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Folders and files

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A guide for programming in style.


  • Avoid merge commits by using a rebase workflow.
  • Prefix feature branch names with your initials.
  • Squash multiple trivial commits into a single commit.
  • Write a good commit message.


  • Avoid inline comments.
  • Break long lines after 80 characters.
  • Delete trailing whitespace.
  • Don't include spaces after (, [ or before ], ).
  • Don't misspell.
  • Don't vertically align tokens on consecutive lines.
  • If you break up an argument list, keep the arguments on their own lines and closing parenthesis on its own line.
  • If you break up a hash, keep the elements on their own lines and closing curly brace on its own line.
  • Indent continued lines two spaces.
  • Indent private methods equal to public methods.
  • Use 2 space indentation (no tabs).
  • Use an empty line between methods.
  • Use newlines around multi-line blocks.
  • Use spaces around operators, after commas, after colons and semicolons, around { and before }.
  • Use Unix-style line endings (\n).
  • Use uppercase for SQL key words and lowercase for SQL identifiers.


  • Avoid abbreviations.
  • Avoid types in names (user_array).
  • Name the enumeration parameter the singular of the collection.
  • Name variables, methods, and classes to reveal intent.
  • Treat acronyms as words in names (XmlHttpRequest not XMLHTTPRequest), even if the acronym is the entire name (class Html not class HTML).
  • Name variables holding a factory with _factory (user_factory).
  • Name variables created by a factory after the factory (user_factory creates user).


  • Order methods so that caller methods are earlier in the file than the methods they call.
  • Order methods so that methods are as close as possible to other methods they call.



  • Use the Scss syntax.
  • Use hyphens when naming mixins, extends, classes, functions & variables: span-columns not span_columns or spanColumns.
  • Use space between property and value: width: 20px not width:20px.
  • Use a blank line above selector that has styles.
  • Prefer hex color codes #000.
  • Use // for comment blocks not /* */.
  • Use a space between selector and {.
  • Use single quotation marks for attribute selectors and property values.
  • Use only lowercase, including colors.
  • Don't add a unit specification after 0 values, unless required by a mixin.


  • Use alphabetical order for declarations.
  • Place @extends and @includes at the top of your declaration list.
  • Place media queries directly after the declaration list.
  • Place concatenated selectors second.
  • Place pseudo states and elements third.
  • Place nested selectors last.


  • Don't use ID's for style.
  • Use meaningful names: $visual-grid-color not $color or $vslgrd-clr.
  • Use ID and class names that are as short as possible but as long as necessary.
  • Append the prefix js- to ID's that are used by Javascript.
  • Avoid using the direct descendant selector >.
  • Avoid nesting more than 4 selectors deep.
  • Don't nest more than 6 selectors deep.
  • Use HTML tags on vague classes that need a qualifier like header.application not .main.
  • Avoid using the HTML tag in the class name: not
  • Avoid using HTML tags on classes for generic markup <div>, <span>: .widgets not div.widgets.
  • Avoid using HTML tags on classes with specific class names like .featured-articles.
  • Avoid using comma delimited selectors.
  • Avoid nesting within a media query.


  • Use Bourbon for a Sass Library.
  • Use Neat for a grid framework.
  • Use Bitters / Base folder for style on HTML tags, global variables, global extends and global mixins.
  • Use Normalize as a browser reset.
  • Use HTML structure for ordering of selectors. Don't just put styles at the bottom of the Sass file.
  • Prefer the same file structure that is found in app/views.
  • Avoid having files longer than 100 lines.


  • Initialize arrays using [].
  • Initialize empty objects and hashes using {}.
  • Use CamelCase for classes, lowerCamelCase for variables and functions, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants, _single_leading_underscore for private variables and functions.
  • Prefer is to == or ===
  • Prefer or and and to || and &&



  • Avoid conditional modifiers (lines that end with conditionals).
  • Avoid multiple assignments per line (one, two = 1, 2).
  • Avoid organizational comments (# Validations).
  • Avoid ternary operators (boolean ? true : false). Use multi-line if instead to emphasize code branches.
  • Avoid explicit return statements.
  • Avoid using semicolons.
  • Don't use self explicitly anywhere except class methods (def self.method) and assignments (self.attribute =).
  • Prefer detect over find.
  • Prefer inject over reduce.
  • Prefer map over collect.
  • Prefer select over find_all.
  • Prefer single quotes for strings.
  • Use _ for unused block parameters.
  • Use %{} for single-line strings needing interpolation and double-quotes.
  • Use && and || for Boolean expressions.
  • Use {...} for single-line blocks. Use do..end for multi-line blocks.
  • Use ? suffix for predicate methods.
  • Use CamelCase for classes and modules, snake_case for variables and methods, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants.
  • Use def self.method, not def Class.method or class << self.
  • Use def with parentheses when there are arguments.
  • Use each, not for, for iteration.
  • Use heredocs for multi-line strings.



  • When wrapping long lines, keep the method name on the same line as the ERb interpolation operator and keep each method argument on its own line.
  • Prefer double quotes for attributes.


  • Prefer double quotes for attributes.


  • Avoid member and collection routes.
  • Use private instead of protected when defining controller methods.
  • Name date columns with _on suffixes.
  • Name datetime columns with _at suffixes.
  • Name initializers for their gem name.
  • Order ActiveRecord associations alphabetically by attribute name.
  • Order ActiveRecord validations alphabetically by attribute name.
  • Order controller contents: filters, public methods, private methods.
  • Order model contents: constants, macros, public methods, private methods.
  • Put application-wide partials in the app/views/application directory.
  • Use def self.method, not the scope :method DSL.
  • Use the default render 'partial' syntax over render partial: 'partial'.

Rails Routes

  • Avoid the :except option in routes.
  • Order resourceful routes alphabetically by name.
  • Use the :only option to explicitly state exposed routes.

Background Jobs

  • Define a PRIORITY constant at the top of delayed job classes.
  • Define two public methods: self.enqueue and perform.
  • Put delayed job classes in app/jobs.



  • Avoid the private keyword in specs.
  • Order ActiveRecord association tests alphabetically by attribute name.
  • Order ActiveRecord validation tests alphabetically by attribute name.
  • Prefer eq to == in RSpec.
  • Separate setup, exercise, verification, and teardown phases with newlines.
  • Use RSpec's expect syntax.
  • Use not_to instead of to_not in RSpec expectations.

Acceptance Tests


  • Avoid scenario titles that add no information, such as "successfully."
  • Avoid scenario titles that repeat the feature title.
  • Place helper methods for feature specs directly in a top-level Features module.
  • Use Capybara's feature/scenario DSL.
  • Use names like ROLE_ACTION_spec.rb, such as user_changes_password_spec.rb, for feature spec file names.
  • Use only one feature block per feature spec file.
  • Use scenario titles that describe the success and failure paths.
  • Use spec/features directory to store feature specs.
  • Use spec/support/features for support code related to feature specs.


  • Order factories.rb contents: sequences, traits, factory definitions.
  • Order factory attributes: implicit attributes, explicit attributes, child factory definitions. Each section's attributes are alphabetical.
  • Order factory definitions alphabetically by factory name.
  • Use one factories.rb file per project.

Unit Tests


  • Don't prefix it block descriptions with 'should'.
  • Name outer describe blocks after the method under test. Use .method for class methods and #method for instance methods.



  • #import linked frameworks in the prefix header (ProjectName-Prefix.pch).
  • Keep .xib files grouped with their associated view class.
  • Order #import statements alphabetically.
  • Order @class directives alphabetically.
  • Order @property modifiers: memory management, atomicity, writability.
  • Organize classes into models, views, controllers, categories, and services directories.
  • Prefer @class to #import when referring to external classes in a public @interface.
  • Prefer @property to declaring instance variables.
  • Prefix class names with a 2 or 3 letter project acronym.
  • Prefix string constants being used as keys with 'k'.
  • Remove #import statements for Foundation and UIKit in new project templates.
  • Separate methods by function using #pragma mark - <Section Name>
  • Separate sections into subsections using #pragma mark <Subsection Name>
  • Use @[arrayObject], @{@"key" : value}, @(YES or NO), and @5.0 literals.
  • Use @interface ClassName () to declare private properties.
  • Use lowerCamelCase for method names.
  • Use NSAssert in methods that require the presence of certain arguments.
  • Write methods using the happy path. Indent the exceptional cases. Keep the optimal case in the left-most column.
