containing all of them starts to shrink.) We do still want to
exclude compile
benchmarks. (You basically never want to run rebar rank
without either -m compile
to include only compile-time benchmarks, or -M compile
to exclude only compile-time benchmarks. Namely, lumping compile and
search time benchmarks into the same ranking doesn't make a ton of sense.)
$ rebar rank record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv -M compile -e '^(hyperscan|rust/regex)$' --intersection
Engine Version Geometric mean of speed ratios Benchmark count
------ ------- ------------------------------ ---------------
hyperscan 5.4.1 2023-02-22 1.33 45
rust/regex 1.7.2 2.73 45
And if you ever want to drill down into what precise benchmarks are
contributing to the above ranking, you can always flip to using rebar cmp
. It
accepts the same types of filtering flags, so literally all you have to do is
use rebar cmp
instead of rebar rank
$ rebar cmp record/all/2023-04-11/*.csv -M compile -e '^(hyperscan|rust/regex)$' --intersection
Please be careful what conclusions you draw from rebar rank
. It exists purely
because there is so much data, and it can be useful to get a "general sense" of
where regex engines stand with respect to one another. But remember, it is very
difficult to use it as a tool for definitively declaring one regex engine as
faster than another, especially if the geometric means are anywhere near
close to one another. More to the point, biased benchmark selection
directly influences what the geometric mean is able to tell you. Its signal is
only as good as the inputs given to it.