本来这一期的开场应该不是这样的,但是在我们的愚人节专版页面上线之后陆续有听众非常认真地、严肃地对待了这个页面,给我们提了很多意见和建议,好像不少人都把这个当真的了……我只能说你们太可爱啦!此页面可能会不定期更新一下标题党条目,但只是作为娱乐用,还请认准我们的唯一指定官网 http://Anyway.FM
尽管我知道大家的朋友圈一定已经被思源宋体刷屏了,但我还是要提一下啊~ 真的是很激动啊,先不论他的简体部分的质量怎么样,但光就 7 个字重 + 宽松的授权就已经很伟大了,终于不用再低声下气打电话给方某公司帮客户询问嵌入一个宋体地价格然后还被无情鄙视了!官网介绍页面:
介绍这个之前请先允许我舔一下屏幕,他们家 logotype 里那个 s 和 t 的连字很好看(所用字体可能是作者自己改款的 Questa),这是一个 CSS 动画生成 + 查看工具,也许大家自己不需要写代码,但是假如贵司的前端想糊弄你说这个效果做不出,你就可以直接丢一个范例+代码过去糊他脸上了
用来导出 SVG 动画,目前还在测试中不收费。说起来这个 App 的 UI 也挺有特色的,左边工具栏像 PS,右边参数栏像 Sketch,底下时间轴就是屌丝版 AE
需要若隐若现的背景材质的时候,Subtle Patterns 肯定是首选~ 但上面的内容基本都还算「小清新」的。最近看到一个网站 ,搜集的都是比较漂亮的可平铺的夸张背景图案,目前数量还不多,但是看起来颇有潜力,值得关注:
- Smashing Magazine 改版
- AI 三十岁了
- 非常有趣的一个个人简介页面,大家可以拖动下面的进度条尝试看看
- 画所谓 2.5D 的 iPad 工具
- 关于「CI」(Conversational Interfaces)的吐槽文章
- 矢量版的 emoji 图标素材
- 难得一见的非常好玩的开发向框架官网,把生涩的网格概念变成了寿司
- 挖坟考据贴之红白机「老四强」官方说明书
- Honeywell
- Shanghai
- SW/App User Interface / Interaction Design Designer
Key Responsibilities:
- Creating UI/Interaction concepts and designs from concept through development for apps, software and connected worker solutions.
- Documenting and communicating UI/interaction designs (concept sketches, information architecture, use cases, workflows, wireframes, high fidelity renderings, prototypes)
- Working closely with other designers, developers and business seamlessly as part of an iterative design and Agile software development process.
- Drive end to end user experience and design management for new product development
- Document product requirements, User experience requirements and specifications, User experience analysis, principles, reports and metrics
- Deploy Honeywell Design Language
- Review and evaluate the user experience include usability
Qualification and Competencies:
- Candidates should have minimum 2 or more years of experience in App, User Interface, Interaction Design, or Website design/Usability or a related field
- A portfolio demonstrating UI/interaction design solutions in released products.
- Demonstrated experience scoping, planning and executing projects in accordance with an iterative development process.
- Demonstrated experience creating, developing, and delivering interaction designs.
- Experience creating low-fidelity to high-fidelity wireframes and prototypes.
- Experience working with marketing to understand and elicit the user’s needs and wants is a plus
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively with global cross function teams (development engineers, product managers, Visual Designers, Industrial Designers, Test team, etc.)
- Ability to work creatively and analytically in a challenging environment
- Excellent work attitude and team work spirit
- Strong oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills, able to collaborate and negotiate effectively in a cross-functional team.
- Demonstrated creativity and great vision in UI/APP design is a plus
- Good command of English in oral and written
- Posses a Bachelor or Master in Computer Science, Interaction Design, App Design, and Psychology, Industrial Design, Visual Design or related field with app UI, Software UI, and interaction designs as focuses.
PS. 下一期已经录完,如果不出意外(可惜我们还挺容易出意外的),下周可以上线,另外我台近期会有一个好玩的新品发布昂请大家尽情发挥想象,回复猜中答案的有神秘礼物哦(不是 Leon 的香吻,请放心)