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Federated Node Task Controller (FNTC)

For the time being is on a separate repo, it might get merged in the main Federated Node one: PHEMS_federated_node

This python controller aims to monitor a CRD which is defined in this manifest and translate it into an internal request to the federated node to POST /tasks.

After creating a task successfully, it will periodically check for the status and (TODO) push the results, once the pod completes, ideally outside the environment.


GitHub should be set as IdP (Identity Provider) in the FN keycloak, so that the user that triggers the task from GH, can be mapped with the internal permission system, basically acting as a bridge between analytics code and the Data Permission Platform.

How does this work?

Let's imagine that the source code to run some analytics is hosted in github in repo average_analysis.

In this repo there will be a folder where the CRD defined here is hosted as template.

ArgoCD will start monitoring this repo on a dedicated branch, set to read-only for all users, except the Admins.

There will also be a pipeline (i.e example) that refers to another actions template (provided by us), which takes care of (upon merge to a user-defined branch) merging the CRD changes to a third branch (i.e. monitor) which ArgoCD is monitoring for changes. It also injects the username on the PR author dynamically.

The researcher would then open a PR that aims to modify the CRD template, or add a new one. Once merged we expect ArgoCD to detect the change, and create the CRD entity.

This will then cause the controller to start its active work.


In order to have it working, GitHub should be added as an Identity Provider on Keycloak.

Luckily there is an automation in place to take care of this. The only pre-requisite is a secret with the github app secret and client id. It can be created following the template below:

kubectl create secret generic github-app -n fn-controller --from-literal "GH_SECRET=$GH_SECRET" --from-literal "GH_CLIENT_ID=$GH_CLIENT_ID"

Just make sure the fn-controller namespace matches the one in your values file under namespaces.controller. If none is specified fn-controller is the default value.

Once the secret has been created set in the values file as follows:

    secret_name: github-app
    secret_key: GH_SECRET
    clientid_key: GH_CLIENT_ID

Of course, use the secret name and key names used in the bash command above.

Then deploy as follows:

note set the namespace_name environment variable to match the namespace name where the Federated Node has been deployed on. That's needed to automatically look for secrets/configmaps

cd k8s/fn-task-controller
helm install fncontroller . -f dev.values.yaml -n $namespace_name

or though the helm repo:

# Stable version
helm repo add fn-task-controller
# Dev version
helm repo add fn-task-controller

# Install
helm install fn-task-controller fn-task-controller/fn-task-controller -f <custom_value.yaml> --create-namespace --namespace=$namespace_name


There are 2 things to setup:

  • ArgoCD monitoring the repository/branch where the CRD is stored (and subjected to the PR-pipeline process)
  • Let the controller know where to find credentials details for the repo on where to push the results (can be some other than the previous step)

A github apps private key as a secret is required. Make sure the .pem file is named key.pem, and run the following to create a secret. Instead of ghpk it should be the a lowercase string with the format organization-repository.

You can use this snippet to format it:

python -c "import re; repository=input('Enter repo name:\n');print(re.sub(r'[\W_]+','-', repository.lower()))"

You will also need the client id from the github app so you can apply it as environment variable

kubectl create secret generic ghpk -n controller --from-file scripts/key.pem --from-literal "GH_CLIENT_ID=$CLIENT_ID"

This allows the controller to be able to checkout the repository where the results should be pushed to.