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Code Snippets for development of Angular and Breeze apps in Visual Studio

A collection of JavaScript code snippets for Visual Studio development of Breeze/AngularJS applications.

Snippet listing


Download v1.0 (.zip)


  1. Download the breeze.angular.snippets folder and all of its contents.
  2. Extract the zip and drop the breeze.angular.snippets folder into the Documents > Visual Studio 2013 > Code Snippets folder on your computer.
  3. Delete the .github files (optional)
  4. In Visual Studio, navigate to Tools > Code Snippet Manager.
  5. Select language JavaScript from the language dropdown menu.
  6. Select the Add button at the bottom.
  7. Locate the Documents/Visual Studio 2013/Code Snippets/breeze.angular.snippets folder and click Select Folder.
  8. You should now see breeze.angular.snippets in the listing of JavaScript snippets under the Code Snippet Manager.
  9. Click OK to exit the Code Snippet Manager.
  10. Restart Visual Studio (snippets may not be available until you do)
  11. Start using the code snippets

Shortcut conflicts

Some snippet shortcuts may conflict with angular-oriented shortcuts in other snippets or templates. You'll have to either change these shortcuts to suit yourself or disable the others.

For example, the ReSharper Angular Live Template shortcuts that being "ngm*" conflict with our snippets and override them. You can disable those templates as follows:

  1. Open the Resharper Template Explorer from the VS menu
  2. Locate the JavaScript templates with shortcuts that start "ngm"
  3. Uncheck those templates

Use the Snippets

You can insert IntelliSense Code Snippets by typing the shortcut name of the snippet and pressing TAB or by using the Insert Code Snippet Menu.

Snippet Shortcuts

  • In the Code Editor, put the cursor where you want to insert the code snippet.

  • Type the letters of the shortcut.

  • Press the TAB key once to invoke the code snippet.

Let's try writing a controller. Begin by typing:


You are hoping to see this:

    ['$scope', name]);

function name($scope) {
    var vm = this;
    //your code here

The name and $scope and //your code here will be shaded to indicate these tokens are now alive. Your cursor is in the name token.

Enter "todoController" followed by TAB and all the name tokens are replaced.

Now the cursor is in the $scope token. Let's keep that one (we could delete it instead) and extend it with ", $q, someService". Then hit tab again. This time both the inject annotation and the arguments to the "todoController" function are replaced.

Now the cursor is in the final //your code here token.

Press ESC twice to conclude templating. It should look like this:

  ['$scope, $q, someService', todoController]);

function todoController($scope, $q, someService) {
    var vm = this;
    //your code here

You're almost done ... but not quite. You have to fix the annotations array because Angular wants an array of strings, not (the more convenient) comma-separated strings.

['$scope, $q, someService', todoController]);     // WRONG
['$scope', '$q', 'someService', todoController]); // RIGHT

Add the missing quotes in the annotations array to get this:

  ['$scope', '$q', 'someService', todoController]);

function todoController($scope, $q, someService) {
    var vm = this;
    //your code here

You are ready to start programming a controller that is annotated for safe Angular dependency injection.

Insert Code Snippet Menu

  • In the Code Editor, put the cursor where you want to insert the code snippet.

  • Launch the Insert Code Snippet menu in one of three ways:

    1. Press CTRL+K, CTRL+X.

    2. On the Edit menu, point to IntelliSense, and then click Insert Snippet.

    3. Right-click the mouse and then select the Insert Snippet command on the shortcut menu.

  • Select the code snippet from the code snippet inserter and then press TAB or ENTER, or double-click the snippet.

Snippet Listing and examples

[Incomplete listing. Need to flesh it out.]

Angular module snippets

ngapp - reference the 'app' module

ngmc - controller

ngmco - module configuration

ngmf - factory

ngmfi - filter

ngmod - create a module

ngmp - provider

ngmr - reference to a module you can name

ngms - service

###Examples (filled in)

// ngmod
angular.module('app', [

// ngapp
var app = angular.module('app');

// ngmf
    ['$q', '$http', function (
      $q, $http) {
        console.log("fooFac defined");
        var fooFac = {
            //your code here
        return fooFac;


// ngmc
    ['$window', 'fooFac', function (
      $window, fooFac) { = "have foo";

        console.log("fooSvc defined");

// ngmp
app.provider('fooProv', function () {
    console.log("fooProProvider defined");
    var someConfig;
    this.useSomeConfig = function(value) { someConfig = value; };

    this.$get = ['fooSvc', fooProv];

    function fooProv(fooSvc) {
        console.log("fooPro defined; using someConfig="+someConfig);


// ngmco
  function (fooProvProvider) {
      console.log("fooProProvider configured");
      fooProvProvider.useSomeConfig("this config");


// ngmfi
    [function () {
        console.log("fooFilter defined");
        return function (input, args) {



// ngmc
    ['common', 'datacontext', 'fooProv', 'fooFiltFilter', function (
      common, datacontext, fooProv, fooFilt) {
        var vm = this; = "Eileen";
        vm.greetings = [{ greeting: 'Hello' }, { greeting: 'Hola' }, { greeting: 'Bonjour' }];


Breeze Snippets

Snippets for Breeze are located in the breeze subdirectory.

bze - entityAspect with entityState as suggested property

bzc - create entity

bzq - EntityQuery with suggested callbacks


^ - cursor when template ends

manager.createEntity('type', {^});

//bze – entityAspect with suggested 'entityState' property

//bzq – EntityQuery with callbacks (assumes $q available)

function success(data){

function fail(error){
    return $q.reject(error); // forward error to caller

Jasmine Snippets

Snippets for Jasmine 2.0 specs are located in the jasmine subdirectory.

They begin with it and setup and teardown snippets:

aft - after

bef - beforeEach

befi- beforeEach with ng-mock inject

befm - beforeEach with ng-mock module

desc - describe

it - 'it' spec

iti - 'it' with ng-mock inject

ita - async 'it' with 'done' function

expectation snippets are in the expect sub-sub-directory

xtb - expect to be

xtbct expect to be close to

xtbd - expect to be defined

xtbf - expect to be falsey

xtbgt - expect to be greater than

xtblt - expect to be less than

xtbn - expect to be null

xtbt - expect to be truthy

xtbu - expect to be undefined

xtc - expect to contain

xte - expect to equal

xthbc - expect to have been called (spy)

xthbcw - expect to have been called with (spy)

xtm - expect to match

xtth - expect to throw


describe('Jasmine code snippet samples', function () {

    beforeEach(function () {



    beforeEach(inject(function (breeze, $q) {


    afterEach(function () {


    it('should expect true not to be false', function () {


    it('should be defined', inject(function (breeze) {


    //ita - async spec
    it('should call doit() after a delay', function (done) {
        var doit = jasmine.createSpy('doit');

        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 10)

General JS snippets

fun - an anonymous function

func - a named function

iife - "immediately invoked function execution" boilerplate

vma - ViewModel activate function (often in controllers)


^ - cursor when template ends

function(parameters) {

function name(parameters) {

; (function(args){
    'use strict';



vm.activate = activate;

function activate() { 


These code snippets are based on the work of Tyson Benson and angularjs-livetpls.

Tyson appears to have stopped maintaining this repo. That's OK because many snippets have been modified to match the style we currently prefer and to align with the technologies we're using regularly.

Changes include:

  • Dropped the HTML snippets because we defer to Web Essentials (restore them from Tyson's github site if you want them.)

  • Renamed the Angular and Jasmine shortcuts

  • Rewrote the Angular snippets to suit our tastes

  • Updated to Jasmine 2.0, adding a few more snippets