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Distributed Programming and MPI

Distributed Programming

Read subsections of Eijkhout's Science of Computing.


The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is an interface for passing data between processes using messages. It allows for distributed memory programming, unlike OpenMP or C++ threads which require shared memory; this means that an MPI program can span multiple nodes. These processes can be on the same machine or across nodes. Conventionally, MPI programs begin with a call to MPI_Init and end with MPI_Finalize. The MPI functions are defined in mpi.h.

#include <iostream>
#include <mpi.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    int rank, size;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
    std::cout << "Hi from process " << rank << " of " << size << std::endl;
    return 0;

Many modern C++ programs (including the example code) use MPL, which provides a more idiomatic C++ interface to MPI. Among other conveniences, it doesn't require initialize and finalize calls:

#include <iostream>
#include <mpl/mpl.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    auto rank = mpl::environment::comm_world().rank();
    auto size = mpl::environment::comm_world().size();
    std::cout << "Hi from process " << rank << " of " << size << std::endl;
    return 0;

To use MPL on the supercomputer, use module load mpl.

Since MPI is such a broad topic, we'll only cover the basics here. Idiomatic style has been sacrificed for clarity and simplicity in some cases, so if you know a better way, feel free to use it.


With most MPI compilers, you can use mpic++ in the place of a C++ compiler like g++ to compile MPI C++ code:

module load gcc/14.1 openmpi/5.0 # and maybe mpl
mpicxx -std=c++20 -o myprog myprog.cpp

The partial CMakeLists.txt below will build an MPI program only if the MPI compiler for C++ is found; this allows building the other executables even if MPI isn't available.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)
    find_package(mpl REQUIRED) # if you're using MPL
    target_link_libraries(hello PRIVATE MPI::MPI_CXX)
    target_link_libraries(hello PRIVATE mpl::mpl) # if you're using MPL

Read chapter 1 and sections 2.3-2.5 Eijkhout's Parallel Programming.

Finding Documentation

There is enough breadth to MPI that we couldn't cover it all even if we dedicated the entire semester to doing so, which means that knowing how to find documentation on what we don't explicitly cover is vital--being able to quickly look up a function that we mention in a video can help you understand it better, and using a different approach than the example code might take you into territory that we haven't talked about. Unfortunately, the documentation situation for both MPI and MPL is bleak.


MPL's documentation is centralized, but there doesn't seem to be any high-level information that discusses the idiomatic approach to problems in prose--rather, functions are documented and examples are provided. The example that seems most related to the problem at hand is, unfortunately, as good as you'll get.


As is often the case, the man pages are a good place to start. Once you have a compiler and MPI module loaded (e.g. gcc/14.1 and openmpi/5.0), you can run man 3 MPI_Function_name to get the details on that function. For example, to find out more about MPI_Allreduce, you could use module load gcc/14.1 openmpi/5.0; man 3 MPI_Allreduce. You can also take advantage of your shell's tab completion to get a full listing of all available MPI functions by typing man 3 MPI_ then pressing the tab key.

Online documentation is also available but generally contains no more information than do the man pages. Microsoft's online MPI documentation is reasonably well organized and concise (partly because it doesn't include Fortran information), although it is possible that there are subtle differences between it and OpenMPI, MPICH, etc. When you know a function name or have an idea of what it might be called, man pages and online documentation should be the first place you turn.

Not knowing the name of the function that you are looking for, though, renders said documentation a vast sea of (often poorly organized) information in which you need to find a small drop of truth. As you get more familiar with MPI, you'll be able to find a handful of functions that look right and see which one is suited for what you want to do, but until then the best way to quickly find what you're looking for is usually to search something along the lines of "How to ____ with MPI" and try to pick a recent, relevant result.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The central object of inter-process communication with MPL is a communicator. For most HPC problems, the world communicator (which contains all processes) is what you'll want:

auto comm_world = mpl::environment::comm_world();

Sends and receives are tagged to differentiate between communications. To exchange data between each pair of even and odd processes, one would need two tags:

auto even_tag = mpl::tag_t{0};
auto odd_tag  = mpl::tag_t{1};

send and recv pass data between processes; sendrecv does both at once, and prepending i to a function name makes it execute asynchronously. Given the comm_world, even_tag, and odd_tag above, exchanging rank numbers between pairs of even and odd process can be done thus:

auto process_rank = comm_world.rank();
auto world_size = comm_world.size();
bool am_odd_process = rank%2;
auto partner = am_odd_process ? process_rank-1 : process_rank+1;

if (partner < world_size) { // don't try exchanging with non-existent process
    int send_data = process_rank;
    int recv_data; // don't need to set, sendrecv will update it

    auto process_tag = am_odd_process ? odd_tag : even_tag;
    auto partner_tag = am_odd_process ? even_tag : odd_tag;

    comm_world.sendrecv(send_data, partner, process_tag,
                        recv_data, partner, partner_tag);

    std::cout <<   "My rank: "      << rank
              << "; partner rank: " << partner_rank << std::endl;

Sending a non-integral type is accomplished with data layouts. For example, sending the last 15 elements of the vector v (of doubles) to the process partner might look like:

auto layout = mpl::vector_layout<double>(15);
comm_world.send(, layout, partner);


Reductions are simple with MPL. To sum a from all processes:

auto a = whatever();
decltype(a) global_a; // result is stored here
comm_world.allreduce([](auto x, auto y){ return x+y; }, a, global_a);

The first argument to reduce or allreduce is a function that takes two arguments--in this case, [](auto x, auto y){ return x+y; } to perform a sum. Reductions can optionally take a layout just like the sending and receiving function.


File I/O is done with mpl::file. To open the file myfile for reading:

auto f = mpl::file(comm_world, "myfile", mpl::file::access_mode::read_only);

Operations with all in their names will perform the same operation across all processes. For example, to read an int32_t from the beginning of f into the variable h in each process:

int32_t h;

A single process can read or write any number of bytes starting at a specific spot in a file, given as an offset from the beginning of the file in bytes. To write the first 100 elements of the std::vector of floats v, starting at 400*process_rank bytes into the file, one can use:

size_t offset = 400 * comm_world.rank();
auto layout = mpl::vector_layout<float>(100);
f.write_at(offset,, layout);

Errors related to an mpl::file will throw an mpl::io_failure, which can be caught and printed:

try {
    return mpl::file(comm_world, "notafile", mpl::file::access_mode::write_only);
} catch (const mpl::io_failure &e) {
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

Ghost Cells

Some times certain cells need to be shared across multiple processes so that the main cells have enough information to update properly. These are called ghost shells. Read this document to better understand how they work.