RoboRally Source
This is a basic idea of how the Game
class should be used in the GUI.
// Create game object with either paths to the brd file and prg file
// or use the other constructor for custom internals
Game g = new Game("brdFile.txt", "prgFile.txt");
ArrayList <ArrayList<BoardEntity>> board = g.getBoard(); //get the board
ArrayList <Players>players = g.getPlayers(); //get players
display board in gui
display players and starts in gui
while(g.hasNext()) { // while game has further steps
g.step(); // step the game once
update board and players stats in gui using this appropriate getters
// game has finished as there are no more steps (g.hasNext() = false)
Player winner = g.getWinner(); // retrieve winner
if (winner == null) {
its a draw as there is no winner and the game has ended
} else {
display winner