Workshops run by BPA.
To see information on the initial Mkdocs setup see:
The tutorials have been deployed here:
The template has been deployed here:
The tutorials Github repo is here:
The template GitHub repo is here:
We are using the Python package MkDocs and the Material for MkDocs theme. On OS X, if you haven't got commandline tools installed you can follow this guide.
You can install MkDocs and extensions into a virtualenv:
virtualenv mkdocs_dev
source mkdocs_dev/bin/activate
pip install package_name
Alternatively, if you have not installed in a virtualenv and do not have sudo permissions, you can install as a user only, using --user
pip install --user package_name
pip install mkdocs markdown-include mkdocs-alabaster mkdocs-bootstrap python-markdown-math mkdocs-material pymdown-extensions pygments
To update a package
pip install -U package_name
We will be using a fork and pull collaborative model:
First fork to your own GitHub account.
You can then clone the repo from your GitHub account
git clone*Your_GitHub*/btp-manuals-md
cd btp-manuals-md
GitHub Desktop is an alternative for command line git.
First configure a remote for a fork (i.e let git know what the original upstream BPA repo is): a) git remote -v b) git remote add upstream c) git remote -v
Sync a fork of a repository to keep it up-to-date with the upstream repository (i.e. changes that have been made to the BPA repository since you forked and cloned it).
Tip: Syncing your fork only updates your local copy of the repository. To update your fork on GitHub, you must push your changes.
This file contains the instructions of what to display. It has already been configured for BPA so shouldn't require any editing unless a new module is being added or new styling is required.
less mkdocs.yml
cd docs;
mkdir module_name;
mkdir module_name/images
To add a new page, say a page on the 'Canu' assembler, find the right location and create a page.
In this case it would be docs/modules/module_name/
. Write the tutorial in that file, and then add the file to the
master document mkdocs.yml
in the correct section under pages:
Existing modules are located in Navigate to the appropriate module and directly edit the .md file. Images relating to the .md file should be located in module_name/images
You do not have to add the module to mkdocs.yml
as it would have previously been added.
You can edit the .md file with any text editor. Atom works really well as an editor and it highlights files that have been updated.
You should apply the BTP template in your .md file.
The built version can be seen here:
The corresponding raw Markdown and underlying syntax for this can be viewed here:
Please feel free free to add to, or edit, the template here:
In same directory as mkdocs.yml file
mkdocs serve
python -m mkdocs serve
Open your web browser to and leave it open. This will update automatically as you make changes to the documentation and allow you to view changes you have made.
git add docs/modules/module_name/
git commit -m "Added canu" docs/modules/module_name/
git push origin master
Your private local web version will also update.
Once you have added it to the repo, you can push changes to the repo in your own GitHub account and can then put in a pull request and BTP admin will review your changes.
Important: Building the public website will be done by BTP Admin.
Your changes will not be publicly seen until Admin has deployed the changes.
mkdocs gh-deploy --clean --message "Added canu"
This first builds a web HTML version of our Markdown hierarchy into the site/
folder, then pushes it to a special
branch of the github repo called gh-pages
which GitHub makes available at the public URL