This program aims to provide the support to identify geonames for any unstructured text data in the project NSF polar research. NSF-Polar-Cyberinfrastructure/datavis-hackathon#1
This project is a content-based geotagging solution, made of a variaty of NLP tools and could be used for any geotagging purposes.
Plain text input is passed to geoparser
Location names are extracted from the text using OpenNLP NER
Provide two roles:
- The most frequent location name choosed as the best match for the input text
- Other extracted locations are treated as alternatives (equal)
location extracted above, search the best GeoName object and return the resloved objects with fields (name in gazetteer, longitude, latitude)
##How to Use Cautions: This program requires at least 1.2 GB disk space for building Lucene Index
function A(stream){
Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
ParseContext context=new ParseContext();
GeoParserConfig config= new GeoParserConfig();
context.set(GeoParserConfig.class, config);
new BodyContentHandler(),
for(String name: metadata.names()){
String value=metadata.get(name);
System.out.println(name +" " + value);
This parser generates useful geographical information to Tika's Metadata Object.
Fields for best matched location:
Fields for alternatives:
##Building the model
For general use, we provide pre-trained NER models, which could be downloaded through OpenNLP pre-trained models
Since OpenNLP's default name finder is not accurate, customized your own ner model is hight recommended. In this case, please follow the instructions here
Once you have you customized training model, put it in the following file path:
The GeoName.org Dataset contains over 10,000,000 geographical names corresponding to over 7,500,000 unique features. Beyond names of places in various languages, data stored include latitude, longitude, elevation, population, administrative subdivision and postal codes. All coordinates use the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84).
What we need here is to download the latest version of allCountries.zip file from GeoNames.org:
curl -O http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/allCountries.zip
and unzip the GeoNames file:
unzip allCountries.zip
and put allCountries.txt in the following path:
##Future Work
- The default model of OpenNLP's name finder provides decent accuracy, but not very good. For example, it can not extract country abbreviations, such as "USA", "UK". Genrally, we have two solutions:
- Train a better NER model. I believe some manually taging tasks is needed :)
- Use other tools, such as StanfordNLP NER
- Order of resolved entities. I chose the most frequent location name as best resolved entity but the alternatives are not ranked in order. Ranking can be done using content information. such as distance to the best entity, clustering and topic modeling.
If you have any questions, contact me: [email protected]
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