diff --git a/src/Sql/Sql/Database Backup/Cmdlet/RestoreAzureRMSqlDatabase.cs b/src/Sql/Sql/Database Backup/Cmdlet/RestoreAzureRMSqlDatabase.cs
index 7901f9092690..baf52a6a3f5c 100644
--- a/src/Sql/Sql/Database Backup/Cmdlet/RestoreAzureRMSqlDatabase.cs	
+++ b/src/Sql/Sql/Database Backup/Cmdlet/RestoreAzureRMSqlDatabase.cs	
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ public class RestoreAzureRmSqlDatabase
         /// Gets or sets the HA Replica Count option.
         /// </summary>
         [Parameter(Mandatory = false,
-            HelpMessage = "The HA Replica Count used to store backups for the SQL Database. Options are: 0, 1, 2.")]
-        [ValidateRange(0, 2)]
+            HelpMessage = "The HA Replica Count used to store backups for the SQL Database.")]
+        [ValidateRange(0, int.MaxValue)]
         public int HAReplicaCount { get; set; }
         /// <summary>
diff --git a/src/Sql/Sql/help/Restore-AzSqlDatabase.md b/src/Sql/Sql/help/Restore-AzSqlDatabase.md
index fd00cda7a264..399f0e137405 100644
--- a/src/Sql/Sql/help/Restore-AzSqlDatabase.md
+++ b/src/Sql/Sql/help/Restore-AzSqlDatabase.md
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False
 ### -BackupStorageRedundancy
-The Backup storage redundancy used to store backups for the SQL Database. Options are: Local, Zone and Geo.
+The Backup storage redundancy used to store backups for the SQL Database. Options are: Local, Zone, Geo and GeoZone.
 Type: System.String
@@ -333,10 +333,9 @@ Accept wildcard characters: False
 The high availability replica count to associate with the Azure Sql Database.
-Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
+Type: System.Int32
 Parameter Sets: (All)
-Accepted values: 0, 1, 2
 Required: False
 Position: Named