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Microsoft Sentinel Solutions Packaging Tool Guidance For CCP Connector

To create a package using V3 packaging tool refer Link to V3

CCP connector Building Blocks:

Every CCP connector will have 4 building blocks and should be specified in sequence given below:

  1. Data Connector Definition - Consider this an a UI page shown after deployment to users and contains instruction steps and connectorUiConfig section.
  2. Data Connectors (Poller) - This will contain details to connect to your REST API and has a poller details.
  3. Data Collection Rule(DCR) - Specify, what data should be collected, how to transform that data, and where to send it.
  4. Tables (Optional) - Stores your data logs.

For more details refer link

How to Use ?

  1. In Data input file under Azure-Sentinel/Solutions, open the solution you want to add a CCP connector.

  2. In data input file, under "Data Connectors" array object add a path to new Data Connector Definition file. Data Connector Definition file is the starting point for any CCP connector and this file path should only be specified in data folder input file under "Data Connectors" array. There is no need to specify other file paths for poller, dcr or tables in data input file.

  3. File name to Data Connector Definition should be meaningful and recommended to have a suffix "Definition" attached to the name at the end e.g. dataConnectorDefinition.json.

  4. Navigate to your Solutions, Data Connectors folder and create a new folder for ccp suffix at the end e.g: DataConnectorDefinitionName_ccp".

  5. Once a folder for CCP is created then add/create 4 files dataConnectorDefinition.json, dataPoller.json, DCR.json and table.json. Here table.json file is optional. Also, you can specific a different naming to the files but having a suffix of "Definition", "Poller", "DCR", "Table" in the file name at the end will be easy to correlate. Below is an example folder file structure for CCP.

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  6. There can be only 1 data definition file per CCP connector. If you have multiple CCP connectors then create multiple data connector definition files and specify the file paths in the data folder input file under "Data Connectors" array.

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  7. Mapping between Data Connector Definition and Data Connector(Poller) file should present. Data Connector(Poller) file mapping with Data Collection Rules(DCR) should be present. If table file is present then you can specify the mapping from Data Collection Rules(DCR) with Table file. If mapping is not present and if present but mapping values are not correct between Data Connector Definition and Data Connector Poller or Data Connector Poller with Data Collection Rules(DCR) then packaging will fail. If there is no mapping for table file with Data Collection Rules(DCR) file than also its fine as it will create a table independent of mapping.

  8. Table file is optional and so, if there is no mapping from Data Collection Rules(DCR) with table then remove the "outputStream" property from Data Collection Rules(DCR) file. You can skip removing property "outputStream" from Data Collection Rules(DCR) file, if it is a Standard table eg: "outputStream"="Microsoft-ASimNetworkSessionLogs" in DCR is a Standard table and there is no need to add table file.

  9. Details for each of the file information is specified below:

  • If you have single Data Connector Definition, single Data Connector Poller, single Data Collection Rule(DCR) and/or table file where each of this files are sharing a one-to-one mapping then follow below.

a. Data Connector Definition File:

  • The "type" property value should be "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectorDefinitions".

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  • Below is a sample Data Connector Definition file and will show field and details on UI package in data connector page.

  • Curly braces placeholder eg: {{location}}) value will be replaced with parameters after packaging using V3 tool.

  • In this file, "connectorUiConfig" section should always have a "id" field with a name without space.

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  • This "id" value is important to have a mapping between Data Connector Definition and Data Connector Poller file.

  • The field "name" and "id" should be kept same.

  • InstructionSteps can be basic/oauth or of other types and keep rest of the key value pairs as is.

  • Keep rest all properties of the file as is.

  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectorDefinitions",
  "apiVersion": "2022-09-01-preview",
  "name": "<NameofYourDefinition>",
  "location": "{{location}}",
  "kind": "Customizable",
  "properties": {
    "connectorUiConfig": {
      "id": "<NameofYourDefinitionWithoutSpace>",
      "title": "<Title for the CCP Connector>",
      "publisher": "<Publisher Name>",
      "descriptionMarkdown": "<Enter the description>",
      "graphQueriesTableName": "<Enter the table Name>",
      "graphQueries": [
          "metricName": "Total events received",
          "legend": "<Name of your Events>",
          "baseQuery": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}"
      "sampleQueries": [
          "description": "Get Sample Events",
          "query": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}\n | take 10"
      "dataTypes": [
          "name": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}",
          "lastDataReceivedQuery": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}\n | where TimeGenerated > ago(12h) | where name_s == \"no data test\" | summarize Time = max(TimeGenerated)\n | where isnotempty(Time)"
      "connectivityCriteria": [
          "type": "HasDataConnectors"
      "availability": {
        "isPreview": false
      "permissions": {
        "resourceProvider": [
          <specify resources and permission here>
      "instructionSteps": [
          "description": "Connect using OAuth2 credentials",
          "instructions": [
              "type": "OAuthForm",
              "parameters": {
                "clientIdLabel": "Client ID",
                "clientSecretLabel": "Client Secret",
                "connectButtonLabel": "Connect",
                "disconnectButtonLabel": "Disconnect"
          "title": "Connect <Solution Name> to Microsoft Sentinel"

b. Data Connector Poller File:

  • The "type" property value should be "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors".

  • If a file contains "connectorUiConfig" and a "pollerConfig" sections in a json file then its a clv1 type of CCP connector and is a legacy connector. It is recommended to switch to clv2 type of CCP connectors.

  • Here "properties --> connectorDefinitionName" value should be same as that of this data definition file "id" property.

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  • In below json file, "streamName" should contain a suffix at the start "Custom-".

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  • Property dataCollectionEndpoint and dataCollectionRuleImmutableId are optional parameters in dcrConfic object.

  • To configure "authentication" object properties refer Authentication configuration link

  • To configure "response" object properties refer Response configuration link.

  • To configure "paging" object properties refer Paging configuration link.

  • Keep rest all properties of the file as is.

  • Below is a sample data poller file and is used to pole details from the API.

  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors",
  "apiVersion": "2022-10-01-preview",
  "name": "<NameYourPollerFile>",
  "kind": "RestApiPoller",
  "properties": {
    "connectorDefinitionName": "<Use same value from data connector definition connectorUiConfig-->id value>",
    "dataType": "<Enter table name here>",
    "dcrConfig": {
      "streamName": "Custom-<enter stream name without space>"
    "auth": {
      "type": "OAuth2",
      "ClientSecret": "{{clientSecret}}",
      "ClientId": "{{clientId}}",
      "GrantType": "client_credentials",
      "TokenEndpoint": "<Enter your tokenendpoint url>",
      "TokenEndpointHeaders": {
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      "TokenEndpointQueryParameters": {
        "grant_type": "client_credentials"
    "request": {
      "apiEndpoint": "<Enter your api url>",
      "httpMethod": "GET",
      "queryParameters": {
        "max_results": 100
      "queryWindowInMin": 5,
      "queryTimeFormat": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.000000+00:00",
      "startTimeAttributeName": "since",
      "endTimeAttributeName": "until",
      "rateLimitQps": 10,
      "retryCount": 3,
      "timeoutInSeconds": 60,
      "headers": {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "User-Agent": "Scuba"
    "response": {
      "eventsJsonPaths": ["$"],
      "format": "json"
    "paging": {
      "pagingType": "LinkHeader",
      "linkHeaderTokenJsonPath" : "$"

c. Data Collection Rules(DCR):

  • The "type" property value should be "Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules".

  • DCR, "name" property should be very short and without space. Total length of "name" field is 65 which on deployment adds "Microsoft-Sentinel-{DCR-file-name-property-value}-{workspaceName}-{random-unique-value}". Here, "Microsoft-Sentinel" suffix is attached to the name property from DCR file and then attached with workspace name on which it is deployed along with a random number. When total length of this value exceeds then DCR will not get created and will fail in deployment.

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  • Once deployment is done it is recommended to verify if DCR is created in Azure portal, global search by searching for "Data Collection Rules" and then in "Data Collection Rules" search with the name that you specified in the source file on DCR "name" property. If search result shows a record in deployed resource group. If you don't see a result for the "name" property value specified in DCR file then its possibly a problem in DCR source file which failed in DCR creation. The first possible thing to verify if the length of DCR name exceed 65 characters.

  • In "dataFlows" array, if you have a custom table as a file then specify the "outputSteam" property. If you are using standard table then there is no need to specify the "outputSteam" property in DCR file i.e. "outputSteam" property is optional here and should be used if you have custom table and a table file for it. If "Microsoft-ASimAuditEventLogs" is a standard table and is suffixed with "Microsoft-" you can skip adding "outputStream" property for such standard tables.

  • To verify length of DCR name, when we open data connector and click on "Connect" button, make sure to open browser "Developer tools" or right click on browser and do "Ctrl+F12" which will open up "Developer tools" and navigate to "Network" tab as shown below:

  • Property "workspaceResourceId" is optional and is not required to be specified. If not specified then it replaces this property with value "[resourceId('microsoft.OperationalInsights/Workspaces', parameters('workspace'))]" in mainTemplate as a variables.

  • Placeholder "{{location}}" will get replaced and will be specified in "parameters" section on "mainTemplate.json" file.

  • Keep rest all properties of the file as is.

  • Below is the sample file for DCR:

  "name": "<Name of your DCR File Without Space>",
  "apiVersion": "2021-09-01-preview",
  "type": "Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules",
  "location": "{{location}}",
  "properties": {
    "dataCollectionEndpointId": "{{dataCollectionEndpointId}}",
    "streamDeclarations": {
      "Custom-<streamNameFromPollerFile>": {
        "columns": [
            "name": "columnName1",
            "type": "column_dataType",
            "description": "description if any"
            "name": "columnName1",
            "type": "column_dataType",
            "description": "description if any"
    "destinations": {
      "logAnalytics": [
          "workspaceResourceId": "{{workspaceResourceId}}",
          "name": "clv2ws1"
    "dataFlows": [
        "streams": [
        "destinations": [
        "transformKql": "<your transformKql query>",
        "outputStream": "Custom-<table name from table.json file without space if present else no need to specify property>"

d. Tables:

  • Skip this step if your data is only ingested to standard Log Analytics tables. Examples of standard tables include CommonSecurityLog and ASimDnsActivityLogs.

  • If your data source doesn't conform to the schema of a standard table, you have two options:
    a) Create a custom table for all the data
    b) Create a custom table for some data and split conforming data out to a standard table

  • If you create the custom table using the Tables API or another programmatic method, add the _CL suffix manually to the table name. For more information, see Create a custom table.

  • The "type" property of the file should be "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/tables".

  • The "name" and "properties-->schema-->name" properties values should be same.

  • This "name" property value should be same as that in DCR file "outputStream" and should contain "Custom-" in DCR File.

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  • This file should not contain "name" value "Custom-". If present then please remove as it will not work for parsers.

  • Specify all columns for your table in "columns" array.

    "name": "<tableNameShouldBeMeanful>",
    "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/tables",
    "apiVersion": "2021-03-01-privatepreview",
    "properties": {
      "schema": {
        "name": "<tableNameShouldBeMeanful>",
        "columns": [
              "name": "columnName1",
              "type": "column_DataType",
              "isDefaultDisplay": true,
              "description": "column description"
              "name": "columnName2",
              "type": "column_DataType",
              "description": "column description"

High level structure and file details for one to one mapping:

Working with Single Data Definition having multiple Data Connector Poller in single file and multiple DCR in single file:

If you have only 1 data definition file which uses same endpoint domain and secrets and want to use it with multiple data connector pollers, DCR's files then create only 1 data definition file. Keep the single data definition file at the root of the "Data Connectors" folder i.e. keep data definition file inside of "Data Connectors" folder and keep each of the poller, DCR and/or table files in a separate folders as shown in below screenshot.

High level structure and file details for one to many mapping:

Folder and file structure for Single data definition file with multiple Data Connector Poller objects in a array and single Data Collection Rules(DCR) file with multiple object in a array:

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Below is the single data definition file which is similar to that of normal CCP connector which contains only one data definition file, data connector poller file, dcr file and/or table file.

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This data connector poller file differs with normal CCP connector by having multiple JSON object in an array as shown below i.e. multiple data connector pollers are specified in a single file.

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Below is the content for multiple data connector poller object specified in a single file inside of an array. For single data definition having multiple data connector poller, green color highlighted property value should be unique i.e "name" property should be unique and should not match this name value with other data connector poller name property in this file i.e. "name" = "CiscoMerakiAPIRequest" should be unique. But "connectorDefinitionName" value for all of the data connector poller files should be SAME as shown below as we are using only 1 data definition file.

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Each of the data connector poller files in previous step should have a corresponding DCR file object as shown below. In data connector poller file, "streamName" property value should match with that of DCR file object "streams" property under "dataFlows" array as shown below. Under "dataFlows" specify different objects for your streams.

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Testing after Deployment either from Custom Deployment or from Partner Center:

  • If deployment is done from either Custom deployment or Partner Center to your specific resource group workspace, deployment should succeed.
  • Navigate to deployed workspace and navigate to "Data Connectors" blade in Azure portal.
  • Search for the deployed CCP connector and click on "Open connector page". Provide the inputs required for the connection and before click of "Connect" button open "Developers tools" or do "Ctrl+12" to open developers tool and then navigate to "Network" tab. This is required in order to verify if DCR has succeeded or not. Refer for more from "How to use ?" section, "c" point on "Data Collection Rules(DCR)".

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  • On click on "Connect" button, first table will be created if present then data collection rules(DCR) will be created.
  • To verify if table is created go to your Log analytic workspace under table blade, search for your table name i.e. either Custom table. If using standard Microsoft Sentinel table then no need to verify it. If the custom table is not created than verify the properties in table file and mapping in DCR file.
  • To veirfy if data collection rules(DCR) is created, in the global search in Azure portal search for "Data collection Rules". Open it and search with then name given in your DCR file name property. A record with your DCR should be created. If not then open browser "Developer Tools" and go to "Network" tab and check for "batch" request with "HTTPMethod" as "Put" as shown in above image.
  • On click of "Connect" button "Connect Connected" notification will popup as shown in below screenshot which is a successful connection and everything is properly configured and deployed.


References For CCP Connectors: