ClusterTAD : An unsupervised machine learning approach to detecting topologically associated domains of chromosomes from Hi-C data
Bioinformatics, Data Mining, Machine Learning (BDM) Laboratory,
University of Missouri, Columbia MO 65211
Oluwatosin Oluwadare
Department of Computer Science
University of Missouri, Columbia
Email: [email protected]
Jianlin Cheng, PhD
Department of Computer Science
University of Missouri, Columbia
Email: [email protected]
- executable: latest ClusterTAD.jar version can be downloaded from the release tab
- examples: contains example data and outputs generated from ClusterTAD for these datasets
- src: ClusterTAD Java and MATLAB source codes
- TADs: contains identified topological domains for two mESC and mouse cortex cell type using ClusterTAD
In our study, we used the normalized Hi-C matrix processed by Bing Ren's Lab in University of Calfornia, San Diego. Download the normalized Matrix here :
The input to ClusterTAD is a tab seperated N by N intra-chromosomal contact matrix derived from Hi-C data, where N is the number of equal-sized regions of a chromosome.
4.1. Java:
To run the tool, open command line interface and type: java -jar ClusterTAD.jar Input_Matrix_file Matrix_Resolution
Parameters are as follow:
- Input_Matrix_file : A tab seperated N by N intra-chromosomal Hi-C contact matrix.
- Matrix_Resolution : Contact Matrix Resolution.
4.2. MATLAB:
Instructions on how to run the MATLAB source code is given here /src/MATLAB source code/
ClusterTAD produces 2 folders in Output folder:
5.1. Clusters:
- Contains a .txt file that contains the cluster assignment for the diagonal for all the K values considered
5.2. TADs:
- Contains the .txt files listing the TADs extracted from each clustering and reclustering done.
- Contains the Best TAD identified based on the Quality score, labeled as "BestTAD_[nameofinputfile]_K=.txt".
- Contains a .txt file which contains a list of the extracted TAD Quality scores, file name = [nameofinputfile]_TAD_QualityScore_List.
The executable software and the source code of ClusterTAD is distributed free of charge as it is to any non-commercial users. The authors hold no liabilities to the performance of the program.
Oluwadare, Oluwatosin, and Jianlin Cheng. "ClusterTAD: an unsupervised machine learning approach to detecting topologically associated domains of chromosomes from Hi-C data." BMC bioinformatics 18.1 (2017): 480.
8.1. What is the format of the domain output genererated?
The domain extracted in ClusterTAD are presented in the format from.cord to.cord where:
- : start bin id for a domain.
- from.cord : coordinate of the start bin id for a domain based on data Resolution
- : end bin id for a domain.
- to.cord : coordinate of the end bin id for a domain based on data Resolution