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Pull from Revit basics

Pawel Baran edited this page Sep 23, 2021 · 22 revisions


Pulling elements from Revit to BHoM means extracting them from the Revit model combined with converting them to BHoM. In order to perform that action, the adapter needs to be set up correctly first. Once this is done, the user needs to specify two basic Pull inputs:

  • Request (which Revit elements are meant to be pulled?)
  • Action config (settings of this particular action - optional, if not specified, default values are used)

Once the adapter and inputs are ready, the Pull action needs to be activated - in visual programming environment this is done by setting its active property to true.


Requests are listed and explained in requests and filtering section.

Action config

Pull action config is represented by RevitPullConfig and allows to specify the following settings:

  • Discipline - discipline, in which the user works (Physical - default, Structural, Building Environments, Architecture, Facade) - this determines types of BHoM objects, to which the requested Revit elements are converted - more on that subject can be found in Revit BHoM conversion
  • IncludeClosedWorksets - if true, Revit elements from closed worksets will be pulled (default is false)
  • IncludeNestedElements - if true, Revit family instances will be pulled together with their subelements (default is true)
  • GeometryConfig - settings defining the geometrical representation (the actual geometrical object representing the element in Revit) to be pulled (by default nothing) - more information available in Pull of Geometry and Representation
  • RepresentationConfig - settings defining the mesh representation to be pulled (by default nothing) - more information available in Pull of Geometry and Representation
  • PullMaterialTakeOff - if true, RevitMaterialTakeOff fragment will be added to the pulled BHoM object, which can then be converted into an ExplicitBulk using MaterialTakeoff query

If RevitPullConfig is left empty, default values will be used.


Code mechanics of the Pull adapter action is explained in Pull from Revit details section.

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