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File metadata and controls

82 lines (59 loc) · 1.88 KB


TreeView is a little plugin to generate a tree view. TreeView is powered by jQuery and jQuery drawing plugin. It only supports Rails 3.1.


Add this line to your gemfile

gem 'tree_view'

then run the install command to copy the assets to vendor.

rails g tree_view:install

include necessary javascript and stylesheet files.

Add these files to your application.js

//= require jquery.dimensions.min
//= require jquery.drawinglibrary
//= require jquery.svg.min
//= require tree_view.drawline

Add the stylesheet to your application.css

//= require tree_view


If you have a model with tree structure (you might use tree or ancestry gem), you can simple invoke tree_view helper, and pass the root node of the tree.

In controller

@root = Policy.root

In View

<%= tree_view(@root) %>

To customise the content or each node you can simple pass a block. For instance, I want to display a little icon for each node like the example above.

<%= tree_view(@root) do |node| %>
	<%= image_tag "#{node.entry_type}.png" %>&nbsp;
	<%= link_to, "#" %>
<% end %>


# generate html tree view helper
# @param root      [model instance] the root node of the tree structure
# @param opt       [Hash]           the options to generate tree nodes
#       :css       [String]         the wrapper div's css
#       :drawline  [true, false]    whether draw lines among each nodes
#       :node_css  [String]         the css for each node
#       :order_by  [sym]            the order of the children
# @param &block    [code block]     if you want to customise the content of each tree node, just passing a code block
def tree_view(root, opt = {}, &block)

Copyright (c) 2011 Ben Zhang, released under the MIT license