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Releases: Appboy/appboy-ios-sdk


05 Nov 17:51
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  • Body click analytics will no longer automatically be collected for HTML in-app messages created using the HTML Upload with Preview option in the platform.
    • To continue to receive body click analytics, you must log body clicks explicitly from your message via Javascript using appboyBridge.logClick().
  • Fixes a bug with Full in-app messages where the button positions did not match the preview on the Braze dashboard.
  • Fixes a bug where in-app messages would be displayed below the application window under specific conditions.
    • Apps that set up their window asynchronously at startup could accidentally hide the in-app message window if one was being displayed (e.g. as a result of clicking on a test in-app message notification).
  • Adds support for custom endpoints with a scheme included (https, http, etc.). For example, http://localhost:3001 will no longer result in https://http://localhost:3001 as the resolved endpoint.


22 Oct 15:23
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  • Adds improved support for in-app message display on iPhone 12 models.


09 Oct 15:51
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  • Adds initial support for Swift Package Manager. There are 2 new packages that have been added: AppboyKit for the core SDK and AppboyUI for the full SDK (including UI elements), which correspond to the Appboy-iOS-SDK/Core and Appboy-iOS-SDK pods, respectively.
    • Note that tvOS support is not available via Swift Package Manager for this release. Push Stories is only available through a side-by-side integration with Cocoapods.
    • To add the package to your project follow these steps:
      • Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
        • In the search bar, enter
        • Select one of AppboyKit or AppboyUI. Note that AppboyUI includes AppboyKit automatically.
      • In your app's target, under Build Settings > Other Linker Flags, add the -ObjC linker flag.
      • In the Xcode menu, click Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme...
        • Click the expand ▶️ next to Build and select Post-actions. Press + and select New Run Script Action.
        • In the dropdown next to Provide build settings from, select your app's target.
        • Copy this script into the open field:
          rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Frameworks/libAppboyKitLibrary.a"
          rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Plugins/libAppboyKitLibrary.a"


21 Sep 19:40
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  • Removes userNotificationWasSentFromAppboy: and pushNotificationWasSentFromAppboy: on Appboy. Use isAppboyUserNotification: and isAppboyRemoteNotification: in ABKPushUtils instead.
  • Updates ABKURLDelegate's method signature for handleAppboyURL:fromChannel:withExtras: to include nullability annotations required for proper Swift support.
  • Fixes a race condition in Appboy method wipeDataAndDisableForAppRun where certain persisted fields would still be available immediately after calling the method. These fields now are removed synchronously.
  • Updated SDWebImage to use version 5.9.x.


16 Sep 20:15
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  • Adds support for iOS 14. Requires Xcode 12.
  • Removes the ABK_ENABLE_IDFA_COLLECTION preprocessor macro from the SDK.
  • Updates the ABKIDFADelegate protocol by renaming isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled to isAdvertisingTrackingEnabledOrATTAuthorized to reflect the addition of the AppTrackingTransparency framework in iOS 14.
    • If you use the Ad Tracking Enabled segment filter on the Braze dashboard or are implementing AppTrackingTransparency, you must update your integration to use AppTrackingTransparency to read the correct user status. Please see our sample app for implementation details.
    • If you do not use the Ad Tracking Enabled segment filter and are not implementing AppTrackingTransparency yet, your implementation of isAdvertisingTrackingEnabledOrATTAuthorized may temporarily continue to use isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled. However, the returned value will always be NO in iOS 14, regardless of actual IDFA availability.
    • Note that Apple announced that they will delay the enforcement of upcoming IDFA changes until early 2021. Please reference our iOS 14 upgrade guide for more details.
  • Updates the minimum required version of SDWebImage from 5.0 to 5.8.2.
  • Integrators will now be required to exclude the arm64 simulator slice in their entire project.
    • This is done automatically when integrating via Cocoapods.
    • For other cases:
      • If you are using xcconfig files to build your app, please set:
        • For iOS targets: EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = arm64
        • For tvOS targets: EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*] = arm64
      • If you are using the Xcode Build Settings panel, enable Build Active Architecture Only for the configuration you use to run your app on the simulator. (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES)


02 Sep 18:47
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3.27.0-beta3 Pre-release
  • This release can be used to beta test iOS 14. See 3.27.0-beta2 and 3.27.0-beta1 notes for additional changes.
  • Adds support for Push Stories and the tvOS SDK when using Xcode 12.


18 Aug 16:45
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3.27.0-beta2 Pre-release
  • This release can be used to beta test iOS 14. See 3.27.0-beta1 notes for additional changes.
  • Push Stories and the tvOS SDK are not yet compatible with Xcode 12. This will be added in a future beta release.
  • Updates IDFADelegate protocol by renaming isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled to isAdvertisingTrackingEnabledOrATTAuthorized to reflect the new requirements of iOS 14. See the IDFADelegate implementation in Stopwatch for an example.
  • Integrators will now be required to exclude the arm64 simulator slice in their entire project.
    • This is done automatically when integrating via Cocoapods.
    • For other cases:
      • If you are using xcconfig files to build your app, please set:
        • For iOS targets: EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = arm64
        • For tvOS targets: EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=appletvsimulator*] = arm64
      • If you are using the Xcode Build Settings panel, enable Build Active Architecture Only for the configuration you use to run your app on the simulator. (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES)


04 Aug 17:42
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  • Deprecates the compilation macro ABK_ENABLE_IDFA_COLLECTION in favor of the ABKIDFADelegate implementation.
    • ABK_ENABLE_IDFA_COLLECTION will not function properly in iOS 14. To continue collecting IDFA on iOS 14 devices, please upgrade to Xcode 12 and implement App Tracking Transparency and Braze's ABKIDFADelegate (see the iOS 14 upgrade guide for more information).


  • Adds improved support for iOS 14 Approximate Location tracking.


28 Jul 18:21
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3.27.0-beta1 Pre-release
  • This release can be used to beta test iOS 14.
  • Push Stories and the tvOS SDK are not yet compatible with Xcode 12. This will be added in a future beta release.
  • Requires Xcode 12.
  • Updates the minimum required version of SDWebImage from 5.0 to 5.8.2.
  • Removes the ABK_ENABLE_IDFA_COLLECTION preprocessor macro from the SDK.
    • If you wish to enable IDFA, please use the ABKIDFADelegate.
    • Integration instructions for supporting iOS 14 in your ABKIDFADelegate will be included in a future beta release.
  • Adds support for iOS 14's Approximate Location feature.
    • Note that the Geofence feature will not work if the end user chooses to provide only approximate location.
    • Optional session-start based location tracking will continue to work. Accuracy will be based on the user's precise vs. approximate choice.


20 Jul 19:40
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  • Removed readonly property overrideApplicationStatusBarHiddenState in ABKInAppMessageViewController.h.
  • Fixes an issue with in-app messages not respecting the application's status bar style when View controller-based status bar appearance (UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance) is set to YES in the Info.plist.
  • Fixes an issue which can lead to text being cut off in Content Cards for specific iPhone models.
  • Fixes an issue preventing test Content Cards from displaying under specific conditions.
  • Added Binary Project Specification file for more efficient Carthage integration of the full SDK.
    • Update your Cartfile to use binary ""
    • Support for this integration method was added starting with version 3.24.0 of the SDK.


  • Adds support for specifying PushStoryAppGroup in the Appboy dictionary in your app's Info.plist. This Apple App Group will share the Braze Push Story information such as Campaign IDs between applications from a single Apple Developer account.
  • Adds appboyBridge.getUser().addAlias(alias, label) to the javascript interface for HTML in-app messages.
  • Adds the property overrideUserInterfaceStyle to ABKInAppMessage that allows forcing Light or Dark mode in the same way as Apple's UIViewController.overrideUserInterfaceStyle.
  • Adds the ability to dismiss modal in-app messages when the user clicks outside of the in-app message.
    • This feature is disabled by default.
    • You can enable the feature by adding the Appboy dictionary to your Info.plist file. Inside the Appboy dictionary, add the DismissModalOnOutsideTap boolean subentry and set the value to YES.
    • You can also enable the feature at runtime by setting ABKEnableDismissModalOnOutsideTapKey to YES in appboyOptions.