Releases: LemmaEOF/ShulkerCharm
fixes recipe not working in 1.21.x
Update to 1.21
Moved to new components system instead of NBT
removed a single S in trinkets tags
Fix #11
Update to 1.20.4
Fix #11
Update dependencies for 1.20.1.
Confirmed working with Sinytra Connector.
Updated dependencies to 1.20.2
also removed a bit of unused code in the initialization file. It was causing an error after I updated dependencies and I don't see the values being referenced anywhere else. Unsure what its purpose was, but nothing seems to be broken.
1.20.x Update
Update to 1.20.x
Underflow fix
Fix a bug where shulker charm power would underflow if another flight source is present
1.16 Update
Update to work with new PAL and Trinkets versions on 1.16+.
Range fix
Fix a bug where setting the beacon range modifier to -1 would fail to properly allow infinite flight. Update to 1.15.2 dependencies.
Charge fix
Fix a bug where the shulker charm wouldn't properly charge when equipped