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Mechanics: steal

muhahahahe edited this page Jan 8, 2018 · 10 revisions

Use this mechanic to steal an item from the targeted player.

In addition use the DropStolenItems mechanic.


Attribute Aliases Description Default
items i item name and amount, can also be a list
seperated with a comma
use ANY for 1 item the target have in his inventory
failsignal fail signal to be sent on skill failure
oksignal ok signal to be sent on skill success


- steal{items=DIAMOND_SWORD:1} @Target
Steals a diamond sword if the target have 1 in his inventory.

- steal{items=DIAMOND_SWORD:1,MELON_SEEDS:5,STONE:64;ok=success;fail=failure} @Target
Steals 1 of the 3 items if the target have it in his inventory and sends customized ok and fail signal at the caster
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