A very simple collections & general util api
maven { url "https://arcanearts.jfrog.io/artifactory/archives" }
implementation 'art.arcane:Amulet:<VERSION>'
Manifold Version: 2022.1.19
See the full Project Setup
Amulet can do a ton to help save you time.
Most of Amulet adds additional "keyword-like" functionality to java, basically sugar. Always make sure
to import static art.arcane.amulet.MagicalSugar.*;
whenever you need some sugar. It's easier in ITJ if you setup a
live-template for Java > Declaration
There's a fair bit of new methods for lists sets & maps you can use on any implementation, here's the gist
List<Intege> list = List.of(3, 4, 5);
list.toString(","); // "3,4,5"
(-list).toString(",") // "5,4,3"
list.pop() // Removes off 5 & returns it"
list.popLast() // Removes off 3 & returns it
list += List.of(7, 8, 9); // List is now 3, 7, 8, 9
list[2] = 46; // Array accessors
Map<String, Integer> map = Map.of();
m.qput("a", 1).qput("b", 2);
Map<Integer, String> flp = -map;
// you get it
Logging is easy. Logging methods are extensions on the base Object class. They show up as [<CH>/<TYPE>]: <MSG>
such as [F/SomeManager]: Some Fatal Message
public void doSomething()
i("Info log");
w("Warning log");
f("Fatal log");
d("Debug log");
Math, for the lazy man
4 max 6; // Math.max
6 min 2; // Math.min
5sq; // 25
25sqrt; // 5
(5sq + 5sq)sqrt; // Math.sqrt(5sq + 5sq);
Vectors are useful
Vec a = Vec.of(0); // 0,0,0
a += 1; // 1,1,1
a *= 3; // 3,3,3
a += Vec.of(1, 2, 3); // 4, 5, 6
a[0] = 2; // Array accessor for x,y, & z
Vec b = Vec.of(55,3,5);
Vec unitAngle = a direction b; // Yes this works
Vec prod = a dot b; // dot product
Vec crs = a cross b; // cross product
Vec rtx = a rotateX 90 deg; // rotate by 90 degrees on x axis
Vec rt a rotate b angle 45 deg; // rotate a around b (as plane) by 45 degrees
Gotta love ranges
for(int i : 0 to 19) {} // inclusive 0 to 19
for(int i : 5 to 25 step 3) {}
int val = 34 clip 5 to 10; // restrict input (34) to a range of 5-10, so its 10
List<?> someList = ...;
for(int i : index someList)
Object o = someList[i];
// Reverse
for(int i : reverse index someList)
Object o = someList[i];
Everything works in milliseconds at the end of the day
long duration;
duration = 15 seconds;
while(duration > 1 second)
duration -= 0.25 seconds;
duration += 5 years + 3 months + 25 days + 1 hour + 25 minutes + 1 second
long a;
a = 1K; // 1,000
a = 1M; // 1,000,000
a = 1B; // 1,000,000,000
a = 1KB; // 1024
a = 1MB;
a = 4GB;
a = 2.77TB;
Future<Long> completed = async 36L; // Simply returns a completed future
Future<Something> future = async () -> giveSomethingExpensive(); // Calls pool task async
long pointless = await completed;
Something s = await future; // Waits for it to finish (blocking)
" hello world ".normalize(); // "hello world"
"hello world".capitalizeWords(); // "Hello World"
("hello world" split " ").forEach(...); // returns List<String>, using regex \\Q<INPUT>\\E
"what a great day!" without "great" normalized; // returns "what a day!"
"hello"uc; // "HELLO" (use lc for lower obvi)
To use Amulet in your project, there is some additional setup required. Please follow the setup instructions to ensure everything will work properly.
- Install the Manifold Plugin to Intellij (then restart)
- Note: You do not need to buy a license, use CTRL + SHIFT + A > Manage Licenses > Mantifold > Evaluate 30 Days ( once expired, it will still work but may remind you to register). Though you can just re-evaluate after that time.
- Add the cloudsmith repository
maven { url "https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/arcane/archive/maven/" }
and the dependency (above) for Amulet - Add this to the bottom of your build.gradle
if (JavaVersion.current() != JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 && sourceSets.main.allJava.files.any { it.name == "module-info.java"}) { tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { // if you DO define a module-info.java file: options.compilerArgs += ['-Xplugin:Manifold', '--module-path', it.classpath.asPath] } } else { tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { // If you DO NOT define a module-info.java file: options.compilerArgs += ['-Xplugin:Manifold'] } }
- (OPTIONAL) If you use unit testing with Amulet
configurations { testImplementation.extendsFrom annotationProcessor }
- (OPTIONAL) If you are a dependency to another project add
jar { manifest { attributes('Contains-Sources':'java,class') } }
- Add Manifold Annotation Processors to your project
repositories { maven { url 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/arcane/archive/maven/' } } dependencies { annotationProcessor 'systems.manifold:manifold-ext:2021.1.16' }
- Resync Gradle project in Intellij (hit the refresh button)
10(OPTIONAL) Add the lombok plugin ONLY THE PLUGIN Do not
add the dependencies or annotation processors, such as
id "io.freefair.lombok" version "6.1.0"
. 11(OPTIONAL) Add a live template to ITJ in Settings > Editor > Live Templates > Java and click (click + > New Template). Specify an abbriviation such as sugar, and enterimport static art.arcane.amulet.MagicalSugar.*;
in the template text. Then simply set the applicable types to Java > Declaration only.
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'java-library' // Optional: For apis only
id "io.freefair.lombok" version "6.1.0" // Optional: For lombok
group 'art.arcane' // TODO: CHANGE TO YOUR GROUP NAME
version '1.0.0'
// Optional: Allow manifold in unit testing
configurations {
testImplementation.extendsFrom annotationProcessor
// Optional: Pass on our classes to those depending on us using manifold
jar {
manifest {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/arcane/archive/maven/' }
dependencies {
implementation 'art.arcane:Amulet:<VERSION>'
annotationProcessor 'systems.manifold:manifold-ext:2021.1.16'
testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.7.0'
testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.7.0'
test {
if (JavaVersion.current() != JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 &&
sourceSets.main.allJava.files.any {it.name == "module-info.java"}) {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
// if you DO define a module-info.java file:
options.compilerArgs += ['-Xplugin:Manifold', '--module-path', it.classpath.asPath]
} else {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
// If you DO NOT define a module-info.java file:
options.compilerArgs += ['-Xplugin:Manifold']