The Bitcoin Design Discord is not intended to be used for discussing trading or investment strategies. Please do not post in a channel about, or direct message any member to discuss, the following:
- Crypto trading
- Investment strategies
- How to make more money fast
The purpose is to prevent scammers from infiltrating the community.
- Discussion around investment strategies is OK if it is within the context of bitcoin product design; for example, a product might position itself as a way to invest in bitcoin and offer different strategies to it's customers. Discussing the design decisions this product makes is fine.
- Proclaiming "stack sats" and talking about how you like to buy bitcoin is fine, but please stay on-topic for the given channel.
If you witness any behavior that breaks the "no scam rule", you can bring it to the attention of any of the following people:
- Christoph Ono
- Pavlenex
- Stephen DeLorme
Accounts found breaking this rule will be banned immediately if they appear to be bot-controlled or are consistent with known scammers. Otherwise, the account will be given a warning. If there is another violation of the rule after the warning, the account will be banned.