Stores information about HOI candidates such as bounding boxes, human and object detection scores, rpn ids (used to get corresponding faster-rcnn features), index of HOI category for which each pair is a candidate. Note that this index is not the ground truth HOI category of the pair but the category for which our model is going to consider the pair as a candidate.
+-- global_id1
| +-- boxes_scores_rpn_ids_hoi_idx
| +-- start_end_ids
+-- global_id2
| +-- boxes_scores_rpn_ids_hoi_idx
| +-- start_end_ids
is a Nx13 matrix with each row containing the following in formation in order
- human box coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2) [4]
- object box coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2) [4]
- human score [1]
- object score [1]
- human rpn id [1]
- object rpn id [1]
- hoi_idx [1]
and hoi_idx
are related as follows:
# hoi_id: string between "1" to "600" as occurring in hico_processed/hoi_list.json
# hoi_idx: conversion of hoi_id to 0 indexed integers
hoi_idx = int(hoi_id)-1
hoi_id = str(hoi_idx+1).zfill(3)
maps hoi ids to start and end indices of rows in the boxes_scores_rpn_ids_hoi_idx
Information about candidates for HOI category say "pet_zerba" can be obtained as follows:
import h5py
import as io
def get_id(object,verb,hoi_list):
for hoi in hoi_list:
if hoi['object']==object and hoi['verb']==verb:
return hoi['id']
assert(False), 'object and verb not found in hoi_list'
# Get hoi_idx corresponding to "pet_zebra"
hoi_list = io.load_json_object(<path to hoi_list.json>)
hoi_id = get_id('zebra','pet',hoi_list)
hoi_idx = int(hoi_id)-1
# Get candidates for "pet_zebra" from an image with specified global_id
f = h5py.File(<path to hoi_candidates_{subset}.hdf5>,'r')
start_id, end_id = f[global_id]['start_end_ids'][hoi_idx]
candidates = f[global_id]['boxes_scores_rpn_ids_hoi_idx'][start_id:end_id]
human_boxes = candidates[:,:4]
object_boxes = candidates[:,4:8]
human_scores = candidates[:,8]
object_scores = candidates[:,9]