Choose a folder for the future build, for example /home/user/TBuild. It will be named BuildPath in the rest of this document. All commands will be launched from Terminal.
Install poetry, go to BuildPath and run
git clone --recursive tdesktop
Go to BuildPath/tdesktop and run
docker run --rm -it \
-v "$PWD:/usr/src/tdesktop" \
tdesktop:centos_env \
/usr/src/tdesktop/Telegram/build/docker/centos_env/ \
-D TDESKTOP_API_HASH=b18441a1ff607e10a989891a5462e627
Or, to create a debug build, run
docker run --rm -it \
-v "$PWD:/usr/src/tdesktop" \
-e CONFIG=Debug \
tdesktop:centos_env \
/usr/src/tdesktop/Telegram/build/docker/centos_env/ \
-D TDESKTOP_API_HASH=b18441a1ff607e10a989891a5462e627
P. S. If docker image build takes too long, cherry-pick this commit.
The built files will be in the out
You can use strip
command to reduce binary size.