This is a Java-based Library Management System project designed to help manage the operations of a library. It provides a User-Interface for librarians to handle tasks such as adding, updating, and deleting books, managing members, issuing and returning books, and generating reports.
Tools Used • Java Development Kit (JDK) • Java Swing Library • SQLite Database
• Book Management: Librarians can add new books to the system, update existing book details (e.g., title, author, publication), and delete books if necessary.
• Member Management: The system allows librarians to manage library members by adding new members, updating their information (e.g., name, contact details), and
removing members when needed.
• Book Issuing: Librarians can issue books to members by recording the member's ID and the book's ID. The system keeps track of the issued books and their due dates.
• Book Return: When a member returns a book, librarians can update the system to mark the book as returned and calculate any applicable fines or penalties.
• Reports: The system generates various reports for better management, including a list of all books, a list of all members, a list of currently issued books, and a
list of books overdue
- Download the project repository.
- Ensure that you have JDK,database(mySQL) installed on your system.
- Open the project in your IDE that supports Java.
- Build the project to compile all the necessary files.
- Connect file with database.
- Run the application by executing the main class (e.g.,