- Make sure you have a valid AWS Account
- Create Access Key and Secret with EKS, Ec2 , VPC , IAm permissions
- Connect your local computer to aws using AWS CLI (using AWS Configure)
- Install terraform CLI from https://www.terraform.io/downloads
- Update the config.tf file with respective key values as described
- Update environment.auto.tfvars file with your AWS Account Id and related configuiration of cluster as needed.
Run below commoand to initialize your terraform
Terraform init
Terraform plan
Terraform apply
Terraform destroy
By default terraform runs on default workspace which adds dev environment to the cluster suffix. If you want to create multiple environment , for example prod , add Prod related values in config.tf
Workspace can be created and switched using below command
terraform workspace new <environment-Name>
or you can select when you want to run updates on any environmnet using
terraform workspace select <environment-Name>