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Release Process

JoshuaLai edited this page Sep 8, 2022 · 13 revisions
  1. Code complete is typically the first Friday of the month. The next week is known as "Release Week".
  2. Prior to release, ensure all relevant code is checked into master and all partner teams have published any binaries they want released.
  3. Create a PR in the azure-sdk-for-ios repo that bumps relevants versions using python eng/scripts/ update <old_version> <new_version> <MODULE>. Ensure the PR branch is off the main repo and not a fork. Use the branch name <MODULE>_<version>. Naming the branch in this way allows you to use the tag parameter in files before actually creating the tag in Github.
  4. Do a fresh pod install of the AzureSDKSmokeTest project and verify that it builds without any errors. Set the PODSPEC_BRANCH to the release branch before running pod install. You should test installation with the environment variable POD_LINKAGE set to "dynamic" and "staticframework".
  5. Merge the PR and tag the master branch with a release tag in the format <MODULE>_<version>. You will likely need to delete the branch with the same name. If releasing multiple package, create one tag per released package.
  6. In each mirror repo, named SwiftPM_<packageName>, sync the mirror with the mono-repo using eng/scripts/ <MODULE> and tag with <version>. This completes the SwiftPM release.
  7. Release on CocoaPods.
  8. Generate and publish the Jazzy documentation.
  9. Draft PR to publish release notes in the AzureSDK repo.