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File metadata and controls

159 lines (124 loc) · 6 KB


The TRAIN directory includes the programs needed to train the parser (by reading in in treebank data and collecting the needed probabilities). While many of the source files have the same names as those of the parser, often they are slightly different and thus this directory must be kept separate.

The shell script trainParser runs the various programs needed to train the parser/language model. Run it with no arguments to get a usage statement. For the English parser, usage is:

shell> trainParser -parser [data directory] [training corpus] [development corpus]

For the English language model, use -lm instead of -parser. For Chinese, add the -Ch flag after -parser.

The train and dev corpora should be in Penn Treebank format (similar to parser output). Training data is not provided with the parser.

Files created during training will be written to "data directory". Importantly, the training code (and parser) also expect certain static files to be here that are not created during training. As such, the easiest way to setup everything correctly is to make a copy of the appropriate data directory that is distributed with the parser:

  • DATA/EN: English parser (trained on PTB III WSJ corpus)
  • DATA/LM: English language model
  • DATA/CH: Chinese parser (trained on LDC Chinese Treebank)

and point trainParser at your copied directory.

Some additional notes on training:

  • The file terms.txt must contain a list of all part-of-speech and bracket labels found in the train and dev corpus, so you may need to add additional labels to it for your corpora. See details of its file format below.
  • All such labels found in the dev corpus must also be present in the train corpus.
  • As coded, only the first 1000 sentences of the dev corpus are used (i.e., if your dev corpus is longer than this, the additional sentences will be ignored). This is intended to avoid over-fitting to the dev corpus. To change this behavior, modify the main sentence processing loop in trainRs.C.
  • To get the effect of combining multiple corpora with different weights, one means is to simply make multiple copies of each corpus (e.g., train = 3 x WSJ + 2 x Brown). If you do this with the language model, however, note you will break Knesser-Ney smoothing since it will never see any token occurring only once.

Info on parameter files

Below is a brief and incomplete description of the parameter files used by the parser and/or its training code (purpose, format, interpretation, etc.). Additional info will be added based on need and as time allows.

The following files are static and required for training:

-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac  32 May 26 14:17 bugFix.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac 258 May 23 16:54 featInfo.h
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac 411 May 23 16:54 featInfo.l
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac  94 May 23 16:54 featInfo.lm
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac 298 May 23 16:54 featInfo.m
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac 405 May 23 16:54 featInfo.r
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac  91 May 23 16:54 featInfo.rm
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac  65 May 23 16:54
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac 112 May 23 16:54 featInfo.s
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac 138 May 23 16:54 featInfo.t
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac  58 May 23 16:54
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac 181 May 23 16:54 featInfo.u
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac 553 May 23 16:54 headInfo.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 ec fac 609 May 23 16:54 terms.txt
  • bugFix.txt includes shards of sentences which are necessary to cover very unlikely combinations which the training data do not cover:

    ( (FRAG (NP (NN Task) (# #)) (. .)))
  • featInfo.* tell the data collection programs exactly what features to attend to (see treeHistSf.h for a long comment block with features names / IDs). The order is consistent with the conditioning order of the prob model in the paper:

    • h: head
    • u: terminal POS
    • t: pre-terminal POS
    • c: punctuation
    • v: parent POS
    • m: grandparent POS
    • i: parent term
  • headInfo.txt states which children categories like to be the heads of which parent categories (note that the Chinese headfinder has a different format).

    • 1 = 1st choice, 2 = 2nd choice, etc.
    • ADJP JJ: if current POS is ADJP, head is right-most JJ
  • terms.txt tells the parser all the pre-terminal and phrasal categories and their type:

    0: constituent types
    1: closed-class, non-punctuation POS
    2: open-class POS
    3: sentence-final punctuation (period, exclamation/question mark)
    4: comma
    5: open quotation
    6: close quotation
    7: open/close parentheses
    8: colon / semi-colon

Files created during training

endings.txt: statistics for guessing POS of unknown words by 2-letter suffix:

* col 1: POS
* col 2: suffix
* col 3: P(suffix|POS) (e.g., all rows with POS 3 sum to 1)

pUgT.txt ("probability of unknown given text"): is also used in the unknown word model:

* col 1: POS
* col 2: P(unknown|POS)
* col 3: P(capitalized|POS)
* col 4: P(contains hypen|POS)

*.g: (extracted statistics from training trees according to the corresponding featInfo.* file, see below)

*.lambdas: (backoff coefficients, see below)

unitRules.txt: provides an ordering of unary production rules

Rough training procedure

Extract vocabulary (pSgT.txt), unknown word statistics (endings.txt, pUgT.txt, nttCounts.txt), and information about unary rules (unitRules.txt).

For each feature, run:

  1. rCounts - get counts of features (reads train trees, writes .ff files)
  2. selFeats - prune features (reads .ff files, writes .f files)
  3. iScale - normalize pruned features (reads .f files, writes .g files)
  4. trainRs - tune backoff coefficients from dev data (reads dev trees, writes .lambdas)

*.f and *.ff files are not needed for parsing and are deleted.