This library offers React/MUI components to be used along with ApiRTC objects.
npm install @apirtc/mui-react-lib
Also you will need to add
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
in index.html <head>
to make Icons work.
Use it to display any ApiRTC Stream. Example:
import { MuteButton, Stream, Video } from '@apirtc/mui-react-lib'
<Stream stream={stream}
controls={<><MuteButton /></>}>
<Video />
Available children:
<Audio />
<Video />
Available controls:
<MuteButton />
<SnapshotButton />
<TorchButton />
Available log levels:
- debug
- info
- warn
- error
from web app code:
import { setLogLevel } from '@apirtc/mui-react-lib'
from console:
You need to get access in write mode to the repository.
The 'developers' team has access.
Then work on a branch and submit merge requests to main branch.
npm run test
, making sure tests passed, and code coverage as high as possible. -
Update README documentation section if relevant.
Update package.json version number.
Update CHANGELOG accordingly.
npm run build
npm publish --access public