Review request for Microsoft.ContainerService/aks to add version preview/2024-05-02-preview #29774
Check `Breaking Change(Cross-Version)` succeeded
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, then the task within, also called CrossVersionBreakingChange
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Compared specs (v0.10.12) | new version | base version |
managedClusters.json | 2024-05-02-preview(439ba9a) | 2024-05-01(main) |
managedClusters.json | 2024-05-02-preview(439ba9a) | 2024-04-02-preview(main) |
The following breaking changes have been detected in comparison to the latest stable version
⚠️ 1017 - ReferenceRedirection
Displaying 8 out of 8 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5017:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3594:9 |
2 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5021:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3622:9 |
3 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5025:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3639:9 |
4 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5029:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3671:9 |
5 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5034:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3694:9 |
6 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5095:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3768:9 |
7 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5130:11 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3817:11 |
8 | The '$ref' property points to different models in the old and new versions. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L6063:13 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4621:13 |
⚠️ 1038 - AddedPath
Displaying 16 out of 16 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L1368:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/agentPools/{agentPoolName}/deleteMachines'] |
2 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L1426:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/agentPools/{agentPoolName}/machines'] |
3 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L1474:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/agentPools/{agentPoolName}/machines/{machineName}'] |
4 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L2486:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/operations'] |
5 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L2531:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/operations/{operationId}'] |
6 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L2576:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/agentPools/{agentPoolName}/operations/{operationId}'] |
7 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L2891:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedclustersnapshots'] |
8 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L2930:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedclustersnapshots'] |
9 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L2972:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedclustersnapshots/{resourceName}'] |
10 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L3399:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/{location}/guardrailsVersions/{version}'] |
11 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L3442:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/{location}/guardrailsVersions'] |
12 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L3485:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/{location}/safeguardsVersions/{version}'] |
13 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L3528:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/{location}/safeguardsVersions'] |
14 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L3747:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/loadBalancers'] |
15 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L3792:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/rebalanceLoadBalancers'] |
16 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L3847:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/loadBalancers/{loadBalancerName}'] |
⚠️ 1040 - AddedReadOnlyPropertyInResponse
Displaying 4 out of 4 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new read-only property 'effectiveNoProxy' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L7921:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6301:7 |
2 | The new version has a new read-only property 'eTag' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4223:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3045:7 |
3 | The new version has a new read-only property 'eTag' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4612:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3386:7 |
4 | The new version has a new read-only property 'eTag' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5869:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4448:7 |
💬 1020 - AddedEnumValue
Displaying 17 out of 18 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'Automatic' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L7306:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L5769:9 |
2 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'Gateway' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4318:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3127:9 |
3 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'Gateway' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4318:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3127:9 |
4 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'Gateway' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4652:5 definitions.AgentPoolMode Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3421:5 |
5 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'KataMshvVmIsolation' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4248:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3065:9 |
6 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'KataMshvVmIsolation' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4248:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3065:9 |
7 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'KataMshvVmIsolation' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L7565:5 definitions.WorkloadRuntime Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6023:5 |
8 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'ManagedCluster' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L8567:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6722:9 |
9 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'ManagedCluster' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L8834:5 definitions.SnapshotType Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6756:5 |
10 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'Mariner, WindowsAnnual' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4293:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3102:9 |
11 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'Mariner, WindowsAnnual' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4293:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3102:9 |
12 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'Mariner, WindowsAnnual' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L7099:5 definitions.OSSKU Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L5572:5 |
13 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'Mariner, WindowsAnnual' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L8584:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6739:9 |
14 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'none' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5056:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3734:9 |
15 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'SecuredByPerimeter' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L6199:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4784:9 |
16 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'VirtualMachines' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4315:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3124:9 |
17 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'VirtualMachines' from the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4315:9 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3124:9 |
💬 1041 - AddedPropertyInResponse
Displaying 17 out of 45 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new property 'addonAutoscaling' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L9065:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6802:7 |
2 | The new version has a new property 'advancedNetworking' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5016:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3593:7 |
3 | The new version has a new property 'aiToolchainOperatorProfile' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5906:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4476:7 |
4 | The new version has a new property 'appMonitoring' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L9102:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6816:7 |
5 | The new version has a new property 'artifactStreamingProfile' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4223:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3045:7 |
6 | The new version has a new property 'artifactStreamingProfile' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4612:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3386:7 |
7 | The new version has a new property 'bootstrapProfile' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5906:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4476:7 |
8 | The new version has a new property 'clusterServiceLoadBalancerHealthProbeMode' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5672:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4285:7 |
9 | The new version has a new property 'componentsByReleases' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L6491:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L5003:7 |
10 | The new version has a new property 'componentsByReleases' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L6951:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L5455:7 |
11 | The new version has a new property 'containerInsights' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L9102:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6816:7 |
12 | The new version has a new property 'creationData' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5906:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4476:7 |
13 | The new version has a new property 'customCATrustCertificates' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L8210:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6491:7 |
14 | The new version has a new property 'enableCustomCATrust' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4223:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3045:7 |
15 | The new version has a new property 'enableCustomCATrust' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4612:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3386:7 |
16 | The new version has a new property 'enableNamespaceResources' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5906:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4476:7 |
17 | The new version has a new property 'enableVnetIntegration' in response that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L6327:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4848:7 |
💬 1043 - AddingOptionalParameter
Displaying 9 out of 9 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The optional parameter 'If-Match' was added in the new version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L1148:11 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/agentPools/{agentPoolName}'].put.parameters[6] |
2 | The optional parameter 'If-Match' was added in the new version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L1283:11 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/agentPools/{agentPoolName}'].delete.parameters[6] |
3 | The optional parameter 'If-Match' was added in the new version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L494:11 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}'].put.parameters[5] |
4 | The optional parameter 'If-Match' was added in the new version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L662:11 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}'].patch.parameters[5] |
5 | The optional parameter 'If-Match' was added in the new version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L714:11 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}'].delete.parameters[5] |
6 | The optional parameter 'If-None-Match' was added in the new version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L1156:11 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/agentPools/{agentPoolName}'].put.parameters[7] |
7 | The optional parameter 'If-None-Match' was added in the new version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L502:11 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}'].put.parameters[6] |
8 | The optional parameter 'ignore-pod-disruption-budget' was added in the new version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L1264:9 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}/agentPools/{agentPoolName}'].delete.parameters |
9 | The optional parameter 'ignore-pod-disruption-budget' was added in the new version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L698:9 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{resourceName}'].delete.parameters |
💬 1045 - AddedOptionalProperty
Displaying 17 out of 36 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new optional property 'addonAutoscaling' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L9065:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6802:7 |
2 | The new version has a new optional property 'advancedNetworking' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5016:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3593:7 |
3 | The new version has a new optional property 'aiToolchainOperatorProfile' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5906:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4476:7 |
4 | The new version has a new optional property 'appMonitoring' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L9102:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6816:7 |
5 | The new version has a new optional property 'artifactStreamingProfile' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4223:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3045:7 |
6 | The new version has a new optional property 'bootstrapProfile' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5906:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4476:7 |
7 | The new version has a new optional property 'clusterServiceLoadBalancerHealthProbeMode' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5672:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4285:7 |
8 | The new version has a new optional property 'containerInsights' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L9102:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6816:7 |
9 | The new version has a new optional property 'creationData' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5906:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4476:7 |
10 | The new version has a new optional property 'customCATrustCertificates' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L8210:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6491:7 |
11 | The new version has a new optional property 'effectiveNoProxy' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L7921:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L6301:7 |
12 | The new version has a new optional property 'enableCustomCATrust' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4223:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3045:7 |
13 | The new version has a new optional property 'enableNamespaceResources' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5906:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4476:7 |
14 | The new version has a new optional property 'enableVnetIntegration' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L6327:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4848:7 |
15 | The new version has a new optional property 'eTag' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4223:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3045:7 |
16 | The new version has a new optional property 'eTag' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L5869:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L4448:7 |
17 | The new version has a new optional property 'gatewayProfile' that was not found in the old version. New: aks/preview/2024-05-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L4223:7 Old: aks/stable/2024-05-01/managedClusters.json#L3045:7 |
The following breaking changes have been detected in comparison to the latest preview version
⚠️ 1005 - RemovedPath
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is missing a path that was found in the old version. Was path '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/{location}/osOptions/default' removed or restructured? Old: aks/preview/2024-04-02-preview/managedClusters.json#L73:5 paths['/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/{location}/osOptions/default'] |