The most straightforward co-routine library for Node.JS ever.
Provides predictable composable async/await
from C#5.0 style
co-routines for everyday use since you can live in a Harmony.
Inspired by @ForbesLindesay's great presentation:
and @visionmedia co
As of co-4.0
that was rewritten to use promises, so-1.0
can be compared with co.wrap
and represents its more light and strict version.
When using node 0.11.x or greater, you must use the --harmony-generators
flag or just --harmony
to get access to generators.
When using node 0.10.x and lower or browsers without generator support, you must use gnode and/or regenerator.
Also as of so-1.0
you should ensure existence of Promise either by using --harmony
or any available polyfill.
$ npm install so
var so = require('so');
var fs = require('then-fs');
var readJSON = so(function*(path){
return JSON.parse(yield fs.readFile(path, 'utf8'));
var main = so(function*(){
var a = yield readJSON('a.json');
var b = yield readJSON('b.json');
console.log({a:a, b:b});
console.log(e.stack || e.message || e);
or for CoffeeScript
so = require 'so'
fs = require 'then-fs'
readJSON = so (path) ->
JSON.parse yield fs.readFile path, 'utf8'
main = so ->
a = yield readJSON 'a.json'
b = yield readJSON 'b.json'
console.log {a, b}
main().catch (e) ->
console.log e.stack ? e.message ? e