The databases project Elasticsearch instance contains the following collections
- photoUnits
- familyNames
- places
- personalities
- movies
All collections are stored on a single Elasticsearch index, each collection corresponds to an Elasticsearhc document type.
Currently (as of Mar. 14, 2017) the script drops and creates the index on each run.
You can see the latest index definition (exported from production instance on Mar. 14, 2017) here - [/databases/elasticsearch_index_dump.json]
- Hosted on
(port 9200)- index name = "mojp-live"
- Hosted on
(port 9200)- index name = "mojp-dev"
install docker
curl -fsSL | sh
set some environment variables - modify according to the instance you are setting up
export ES_DATA_DIR="/data/bh-dev-es/data"
export ES_CONFIG_DIR="/data/bh-dev-es/config"
export ES_EXPOSED_PORT="9200"
export ES_DOCKER_NAME="dev-es"
create the elasticsearch directory structure
sudo mkdir -p "${ES_DATA_DIR}"
sudo mkdir -p "${ES_CONFIG_DIR}"
create the configuration files in ES_CONFIG_DIR, you can base it on /databases/elasticsearch_config
possible configuration modifications:
- set the Xms / Xmx options for memory size in jvm.options file
- add the following to elasticsearch.yml to allow anonymous access
# allow anonymous access (we are behind firewall)
roles: superuser
authz_exception: true
install and run
if ! grep vm.max_map_count /etc/sysctl.conf; then echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf; fi
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
sudo chown -R 1000 "${ES_DATA_DIR}"
sudo docker pull "${ES_DOCKER_IMAGE}"
sudo docker run -d -v "${ES_DATA_DIR}:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data" -v "${ES_CONFIG_DIR}:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config" -p "${ES_EXPOSED_PORT}:9200" --restart=always --name "${ES_DOCKER_NAME}" "${ES_DOCKER_IMAGE}"
kibana environment variables
export ES_KIBANA_DOCKER_NAME="dev-kibana"
export ES_KIBANA_CONFIG_DIR="/data/bh-dev-es/kibana-config"
create the configuration files in ES_KIBANA_CONFIG_DIR, you can base it on /databases/kibana_config
modify relevant settings in kibana.yml, most importantly the elasticsearch url
also, if you want to disable security, add false
to kibana.yml
install and run kibana
sudo docker pull "${ES_KIBANA_DOCKER_IMAGE}"
sudo docker run -d --net=host -v "${ES_KIBANA_CONFIG_DIR}:/usr/share/kibana/config" --name "${ES_KIBANA_DOCKER_NAME}" "${ES_KIBANA_DOCKER_IMAGE}"
install elasticdump
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
sudo npm install -g elasticdump
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
find out the input and output elasticsearch instance urls and index name
you can use a command like this to find out which indices are available curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices
set some environment variables we will use in later commands
export OUTPUT_ES_INDEX_URL="http://localhost:9200/local_index_name"
make sure you have access to both elasticsearch instances
run the import (depending on what you want to do, see elasticdump documentation for details)
elasticdump --input=${INPUT_ES_INDEX_URL} --output=${OUTPUT_ES_INDEX_URL} --type=analyzer
elasticdump --input=${INPUT_ES_INDEX_URL} --output=${OUTPUT_ES_INDEX_URL} --type=mapping
elasticdump --input=${INPUT_ES_INDEX_URL} --output=${OUTPUT_ES_INDEX_URL} --type=data
you can use the same importing process to do reindexing of existing data
before you start you should create the new index with new mapping
you will have to create a new index, and then point your app to the new index
if this is a problem, you should consider create an alias which will point to the latest index
you can use the dbs-back scripts/ command to create a new index
(dbs-back) dbs-back$ scripts/ --index new_index_name
make sure new data is not written to the old index (if it's important to prevent data inconsistencies)
you can use elasticdump to copy over the data to the new index:
export INPUT_ES_INDEX_URL="http://localhost:9200/old_index"
export OUTPUT_ES_INDEX_URL="http://localhost:9200/new_index"
elasticdump --input=${INPUT_ES_INDEX_URL} --output=${OUTPUT_ES_INDEX_URL} --type=data