This is the AutoRest configuration file for Deployment Manager.
To build the SDK for Deployment Manager, simply Install AutoRest and in this folder, run:
To see additional help and options, run:
autorest --help
These are the global settings for the DeploymentManager API.
openapi-type: arm
tag: package-2019-11-01-preview
These settings apply only when package-2019-11-01-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: EnumInsteadOfBoolean
reason: The boolean properties in the specification are actually boolean values in the Deployment Manager application model.
from: deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: TrackedResourceListByImmediateParent
reason: Not available during preview.
- suppress: TrackedResourcePatchOperation
reason: Not available at this time.
from: deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: TrackedResourceListBySubscription
reason: Not available at this time.
from: deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: TrackedResourceListByResourceGroup
reason: Not available at this time.
from: deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: PageableOperation
reason: List operations returns a static list of supported operations for each API version and does not need paging.
from: deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: TrackedResourceGetOperation
reason: The rollout resource has a get operation. The request and response types are separated for clarity.
where: $.definitions.RolloutRequest
- suppress: DescriptionAndTitleMissing
reason: Common types warning.
where: $.definitions.Resource
- suppress: AvoidNestedProperties
reason: Nesting had to be avoided to have the autogenerated classes compose the required polymorphic 'properties' property in the StepResource.
where: $
These settings apply only when package-2018-09-01-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2018-09-01-preview/deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: EnumInsteadOfBoolean
reason: The boolean properties in the specification are actually boolean values in the Deployment Manager application model.
from: deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: TrackedResourceListByImmediateParent
reason: Not available during preview.
- suppress: TrackedResourcePatchOperation
reason: Not available at this time.
from: deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: TrackedResourceListBySubscription
reason: Not available at this time.
from: deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: TrackedResourceListByResourceGroup
reason: Not available at this time.
from: deploymentmanager.json
- suppress: TrackedResourceGetOperation
reason: The rollout resource has a get operation. The request and response types are separated for clarity.
where: $.definitions.RolloutRequest
- suppress: DescriptionAndTitleMissing
reason: Common types warning.
where: $.definitions.Resource
- suppress: AvoidNestedProperties
reason: Nesting had to be avoided to have the autogenerated classes compose the required polymorphic 'properties' property in the StepResource.
where: $
This section describes what SDK should be generated by the automatic system. This is not used by Autorest itself.
- repo: azure-sdk-for-net-track2
- repo: azure-sdk-for-python-track2
- repo: azure-sdk-for-java
- repo: azure-sdk-for-go
- repo: azure-sdk-for-js
- repo: azure-sdk-for-node
- repo: azure-sdk-for-ruby
- bundle install && rake arm:regen_all_profiles['azure_mgmt_deploymentmanager']
- repo: azure-resource-manager-schemas
- repo: azure-powershell
These settings apply only when --csharp
is specified on the command line.
Please also specify --csharp-sdks-folder=<path to "SDKs" directory of your azure-sdk-for-net clone>
azure-arm: true
namespace: Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager
payload-flattening-threshold: 2
output-folder: $(csharp-sdks-folder)/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated
clear-output-folder: true
See configuration in
See configuration in
These settings apply only when --java
is specified on the command line.
Please also specify --azure-libraries-for-java-folder=<path to the root directory of your azure-libraries-for-java clone>
azure-arm: true
fluent: true
payload-flattening-threshold: 2
output-folder: $(azure-libraries-for-java-folder)/azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager
service-name: Deployment
- tag: package-2019-11-01-preview
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2019-11-01-preview --java
is specified on the command line.
Please also specify --azure-libraries-for-java=<path to the root directory of your azure-sdk-for-java clone>
output-folder: $(azure-libraries-for-java-folder)/sdk/deploymentmanager/mgmt-v2019_11_01_preview
regenerate-manager: true
generate-interface: true