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BHoM Lusas Object Relations

Peter Nugent edited this page Nov 28, 2018 · 19 revisions

The following outlines what BHoM type that corresponds to each of the Lusas types supported


BHoM type Lusas type Notes
Bar Line Default is a ThickBeam
Node Point
MeshFace NotSupported
FeMesh NotSupported
RigidLink NotImplemented
PanelPlanar Surface


BHoM type Lusas type Notes
Material Isotropic Material See material type for more details
ISectionProperty Geomtric Line
IProperty2D Geometric Surface
LinkConstraint NotImplemented

Material type

When a material is pushed to Lusas, a generic Isotropic Material will be created irrespective of the type provided. When the material object is pulled from Lusas, the type will default to Steel.

Section Properties

Steel Sections

BHoM Type Lusas Type Notes
RectangleSection Rectanglular Sections - Solid
BoxSection Rectangular Sections - Hollow Equal Thickness
FabricatedBoxSection Rectangular Sections - Hollow Unequal Thickness 1. Lusas does not support different flange thicknesses. When pushing the top flange thickness is used as the flange thickness.
2. Lusas does not support a weld size, assumed to be the inner radius.
CircleSection Circular Sections - Solid
TubeSection Circular Sections - Hollow
ISection I Sections - Equal Flanges
TSection TSection
FabricatedISection I Sections - Unequal Flanges Lusas does not support a weld size, assumed to be the root radius.
AngleSection L Sections - Single
ChannelSection C Sections - Unlipped 1. Channel section implemented through section by profile
2.Toe radius not supported by Lusas
ZSection Z Sections - Unlipped 1. Unequal flange thickness is not supported by Lusas, the flange thickness is used as the thickness when pushed.
2. Toe radius is not supported by Lusas.
GeneralisedFabricatedBox NotSupported
FreeformSection NotImplemented
KiteSection NotSupported

Concrete Sections

BHoM Type Lusas Type Notes
CircularSection NotImplemented
FreeFormSection NotImplemented
RectangleSection NotImplemented
SectionFromProfile NotImplemented
TSection NotImplemented


BHoM Type Lusas Type Notes
Loadcase Load case
LoadCombinations Load Combination
GravityLoad Body Force
PointForce Concentrated Load
PointDisplacement Prescribed Displacement This can be applied to lines and surfaces in Lusas, if pulled this will return an error
PointAcceleration Not Implemented
PointVelocity Not Implemented
BarUniformlyDistributedLoad Global Distributed - Per unit Length If the LoadAxis is Local, then Local Distributed - Line is used
BarVaryingDistributedLoad Internal Beam Distributed Will create one load per each non-zero component in the Force Vector and the same for the Moment vector
BarPointLoad Internal Beam Point
BarPrestressLoad NotImplemented
BarTemperatureLoad Temperature Only uniform temperature supported
AreaUniformalyDistributedLoad Global Distributed - per unit area If the LoadAxis is local, then Local Distributed - Area is used
AreaTemperatureLoad Temperature Only uniform temperature supported


BHoM Type Lusas Type Default Axis Notes
NodeReaction NotImplemented Global
NodeDisplacement NotImplemented Global
BarForce NotImplemented Local
BarDeformation NotImplemented Local
BarStress NotImplemented Local
BarStrain NotImplemented Local
MeshResults NotImplemented -
GlobalReactions NotImplemented Global
ModalDynamics NotImplemented -
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