A list of useful articles, blogs, and scientific papers on modern algorithms and techniques for audio DSP.
- ADC Videos - This YouTube channel hosts a bunch of talks and lectures given during the annual Audio Developer's Conference.
- This one on high quality wavetable oscillators by the creator of the Vital synth is particularly good one for those interested in wavetable synthesis.
- AES - A large collection of high quality research and technical papers. Requires a paid membership to access.
- Audio Effects Research - A collection of scientific literature about audio effects.
- CCRMA Publications - A large collection of published research, hosted by Standford University.
- Cytomic Technical Papers - Excellent filter designs, equations, and explanations by Cytomic. Use these as a better alternative to biquad filters that both sound better and perform better when being modulated.
- Specifically the document SvfLinearTrapOptimised2 contains filters and equations that are a better alternative to the ones in the RBJ Cookbook.
- DAFx - An archive of scientific papers and presentations given during an annual DSP research conference.
- deip.pdf - A collection of high quality and fast sub-sample interpolators.
- DSP Jargon - A dictionary of DSP-related jargon.
- Freeverb3 - DSP References - A huge list of technical DSP resources focused mainly on reverb design.
- Freeverb - An open-source reverb algorithm.
- Introduction to Oversampling for Alias Reduction - An awesome quick guide on how oversampling works.
- Jatin Chowdhury - An active blog that explores cutting-edge DSP techniques.
- katjaas - Neat visual explanations of DSP mathematics and techniques.
- Musicdsp.org - A collection of open source DSP algorithms by the community.
- Noise reduction in python using spectral gating - A Jupyter Notebook describing a high quality noise reduction algorithm.
- Reaktor 6 DSP Articles - A collection of DSP articles by Native Instruments. It also includes examples of how to implement them in Reaktor 6.
- Reproducible Audio Research
- Signalsmith Audio Blog - An amazing and very useful collection of articles by Signalsmith Audio. The Let's Write A Reverb article is particularly excellent.
- synfx-dsp - A Rust crate that has several useful essential DSP algorithms you can reference along with links to relevant resources, used by the HexoSynth plugin. Includes algorithms such as filters, oscillators, LFOs, sub-sample interpolation, envelopes, waveshapers, oversampling, and a reverb.
- Tokyo Dawn Labs Knowledge Base - A list of technical articles by Tokyo Dawn Labs.
- The Ardour DAW – Latency Compensation and Anywhere-to-Anywhere Signal Routing Systems - A thesis describing an algorithm for automatically calculating delay compensation in an audio graph.
- The Design of the Roland Juno oscillators - A beautiful and simple explanation on the oscillators of this classic synth.
- TimeStretch PDF - A PDF explaining the DSP of TimeStretch, a refinement of the famous PaulStretch time stretching effect.
- Valhalla Blog - Valhalla DSP has an excellent blog linking many resources that helped them create their industry-leading reverbs.